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Location: Amba Hotel Charing Cross, London, UK
Date   Full Day ELAG Working Meeting 09:00 - 17:00 Local

Important Notes
Although this meeting is open to observers the nature of the meeting and the capacity of the rooms available for breakout sessions may limit attendance of observers. If in doubt about your attendance please click the link below to see more information about this workshop.

titleFor important information about this meeting please click here ...
  • Teleconferencing will not be possible for this meeting due to use of breakout rooms and working materials that cannot be shared online. 
  • Room capacities for this meeting may limit attendance of observers at this meeting.
    • If you have not registered for this session and wish to attend, please add this to your meeting registration and also notify for confirmation that a place is available.
    • If you are registered to attend and will not be present, please let us know by emailing so we can make your place available to another person.
  • This is not an educational session but is an Advisory Group workshop during which the E-Learning Team are seeking advice on future course developments.
  • To enable effective contributions to the workshop attendees should review the materials referenced on the Agenda page prior to the meeting. These materials provide information about current courses, course status as well as feedback and evaluation comments from people who have taken the Implementation Course.


Gaining input and advice on future SNOMED CT E-Learning development to further improve relevance of future opportunities to learn about SNOMED CT in ways that meet the requirements of key audience types.

Registered attendees

AG Members

  • ChairDavid Markwell
  • Nominated experts: Heather Grain, Suptendra Sarbadhikari
  • Member representatives: Arabella D'Havé (Belgium), Camilla Wiberg Danielsen (Denmark), Erika Ericsson (Sweden), Susan Roy (US),  Md Khadzir Sheikh Ahmad (Malaysia), Ian Spiers (UK)Linda Parisien (Canada - pm), Vivian Auld (US), Ian Spiers (UK), Gaur Sunder (India), Pim Volkert (Netherlands).

Observers (registered)

Mayank Agarwal (India), Vivian Auld Bruce Goldberg (US), Bruce Goldberg Avanti Joshi (USIndia), Ingrid Mertens (Belgium), Rossana Occhiuzzi (Uruguay - pm), Anil Patel (Canada), Andrew Perry (UK), Angie Quinn (UK), Eric Robertson (NZ), Sunil Sunil Sharma (India), Brandon Ulrich (B2i), Sonja Ulrich (B2i), Philip Wilford (Australia).


Ian Green (Business Services Executive), Cathy Richardson (Senior Terminologist), Linda Bird (Senior Implementation Specialist), Anne Højen (Implementation Specialist), Jon Zammit (Implementation Specialist), Kathy Giannangelo (Map Lead)

Agenda (DRAFT)

Note on agenda item timing
 Time (estimated)DescriptionNotes
109:00Welcome and introductions
209:10What is ELAG?
  • Short introduction to ELAG for those who are attending for the first time as observers (ELAG Terms of Reference,
    Advisory Group Manual)
    • Summary of role of the group and in advising the E-Learning team and providing a communication link to IHTSDO Members
  • Roles and responsibilities of attendees: E-Learning Team, other IHTSDO staff, Member representatives, standard (expert) members and observers.
309:15Background to the Workshop
  • Why we are having a workshop?
    • The goals of the day
  • Plan for the day
    • Logistics and lunch break (lunch is not provided)
    • Overall agenda and breakout session information.

E-Learning Status

  • Responsibility for E-Learning 
    • E-Learning development and delivery is one of the responsibilities of the Education and Product Support team
    • Other responsibilities include documentation and support for thus designing, developing and deploying systems using SNOMED CT
  • Course outlines, development and availability
  • Course capacity and demand
  • Progress and completion statistics
  • Evaluation and feedback reports
509:45Future Plans and Options
  • Priority commitments
  • Recognized requirements for enhancement
  • Options - new modules on specific topic, different levels of detail, making modules optional, specific courses for different audiences, addressing specific competencies
  • Practical limitations - development, course management (admin and logistics), interactive session delivery, clarity of completion certification
610:00Preparing for the Breakout
  • Allocation of attendees to breakout groups and overview of group topics
  • Audiences to be addressed by each group
  • Building custom course for each audience: Using existing material, Recommending new material, Suggesting assignment and assessment activities
  • Practical approach to breakout work
810:45Breakout Session 1

The following four audience groups have been identified as initial target groups for more focused courses.

  1. Clinical professional leaders and users approaching SNOMED CT from the perspective of how effective implementation can assist their work in delivering high quality care to individual patients and groups with particular health needs.
  2. System designers and software developers engaged in development of clinical or related systems that would benefit from effective use of SNOMED CT as part of those systems.
  3. Managers and advisors engaged in adoption and/or procurement of applications and information systems that would benefit from making effective use of SNOMED CT.
  4. Information analysts and others engaged in designing and using systems that could make use of SNOMED CT to deliver more comprehensive and consistent data that enhances understanding of patterns or disease, population health needs and treatment outcomes. Thus enabling planning and cost-effective delivery of high-quality health services.
912:15Report back on progress
(main room)
  • Opportunity for interim sharing of information on progress in the Breakout groups. Issues raised and possible refocusing of approach for second breakout session.
1113:30Breakout Session 2
  • Continuing work from morning session ... or depending on the report back session working with an extended or refocused scope.
1315:30Course for SNOMED CT content developers
  • This session focuses on education and training requirements for those developing SNOMED CT content (including Extensions).
    • (Note: The main focus of the breakout sessions is on education for audiences relevant to adoption of SNOMED CT and design, development, deployment and clinical use of systems that use SNOMED CT.)


Summarizing outcomes
  • Identifying keypoints and common themes from the day
  • Preparing a summary of the advice to present the finding and advice from the Workshop to the ELAG meeting on Monday
  • Identifying three bullet points for the business meeting plenary session report (if required)
  • How have we done as a group in terms of meeting the Goals for the day?
1516:45Next steps
  • How can ELAG members or others contribute further to providing advice on E-Learning development and delivery
  • Are there some more direct contributions that ELAG members or others can commit to provide to assist the E-Learning team to apply the advice
  • Is the one-day workshop something we should repeat in Wellington?

Meeting Files
