The SNOMED International October 2023 Business Meetings will be held from October 21-25, 2023, followed by SNOMED CT Expo from October 26-27, both located at the Starling Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
With under 3 weeks to go, if you plan to attend the Business Meetings or Expo in person, or the Expo online, please register for the events asap if you have yet to do so.
All relevant information including registration links can be found here.
Pre-registration to attend the Business Meetings via Zoom is not required.
Please note:
- If you are unsure if you have already completed the registration for October 2023 please check your emails for a message from with 'Registration confirmation' in the subject line. The system does not automatically recognise a prior registration so this will help you avoid duplicate entries.
- Due to changes to the Governance sessions at the Business Meetings it has been necessary to revise some of the schedule for the event. Please review the updated schedule here.
- The accommodation block at the hotel has SOLD OUT, although you may be able to book your stay at their current rate. A list of alternative options can be found on the Expo website.
We hope to see you there - either in Atlanta, or online!