Eight SNOMED International member countries have expressed a national interest/requirement for SNOMED CT content in pathology.
The UK National Release Centre through the Information Representation Service (IReS) of NHS Digital, are expressing an urgent requirement for an approach that provides SNOMED CT content for blood sciences observables (haematology, biochemistry plus immunology). Other possible domains for collaboration where the UK has established requirements in are transfusion, microbiology and virology.
We would like to invite the parties who have already confirmed their interest in identifying an approach for SNOMED CT content in the above areas to share their priority work areas / aims for pathology and SNOMED CT.
There will also be an opportunity to discuss this at a workshop hosted by SNOMED International at the Business meeting in Bratislava.
Please note that this is a separate discussion to the cancer synoptic project work stream where the UK is already represented.
Scott Campbell
Thanks, Debbie, for the hard work in this area. As we have discussed, contributions to content development must be usable by all member nations involved in its creation. This certainly covers cancer synoptic reporting, but the benefits of the significant investment by SI into observables should not be limited to LOINC users alone. It should be available, in my opinion, to the broader member community.
Deborah Drake AUTHOR
Thanks Scott, your support and understanding of our issues is very welcome.
Deborah Drake AUTHOR
Confirmation of the purpose of the Workshop Meeting - Monday 16th AM in the Member Forum after synoptic meeting
This workshop is to discuss the position and requirement of any member country for use of SNOMED CT in pathology and laboratory medicine.
This will include the definition of what is meant by ‘pathology’ to clearly define scope and covering all areas of interest from any member country in support of representation of pathology and laboratory medicine requests and reports using SNOMED CT.
You will have the opportunity to discuss your priorities in this work area and the role of SNOMED CT and other terminologies as well as the current situation within your country.
The purpose is to consolidate requirements across countries and the focus will be on content, drawing together recommendations on the way forward.
This meeting intends not to overlap with the Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project but there may be related topics which we will need to bring together.
Please note this is a closed MF meeting with MF representatives and invitees only
Deborah Drake AUTHOR
Thank you for all who participated in the meeting and supporting. Could I please ask members that they forward requirements for SNOMED CT and pathology to their member forum representative where this is being collated in one place by Jane Millar via this group.
I hope we will be having meetings shortly. Please ensure your interested parties register with this CRG including clinical leads and terminology specialists.