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Welcome to the E-Learning Advisory Group Space

This Confluence Space is the place where E-Learning Advisory Group (ELAG) members share information. Current members of the E-Learning Advisory Group can be seen in the Group Members page.


Hi all,

Please be advised that the schedule for the October 2024 Business Meetings has now been finalised, and registration for in-person attendance is open (see links below). 

The E-learning Advisory Group will meeting on Monday 21st October 13:30 -17:00 KST (UTC - Monday 21st October 04:30-08:00) with the option for both in person and online attendance.

Note, if you attending in person you are encouraged to book accommodation asap. Information is available here: October 2024 Business Meetings

We look forward to seeing you in person or online.

Kind regards,


Enrolments for our current implementation course will close after June 2024.
Why? - Because we are launching an exciting new course soon!
For NRCs who may have projects coming up and require people to complete the implementation course soon, please make sure they enrol before June ends.
Best regards,
SNOMED International Education Team

Dear ELAG members and observers of the group,

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on Monday, for the April 2024 SNOMED Business Meeting's E-Learning Advisory Group meeting.

For those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to watch the recording at ELAG 2024 April Recording.

The presentation for this meeting is also available at ELAG presentation - April 2024 Business Meeting.

If you have any feedback, please feel free to send me an email at

More time in course assessments and exams

One feedback raised by the group was to have more time in course assessments and certification exams, especially for those who first language is not English.

We have made changes to all course assessments and certification exams, now each has an extra hour.

Revised Implementation Course

Thank you to those who have agreed to review aspects of the new implementation course.

Kath will be in touch will more details in regard to review process.

Any questions, please reach out to Kath

Kind regards,
Ian Spiers