Page tree

Actions below are collected from other parts of this space/project.

To add an action, go to the appropriate part and page within this space, write the "at" @symbol to add the person's name, highlight the task, and click the "task list" symbol on the bar above or see here on this help page.

Note: Actions will be closed when the due date has past unless a request for additional time has been made.

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.


DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
23 Jun 2016Cathy Richardson2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
30 Jun 2016Camilla Wiberg Danielsen2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
30 Jun 2016Cathy Richardson2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
02 Jul 2016Camilla Wiberg Danielsen2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
02 Jul 2016Camilla Wiberg Danielsen2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
05 Jul 2016Camilla Wiberg Danielsen2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
08 Jul 2016Cathy Richardson2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
  • Cathy Richardson  to pull feedback on template together and finalise template
08 Jul 2016Cathy Richardson2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
08 Jul 2016Camilla Wiberg Danielsen2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
  • Cathy Richardson  to chat with Lesley MacNeill on the updated roadmap. Will need to tie into request for further detail too.
08 Jul 2016Cathy Richardson2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
14 Jul 2016Cathy Richardson2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
  • Content updates Cathy Richardson  to take suggestions on additional reports for internal discussion
14 Jul 2016Cathy Richardson2016-06-14 - CMAG Meeting
01 Aug 2016John FountainProposed update to the CMAG 2016 Work Plan_20160712
  • Matt Cordell 2016 Work plan changes feedback   
01 Aug 2016Matt CordellProposed update to the CMAG 2016 Work Plan_20160712
01 Aug 2016Elze de GrootProposed update to the CMAG 2016 Work Plan_20160712
01 Aug 2016Daniel KarlssonProposed update to the CMAG 2016 Work Plan_20160712
01 Aug 2016Linda ParisienProposed update to the CMAG 2016 Work Plan_20160712
01 Aug 2016Camilla Wiberg DanielsenProposed update to the CMAG 2016 Work Plan_20160712
01 Aug 2016Olivier BodenreiderProposed update to the CMAG 2016 Work Plan_20160712
01 Aug 2016Elaine WoolerProposed update to the CMAG 2016 Work Plan_20160712