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Items | Proposed improvement | Planned Release date (*this is provisional only and is subject to change) |
1 | COVID-19 Content Content relating to COVID-19 can be viewed here SNOMED CT COVID-19 Related Content NOTE: For the January 2022 International release, descriptions have been updated for all concepts containing “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” to remove capitalization from ''Severe” (except when it is found at the beginning of the description in accordance with editorial guidance). In addition, “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” is recorded as entire term case insensitive. Our authoritative resource, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), does not have an entry for viruses below species level and the majority of references, including scientific literature, do not capitalize ”severe''. | January 2022 International Release and future releases |
2 | Browse Content Changes for the January 2022 Release The daily build is available to review changes made to content for the January 2022 release Forthcoming concept inactivations, new concepts and changes to existing concepts can be reviewed using the tab 'Daily build.' | January 2022 International Release |
3 | Implementation of the new anatomy concept model The completion of the revision of hierarchical relationships provides stable anatomy content and improves the quality of classification results in other hierarchies. Over forthcoming releases, the plan is to implement the new anatomy concept model. There are almost 35,000 anatomy concepts and they will be modeled by different types of 'part of' relationships. The new model will enable us to automatically generate hierarchies to further improve quality and consistency. Information about the work completed in previous release for revision of IS_A relationships can be viewed here: | January 2022 International Release and future releases |
4 | MRCM Changes Please see MRCM changes in the January 2022 release | January 2022 International Release |
5 | Quality Initiative Information about the project can found here - Quality Initiative - Progress Note: There are changes to the Service Level Agreement for the CRS as a result of the Quality Initiative: | January 2022 International Release |
6 | Change for Clinical Drug Concepts Containing Pancreatic Enzymes Clinical drug concepts in the International Release containing pancreatic enzymes will be modeled based on the discrete enzymes; because of variability between real clinical drugs, synonyms representing a total amount in a particular product will not be included in the International Release. The editorial guide and existing content will be reviewed and updated accordingly in a future release. | January 2022 International Release and future releases |
7 | Changes for Pressure Injury A new hierarchy, 1163215007 |Pressure injury (disorder)|has been created in SNOMED CT based on the recommendations of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) and adopted for the 2019 international clinical practice guidelines on the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers/injuries. The NPIAP nomenclature favors the use of pressure injury over pressure ulcer due to confusion around the use of ulcer for two of the pressure ulcer stages which actually occur in intact skin. | January 2022 International Release |
8 | Changes for 150062003 |Osteotomy (procedure) subtypes The concepts under 150062003 |Osteotomy (procedure)| have been remodeled to reflect that an Osteotomy is an incision, excision or division of bone. There had been a pair of methods 299713009 |Osteotomy - action (qualifier value)| and 439315000 |Wedge osteotomy - action (qualifier value)| under 129287005 |Incision - action (qualifier value)| that did not represent the breadth of meaning of osteotomy. All osteotomy concepts have been remodeled using the appropriate METHOD relationship value and according to the proximal primitive parent modeling construct according to a defined template. 299713009 |Osteotomy - action (qualifier value)| and 439315000 |Wedge osteotomy - action (qualifier value)| have been inactivated. Due to the equivalence between Osteotomy and Incision of bone, concepts with the FSN including "Incision of bone" have been inactivated as duplicate to "Osteotomy of bone" and the Incision descriptions added to the Osteotomy concepts. | January 2022 International Release |
9 | Inactivation of 362977000 |Sequela (disorder)| and remodeling of subtypes As discussed and approved by the SNOMED Editorial Advisory Group on 10/07/2020, the grouper concept 362977000 |Sequela (disorder)| will be inactivated and the subtypes remodeled in the general pattern of; 64572001 |Disease (disorder)| AFTER (64572001 |Disease (disorder)| or 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) Concepts with FSNs containing the terms “sequela, sequelae or “late effects” will not have their FSNs changed. Aside from changes due to the remodeling pattern, the current inferred IS A relationships will be retained. The primary change will be elimination of their placement in a separate Sequela hierarchy. Additional sequela grouper concepts (e.g. 363296001 |Sequelae of disorders classified by disorder-system (disorder)|) will be initially remodeled, but are being evaluated for inactivation. | January 2022 International Release |
10 | Planned Inactivation of Concepts in the 260299005 |Number (qualifier value)| Hierarchy Following the deployment of the concrete domain functionality in SNOMED CT, concepts in the 260299005 |Number (qualifier value)| hierarchy are no longer necessary and plans have been made for their inactivation. To provide adequate time for any national extension or implementation affected by this change, concepts in the 260299005 |Number (qualifier value)| hierarchy will be inactivated in the January 2023 International Release. Concepts will be inactivated with reason “Non-conformance to editorial policy” and no historical relationship or replacement concept will be provided. Exceptions: 118586006 |Ratio (property) (qualifier value)| and descendants have been relocated to 118598001 |Property (qualifier value)| hierarchy. 272070003 |Ordinal number (qualifier value)| and descendants have been relocated to 362981000 |Qualifier value (qualifier value)| hierarchy. A briefing note will also be distributed to selected Advisory and Project Groups. Please contact with any inquiries. | January 2023 International Release |
11 | Concepts referencing substance structural groupers of form "X and X derivative" or "Y and Y compound" Around 500 concepts in multiple hierarchies with FSNs that include either "X and X derivative" or "Y and Y compound" will have terming updated to "X and/or X derivative" and "Y and/or Y compound," respectively. Please see the briefing note for more information. | January 2022 International Release |
12 | Review and Update modeling for 87568004 |Hormone (substance)| and Descendants Changes will include inactivation of ambiguous groupers such as 419570005 |Hormone, synthetic hormone substitute or hormone antagonist (substance)| and 278421003 |Hormones and their metabolites and precursors (substance)| and 304360003 |Peptide hormones and their metabolites and precursors (substance)|. | January 2022 International Release and future releases |
13 | Remodel 420721002 |Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated disorder (disorder) and descendants 420721002 |Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated disorder (disorder)| has been made primitive and its 73 subtypes have been remodeled. The |Associated with (attribute)| is eliminated and descriptions updated accordingly. Role groups were added to support concept definition. The AIDS acronym has been annotated in expanded form as per Editorial Guidance. | January 2022 International Release |
14 | Review of tooth/teeth content Changes are expected to approximately 120 concepts. Any concept which contains a mix of plural and singular descriptions will be changed so that the concept only represents a singular “tooth” or plural “teeth”. Where appropriate, new concepts will be created. An example concept to be changed is 36202009 |Fracture of tooth (disorder)| which has an incorrect plural description of “Broken teeth”. Modeling will be reviewed to ensure that a plural FSN (teeth) has a plural finding site and a singular FSN (tooth) has a singular finding site. Changes to the modeling of concepts will be made where necessary. An example concept to be changed is 53963006 |Excessive attrition of teeth (disorder)|which is currently modeled with a singular finding site. | January 2022 International Release |
15 | Review of 2556008 |Periodontal disease (disorder)| and descendants This review is part of content tracker IHTSDO-720 and will include ~130 concepts. Changes will be made following input from the Dentistry CRG and will include:
| January 2022 International Release |
16 | Compression Hosiery Concepts referring to compression hosiery of a specific class (e.g. class I) have been updated to include a text definition that indicates the concept "serves as the parent of concepts representing an actual manufactured item whose description includes the explicit compression range associated with the class rating for that item.” | January 2022 International Release |
17 | Inactivation of 410795001 |Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (disorder)| and Remodeling of Descendants of 410502007 |Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (disorder) 410795001 |Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (disorder)| has been inactivated with reason outdated and a replacement target of 410502007 |Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (disorder)|. | January 2022 International Release |
18 | Revision Procedure X declined (situation) 131 Situation hierarchy concepts of the pattern "Procedure X declined (situation)" have been remodelled with DECLINED as both the FSN and the Preferred Term. | January 2022 International Release |
19 | Nutrition Content
| January 2022 International Release |
20 | Revision of Overlapping Malignant Neoplasm Concepts Containing 'overlapping lesion'
| January 2022 International Release |
21 | Inactivation and replacement of neoplastic morphology concepts containing ICD-O-3 classification terming Some ICD-O version 3 morphology classification codes include Not Otherwise Specified (NOS), these concepts are not acceptable in SNOMED CT as per Editorial Guidance and are not meaningful outside of the ICD-O classification context. In the current 400177003 |Neoplasm and/or hamartoma (morphologic abnormality)| sub-hierarchy there are approximately 75 neoplastic morphology concepts containing the terming "no International Classification of Diseases for Oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality)" and/or "no ICD-O subtype" originating from ICD-O-3 and they are utilized in the modeling of about 460 disorders in the 55342001 |Neoplastic disease (disorder)| hierarchy.
| January 2022 International Release and future releases |
22 | Cancer Synoptic Reporting Concepts representing cancer synoptic reporting content will be added to the International release starting with the July 2021 release. Cancer synoptic reports are used by many member countries to record pathology examination of cancer specimens including the College of American Pathologists (US and Canada), Royal College of Pathology (UK), Royal College of Pathology Australasia (Australia, New Zealand), PALGA (The Netherlands), Swedish Society of Pathology, and others. This content primarily encompasses observable entity concepts and also includes supporting concepts from other hierarchies, e.g. property values. Planned areas of promotion for the January 2022 release include margins, focality, depth, locations, immunohistochemistry and hematopoietic tumors. Additional promotion of content is planned for subsequent International releases. For more information about this project, please see the Cancer Synoptic Reporting Clinical Project Group here | January 2022 International Release and future releases |
23 | Disorder X without Disorder Y The vast majority of existing X without Y concepts originated from ICD-9 with the specific meaning of "X disorder without mention of Y disorder". As the phraseology indicates a lack of data about disorder Y as opposed to a specific exclusion, this type of concept has not been included in ICD-10, nor proposed for ICD-11, except in the case of "Traumatic brain injury without open intracranial wound". Addition of new X without Y concepts may only be made under the following conditions:
For the most part, existing X without Y concepts will be inactivated as AMBIGUOUS with a historical MAY BE relationship to "X disorder". Exceptions to inactivation will be made on a case-by-case basis. | January 2022 International Release and future releases |
24 | Content Improvements in the Substance and Product Hierarchies Please see briefing notes here Drugs Project | January 2022 International Release |
25 | Changes for Lyophilized Powder Editorial guidelines have been updated to reflect that Clinical drug concepts in the International Release should not be modeled using dose forms for “lyophilized powder” because it is not a clinically relevant distinction at the Clinical drug level.
| January 2022 International Release |
26 | Editorial Guidelines for Semi-Solid Dose Form Editorial guidelines have been updated to reflect that Clinical drug concepts in the International Release with semi-solid dose form should have strength denominator normalized to:
Existing Clinical drug concepts will be updated for 2022-January Release. | January 2022 International Release |
27 | Content Improvements in the Physical Object Hierarchy Please see project roadmap and briefing notes here: | January 2022 International Release |
28 | Planned changes to 'Co-occurrent and due to' pattern During the implementation of the new Description Logic features a conflict was uncovered between the modeling of 'Co-occurrent and due to' and General Concept Inclusions (GCIs). This has resulted in the need to reconsider the modeling of "Co-occurrent and due' and update the Editorial Guide for this area. The plan is to update the Editorial Guide and all concepts that are currently modeled as 'Co-occurrent and due to' starting from the July 2019 release. | January 2022 International Release and future releases |
29 | WAS_A Inactivation reason of LIMITED/WAS_A is not allowed for any new content inactivations after the July 2018 release. The WAS_A association refset has not been updated thereafter. At the Editorial Advisory Group meeting in April 2019, agreement was reached to discontinue the maintenance of WAS_A relationships when inactivating concepts that have a historical association to an inactive concept. When changes are made to a historical relationship for a concept that was previously inactivated using WAS_A, effort will be made to assign a new historical relationship that facilitates traceability of the concept (e.g. DUPLICATE or AMBIGUOUS) as opposed to NON-CONFORMANCE TO EDITORIAL POLICY. Existing WAS_A relationships will be inactivated in a future release once a plan for batch reassignment of historical relationships has been developed. Until then, SNOMED International will not continue to use or maintain WAS_A relationships. | January 2022 International Release and future releases |
30 | January 2022 International Release and future releases |