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Please see the informational briefing note on percutaneous transluminal angioplasty content changes, located: 2024 Informational Content Briefing Notes.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Please be advised the final date for responses on Management of the concept Single live birth (finding) has been extended until 6th September.

Kind regards,


Hi all, 

A reminder that responses are due by the end of July for the topic Management of the concept Single live birth (finding)

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Please be advised that the schedule for the October 2024 Business Meetings has now been finalised, and registration for in-person attendance is open (see links below). 

The Content Managers Advisory Group will meeting on Wednesday 23rd October 0900-1030 KST (UTC - Wednesday 23rd October 0000-0130) with the option for both in person and online attendance. If you have topics for the agenda please let Monica or myself know via email. 

Note, if you attending in person you are encouraged to book accommodation asap. Information is available here: October 2024 Business Meetings

We look forward to seeing you in person or online.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Please be advised we will not be holding a CMAG meeting in July. Our next meeting will be held during the October Business Meetings in Seoul. The meeting will be a hybrid event. Further details will be available shortly.

A request for input on the concept Single live birth (finding) has been made. Further details are available: Management of the concept Single live birth (finding)



Please be advised that the Universal Summary of results of role groupers consultation document has been added to 2024 Informational Content Briefing Notes.



Hi CMAG members,

Please be advised there are two briefing notes for your attention:

Kind regards,

Cathy Richardson

Hi all,

Please be advised the following is now available in relation to the April 2024 CMAG meeting:

  • Meeting minutes: 2024-04-16 - CMAG Meeting
    • CMAG members are requested to review the minutes and advise Cathy via if any changes are required. Responses are due by Friday 17th May. 
  • Slide deck as a PDF on the page link above
  • Recording - until minutes are approved:Meeting Recordings

As discussed at the April meeting the Allergy CRG has raised a potential work item - Allergic Reaction Caused by Drug Content and is looking to see if there is interest from NRC's in having this work undertaken. The slide deck, noted above, includes the presentation on this topic and a confluence page has been set up to gather comments and questions from NRC's: Seeking Interest on a Possible Work Item - Allergic Reaction Caused by Drug Content

Kind regards,

Cathy Richardson

Hi all,

Please see the informational briefing note on restructuring of << 1187137001 |Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (morphologic abnormality)|. The note can be found here: 2024 Informational Content Briefing Notes.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Please see the informational briefing note on Inactivation of Therapeutic Role Groupers in the Medicinal Product Hierarchy located: 2024 Informational Content Briefing Notes.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Please see the briefing note on the plans for inactivation of concepts that reference a disorder with or without “complication” without specifying the nature of the complication. Input on usage has been requested, with responses due 1st May 2024. 

Kind regards,


Hi all,

SNOMED International Content Team is pleased to now distribute the Universal Summary of all feedback received, and the results of our consultation on the inactivation of role groupers in the Substance and Medicinal Product hierarchies including resolution and next steps.

Many thanks to those of you who provided contributions to this consultation that has successfully collected a high volume of comprehensive and valuable international feedback from many sources (see this collation document for list).

Kind regards,


Hi all,

The April 2024 concept inactivation report link has been added to the International Edition Concept Inactivation Reports page. Please note, the number of inactivations is larger than usual given work undertaken on male/female breast content as well as radiographic imaging. Please see 2024 Early Visibility Release Notifications for further information on these areas of work. 

Kind regards,

Cathy Richardson

Hi all,

We are fast approaching the April Business Meetings so some reminders and a request to prep for the meeting, for those attending. 

  • For those attending in person registration is required:
  • The CMAG will be meeting on Tuesday 16th April 1530-1730 BST (UTC - Tuesday 16th April 1430-1630) and you can attend in person or online.
    • Please be ready to provide any further updates on current content activities within your country. 
    • The draft agenda has some very interesting items already. Please email me or comment on the page, if you have further items that we should consider. 

The Meeting schedule: April 2024 - SNOMED International Business Meetings

Kind regards,

Cathy Richardson