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9:00 am to 12:00pm on 25 April 2017 (London UK) - morning break from 10:30am to 11:00am

GoToMeeting Details

Click here to see GoToMeeting joining information

Click here to see GoToMeeting recordings (ELAG members only)

Key Goals for this Meeting

  1. To review and provide advice on the pilot approach to open access
  2. To review and provide advice on draft eLearning pathways for software developers and information analysts
  3. Review and prioritise list of potential future eLearning developments and activities
  4. Explore further opportunities for sharing and translation of eLearning materials




David Markwell (Senior Product Support Specialist), Cathy Richardson (Senior Terminologist), Anne Randorff Højen (Implementation Specialist), Jon Zammit (Implementation Specialist)

Agenda and Meeting Notes

1Welcome, introductions and apologies

ELAG meetings will be recorded and recordings will be accessible to ELAG members.


  • Check attendance details and apologies
2Conflicts of interest

Refer to Conflicts of interest section in the Advisory Groups Manual and ELAG's Declaration of Interests page.

  • All members to confirm they are aware of need to declare any conflicts of interest.
3Review priorities defined yesterdayLinda BirdRecap priorities for more detailed review from yesterday's meeting (24th April) 
4Review pilot approach to open accesseLearning Team
  • Discuss general approach to open access
  • Review presentation metadata
  • Review approach to presentation maintenance and updates
5Review eLearning pathway for system designers and software developerseLearning Team
  • Are the included presentations appropriate for the audience?
  • Are there gaps in learning topics?
  • What practical exercises, assignments or assessment are needed?
  • Certificate of completion
6Review eLearning pathway for SNOMED CT information analysts with ICD experienceeLearning Team
  • Are the included presentations appropriate for the audience?
  • Are there gaps in learning topics?
  • What practical exercises, assignments or assessment are needed?
  • Certificate of completion

Review and prioritise list of potential future eLearning developments and activities


Explore further opportunities for sharing and translation of eLearning materials

9Setting dates for future meetings  
10Any other business  
  • No labels


  1. I do not expect to be able to attend the ELAG meeting in London as other meetings will take my time. See you there, however. /Camilla

    1. Thanks very much for letting us know Camilla! Will you miss both ELAG meetings? (i.e. on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th?) ... or just the meeting on Tuesday 25th?

      If you are unable to attend on either day, then it would be great if you could send us a report on education activities and requirements for Denmark, as well as any feedback you have on the pilot eLearning pathways. Thanks! See you in London!

      1. Unfortunately, I will not be able to be at any of the two meetings.

        So far the DK ELAG strategy has been to inform our SNOMED CT stakeholders about the ELAG homepage and the possibility to take the courses. We are not in contact with them about the courses and usually do not know who has taken them, except from the update I have gotten from you. However, the people who have told me they took your courses have been very positive. /Camilla

        1. Thanks Camilla!

  2. I will not be able to attend the ELAG meeting cause of other concurrent meetings. But I will try to provide the report on the SNOMED CT education topics for Belgium.

    1. Thanks very much for letting us know Arabella!

      And thank you for offering to provide your report on SNOMED CT education topics for Belgium. I look forward to reading this! 


        • New or planned SNOMED CT education activities
          • Concept-based translation (for domain specialists engaging in the national translation crowdsourcing program for translation of SNOMED CT in French and Dutch)
          • Country-specific SNOMED CT priorities and requirements (informing all stakeholders)
        • Priorities
          • Promotion of existing and available courses SNOMED International: Foundation, Implementation and Content
        • Requirements
          • Creation of a national Extension (step by step, for NRCs) 
          • Implementation of SNOMED CT into (the UI of) an EPR -> we have noticed this is one of the top 10 priorities :-)
        • Plans or progress in localizing SNOMED CT education material
          • Not yet specified
        • Feedback on existing SNOMED CT eLearning experiences
          • 87 Belgian participants started and completed (certified) the Foundation Course, 
          • 18 participants started and completed (certified) the Implementation Course 
          • 10 participants started and completed (certified) the Content Development Course
        1. Thanks very much for the update Arabella! Much appreciated!

          I hope to see you around next week at the meeting venue.