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Blog from April, 2017

(Posted on behalf of Linda Bird)

Dear ELAG members,
I'm looking forward to seeing many of you next week in London! If you haven't already registered, please do so via the Business Meeting registration page.
Whether or not you're able to join us for the ELAG meeting next week (24th and 25th April), could you all please look at the following:
The meeting on Monday 24th April will primarily focus on sharing information on SNOMED education activities in member countries and at SNOMED International. The meeting on Tuesday 25th April will focus on gathering your input on the draft E-Learning courses and future plans. Please reserve some time before these meetings to review the above pages, in preparation for these discussions.
Thanks very much! See you soon!
Kind regards,

Please take a look at the draft agendas for the two ELAG meeting sessions in London later this month which are now posted on the ELAG Space

Member representatives on ELAG are encouraged to prepare short updates on SNOMED educational requirements and provisions within their country. If you are unable to attend the meeting (either in person on remotely) please submit these updates in writing. Thanks.

  • If you are attending the meeting in person, please be sure to register for these session on the Business Meeting registration page. See  for further details.
  • If you plan to attend the meeting remotely, please refer to the connection details provided in the Meeting Agenda. These connection details are subject to change, so check the agenda the day the meeting to be sure you have access to relevant details. 
Over the last month we have implemented an enhanced approach to representation of E-Learning presentation metadata to support new course developments. This new representation of presentation metadata enables import into the E-Learning server to generate appropriate activities in a consistently reusable and maintainable way. This will allow the same presentation to be included in existing courses, an open access area and multiple new learning pathways. Planned future presentations will be specified using this metadata approach prior to developing the presentations themselves. Please take a look at the initial state of this material at E-Learning Presentations.  The team would welcome your comments on this metadata. 
Early next week, we will post links allowing you to access areas of the E-Learning server, where you will be able to review the approach we are taking to open access and the draft versions of two initial alternative learning pathways (for developers and for ICD-analysts). As you will see from the agenda, the second meeting will be largely focused on gathering your input on these changes, so please reserve some time to review these areas before we meet. Thank you.

As from the start of April, Linda Bird will chair the E-Learning Advisory Group. This is part of a planned change in our roles that I announced in the recent edition of the SNOMED International Newsletter.

Extract from 2017 Q1 Newsletter

Changes in the  Education and Product Support Team

By David Markwell, Head of Education 

I am pleased to announce that from April 1st, 2017, Linda Bird will take over the leadership of the Education & Product Support Team. It has been a privilege to build and lead this team over the past few years but now is an ideal time for this change to take effect. Linda has been a key player in the successful outcomes achieved by the E-Learning program as well as taking forward many valuable initiatives.

From my perspective, I have great confidence knowing that Linda is willing to take on this role allowing me to step back a little. That being said, stepping back does not mean walking away and for the foreseeable future, I will continue to play a full time role supporting Linda, the team and SNOMED International. My enthusiasm for SNOMED CT is undimmed and I plan to continue contributing to its success. 


Additional Note

Following this change, the title of my new is "Senior Product Support Specialist" and Linda's new title is "Head of Product Support". Please join me in congratulating and welcoming Linda to her new role.