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2015-10-27 1600 UTC


GoToMeeting Details


  • Face-to-face meeting at the IHTSDO 2015 Business Meeting - Montevideo Uruguay.

Meeting Files

GoToMeeting Recording


Discussion items

Welcome and introductions (permission to record)
Zac Whitewood-Moores  
Declaration of Interests and Review of Minutes
Zac Whitewood-Moores
  1. Roberta Severin works for Cerner Corporation and if any conflicts arise, she will declare at the time.

  2. No minutes were approved.  The last Nursing SIG meeting in August was abandoned and unable to proceed with agenda due to technical difficulties.  Ismat Mohd Sulaiman's presentation was rescheduled to Wednesday Nursing SIG meeting in Uruguay.

Role of Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Monica Harrysee attached file of presentation


Content Tracker- demonstration
Monica Harry
  1. Content tracker moving to a new collaborative site, Confluence.
    1. Collabnet content will be migrated across
    2. if you are not a regular attender, you may drop off.  Notify Zach or Roberta to be added
  2. Zac Whitewood-Moores has chosen some issues that could apply to nursing that we will start reviewing this afternoon
  3. During presentation - high-level review of rows
  4. Content tracker workflow
    1. In the past, the consultant terminologist picked up an artefact, created the inception document, noting those who are interested, then promoted the interaction
    2. Now in Confluence, an open source tooling platform, all can contribute after logging in.  (Viewing content available without a login,)

Zac Whitewood-Moores and Roberta Severin - Transition to new site, Confluence

Priorities from Content Tracker - see attached file
Zac Whitewood-Moores
  1. Overview of 18 artefacts related to ‘care planning, care management and care regimes,' with detail not considered, as these are agenda items.
  2. Some other artefact topics that are of interest to Nursing SIG
    1. Inpatient and outpatient environment
      1. Roberta Severin and Zac Whitewood-Moores to investigate and present at  December meeting
      2. Monica Harry to provide the export of concepts for review
    2. Counseling and education
    3. Main Spoken Language
    4. Religious Affiliation
    5. Speech and language
    6. Intents
    7. Birth history
    8. Patient currently pregnant
    9. Observables
    10. Sex education and sexuality education
    11. Catheter cannula
      1. Defining characteristics of catheter, cannula, or line – no difference
      2. Need synonyms; eliminate duplication; fill gaps and align all the terms
    12. NIC NOC NANDA - nursing content – inception and elaboration document – undertake review of nursing content – Elaboration document –  Dated 2013
      1. Zac Whitewood-Moores remembers reviewing some concepts.
      2. Judith Warren – in the US, NLM gets requests for maps between nursing content and SNOMED.  Recommended to use UMLS browser – look up the specific nursing language – then find out what the SNOMED synonym is using the CUI – UMLS identifier
      3. 1100 concepts involved
      4. Zac Whitewood-Moores – useful in ensuring there is coverage to support nursing
      5. There are still some proprietary terminologies amongst them.  IHTSDO – would not like to venture into financial arrangements
      6. Judith Warren – not suggesting that IHTSDO go into any formal relationship; if there are issues, we can provide political guidance
      7. Judith Warren will review the nursing vocabularies, modelling and present at December meeting
  3. Zac Whitewood-Moores responded to question about prioritization
    1. Further review of artefacts
    2. Nick Hardiker suggested doing this in meetings
    3. Monica Harry will feedback to the Content Advisory Group
    4. Chairs will take this to the Healthcare Professionals Coordination Group (HPCG)
  1. Roberta Severin and Zac Whitewood-Moores to investigate 'inpatient and outpatient environment' and present at  December meeting
  2. Monica Harry to provide the export of these concepts for review
  3. Judith Warren will review the nursing vocabularies, modelling and present at December meeting





















ICN_IHTSDO Collaboration Update - see attached file
Nick Hardiker
  1. History of Collaboration
    1. 2006 started thinking we should collaborate
    2. 2010 – first collaboration agreement
  2. ICNP and NANDA – started – looking in UMLS for anchors
    1. 436 equivalency mapping – first Subset
  3. 2014 renewed the collaboration agreement – harmonization agreement
    1. Moved into a more structured project
    2. Joint publication – equivalency table between SCT and ICNP – building on previous work
  4. Sept 2015 – released SCT and ICNP equivalency table for nursing problems
  5. Feb 2016 – future release SCT and ICNP for nursing interventions – on target
  6. Coverage
    1. Interventions – 98% coverage
    2. Diagnoses – 73% (because of positive and outcome diagnoses not in SCT)
    3. All agreed that consideration of positive diagnoses should be a priority in the coming months following completion of the interventions equivalence table.
  7. Will continue the collaboration
    1. Further analysis of differences and refinement of equivalencies
    2. Publication of international nursing-relevant lists for SCT problems, outcomes and interventions
    3. Possible subsets – community nursing or paediatric pain management
      1. Maybe doesn’t fit overall IHTSDO strategy, but would be for clinical input
      2. Some of these are being developed now in ICNP
    4. Possibly look at real nursing data to validate what is done
      1. Applying the data – what impact does it have?
      2. Linkages – guiding clinical practice – plug-and-play decision support?
      3. Better – guiding recording practice
      4. Supporting implementation – vendor space


























Priorities from Content Tracker, continued
Zac Whitewood-Moores  
Next meetings:
Zac Whitewood-Moores
  1. 28 October 2015 – 1630 UTC
  2. November 2015 – cancelled due to AMIA-HIMSS conference - ANI directors meeting occurs on Saturday before the conference
  3. 15 December 2015 – 1700 UTC