SNOMED International is pleased to announce that the October 2023 Business Meetings schedule and SNOMED CT Expo 2023 program have been confirmed, and registration is now open.
The hybrid Business Meetings will be held from October 21-25, 2023, followed by SNOMED CT Expo from October 26-27, both located at the Starling Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
SNOMED CT Expo 2023 will also be delivered online, with Zoom Events.
Please visit the links below for more information:
October 2023 Business Meetings Schedule
Attending the Business Meetings online?
Zoom links for all ‘open’ meetings will be shared on the SNOMED CT "What's on this Week."
Please note that pre-registration for these is not required.
Coming to Atlanta?
SNOMED International has negotiated a special delegate rate at the venue, available to book until Thursday, 5th October 2023 (subject to availability). Spaces are limited so we advise that you act now and take advantage of their flexible cancellation policy.
Please click here to book your room. (Select 'Attendee' as guest type - no access code is required).
We hope to see you there - either in Atlanta, or online!