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Discussion of missing diagnosis/condition terms in SNOMED from the retina domain


  1. I know the initial focus of the CRG is on glaucoma, but Cindy Cai and I were hoping we could maybe at least initiate some conversation about some retina terms that have been found to be missing from SNOMED. This is work coming out of the OMOP Retina group that Cindy leads. One of the workgroup members extracted all of the diagnosis/condition terms from the Ryan Retina Atlas, one of the premier information resources in retina that has an international set of editors. Presumably these conditions/terms should be represented in standardized vocabularies. The following terms were felt by the majority of the workgroup (which includes retina specialists from several academic centers in the US) to be important for representation but are currently not codified in SNOMED: 

    • Nonexudative neovascular age-related macular degeneration
    • Paracentral acute middle maculopathy
    • Glaucoma drainage implant endophthalmitis
    • Lamellar macular hole
    • Nonproliferative sickle retinopathy
    • Submacular hemorrhage
    • Choroidal granuloma
    • Eales disease
    • Pachychoroid neovasculopathy
    • Pachychoroid pigment epitheliopathy
    • Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy
    • Nongeographic atrophy

    Elaine Wooler , we just wanted to put this forward for discussion... are the above fairly straightforward to codify? What information would you need? That way we can work on assembling that information among the retina group and and can have that ready for you, even if need to wait until after we do the glaucoma-related work first. Thanks!

  2. I think it would be good to tackle some important missing terms in other fields as we go along, if possible.  Some important ones in that list!  Thanks

  3. Agree, definitely worth adding any obvious missing terms. 

    FYI, there is an existing term Eales' disease (disorder) SCTID: 54122009. Some others might also already exist with slightly different but essentially synonymous terms and would be easy enough to add additional synonyms, but am sure Elaine or one of her SNOMED colleagues would be able to check and advise.

    "Glaucoma drainage device related endophthalmitis" once created would be a nice addition to our preferred glaucoma disorder terms!

  4. Thank you Sally Baxter  Anthony Khawaja  Ian Rodrigues 

    To be able to add any that are gaps a peer-reviewed reference source published within the last 10 years is helpful or definition of the disorder or consensus on the disorder by any expert groups, colleges or academies for example which might include reference to the body structure or structures involved.  Reference to classifications such as ICD-11 also useful and helps with our cross-maps to the classifications.

    The following exist:

    1. 1222665003 |Paracentral acute middle maculopathy (disorder)| - only added to the international edition in May 2022
    2. Choroid granuloma - is this the same as 95683004 |Granulomatous choroiditis (disorder)|
    3. 54122009 |Eales' disease (disorder)|
    4. Pachychoroid neovasculopathy - worth looking at the subtypes under 75971007 |Choroidal retinal neovascularization (disorder)| as there may be a synonymous concept I don't have the expertise to find.
    5. Nongeographic atrophy does not exist but wanted to check that the synonym of geographic atrophy of the macular is correct on the concept 414875008 |Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration (disorder)| 

  5. Great, thank you Elaine Wooler for this info. We have a retina subgroup in our OMOP workgroup and tagging Cindy Cai here so she is aware since she is the retina subgroup lead. We will bring this to our retina subgroup and collect the information/references you mentioned, as well as review the existing terms. Our next meeting for that group is in early May I believe, so it may be a few weeks until we get the info back to you, but we will work on it! 

  6. Excellent thanks Sally Baxter .  We have monthly releases so can add the content when it is ready.

  7. Great! We are working on organizing definitions, references, ICD mappings etc. and will circle back in a few weeks' time.

  8. Hi Elaine Wooler we have organized some definitions and references as follows – let me know if this is along the lines of what you were looking for.  Thanks!

    Ryan’s Retina (7th edition) Concepts

    1. Nonexudative neovascular age-related macular degeneration

    Definition/Description: Nonexudative (or quiescent or asymptomatic) MNV is defined as treatment-naïve type 1 neovascularization detected with dye-based angiography or OCTA that is not associated with clinical evidence of exudation.

    Literature review: (Ophthalmology) (Ophthalmology Retina)

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003598 (Retina)

    2. Paracentral acute middle maculopathy

    SNOMED Code: 1222665003 (May 2022) – not found in Athena OHDSI platform

    Definition/Description: An ischemic lesion caused by impaired perfusion of deep retinal vascular complex.

    Literature review: (Ophthalmology) (Ophthalmology Retina)

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003339 (Retina)

    3. Glaucoma drainage implant endophthalmitis

    Definition/Description: In most cases of endophthalmitis related to GDI, there is tube exposure present with injected conjunctiva, purulence from the implant site and hypopyon.

    Literature review:

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001329 (Retina) doi: 10.1038/s41433-021-01462-9 (Eye)

    4. Lamellar macular hole

    Definition/Description: Thinning of the foveal tissue, leaving the RPE and photoreceptor layers intact but causing partial loss of the inner nuclear layer

    Literature review: (Ophthalmology) (Ophthalmology Retina)

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003665 (Retina)

    5. Nonproliferative sickle retinopathy

    Definition/Description: The retinal changes in NPSR occur secondary to vaso-occlusion and local ischemia. Occlusion of retinal vasculature first appears in the peripheral retina as “salmon patches”, which represent retinal hemorrhage from superficial blood vessels.

    Literature review:

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000000309 (Retina) 10.1016/j.ajoc.2022.101329 (American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports)

    6. Submacular hemorrhage

    Definition/Description: Subretinal hemorrhage is an accumulation of blood between the neurosensory retina and the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) arising from the choroidal or retinal circulation

    Literature review: (Ophthalmology) (Ophthalmology Retina)

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003725 (Retina)

    7. Choroidal granuloma

    Definition/Description: Granulomas are nodular collection of immune cells formed by the immune system to confine pathogens and inflammatory agents that cannot be eliminated.

    Literature review:

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000002864 (Retina) 10.3390/diagnostics13071296 (Diagnostics)

    8. Pachychoroid neovasculopathy

    Definition/Description: Described the occurrence of type 1 MNV lacking aneurysmal dilations (polyps) in eyes with pachychoroid disease

    Literature review: (Ophthalmology) (Ophthalmology Retina)

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000002980 (Retina)

    9. Pachychoroid pigment epitheliopathy

    Definition/Description: Characterized by the presence of RPE disruption within the posterior pole over regions of choroidal thickening in eyes showing no evidence of active or prior CSC

    Literature review:

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001773 (Retina) 10.1136/bjo-2022-322457 (British Journal of Ophthalmology)

    10. Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy

    Definition/Description: Uncommon degenerative process of the retina with subretinal or sub-RPE hemorrhage and exudative mass outside of the macular region

    Literature review:

    DOI: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003636 (Retina) 10.3760/cma.j.cn112142-20221024-00527 (Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology)

    11. Nongeographic atrophy

    Definition/Description: May be thought of as incipient atrophy as it may immediately precede GA in the same location | (other definition from a paper) Nongeographic atrophy was defined as retinal pigment disturbances including hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation in CFPs that typically corresponded to hyperfluorescence and hypofluorescence in FA images within or overlapping areas previously occupied by CNV.

    Literature review: (Ophthalmology) 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2020.0437 (Journal of American Medical Association Ophthalmology)

    1. Hi Sally Baxter 

      Perfect and exactly what I need.  I'll start adding these to SNOMED and will aim for the June 2023 release.

      Many thanks


  9. Amazing, thank you!

  10. Sally Baxter and Cindy Cai I am authoring these now and may have a few questions along the way in terms of modelling the body structures involved and also any relation to existing content.  Shall I ask these questions here or email you directly?

    1. Here works for me, and we'll have a record of the convo.

  11. Thanks Elaine Wooler agree with Cindy, we can do it here. It will be informative for all of us to understand the process for adding terms. Thanks!

  12. Hi Sally Baxter and Cindy Cai 

    Re:  Submacular hemorrhage.

    There is an existing concept - 13937002 |Subretinal hemorrhage (disorder)| defined with the body structure 41275009 |Structure of retinal pigment epithelium (body structure)|.  Would this be the parent concept for submacular hemorrhage and what would the body structure be for submacular hemorrhage?

    The current structure is below as I would also like to rule out any existing concept that might be the same as submacular hemorrhage:

    • 13937002 |Subretinal hemorrhage (disorder)|
      • 247161000 |Macular subretinal hemorrhage (disorder)|
        • 421328004 |Subfoveal hemorrhage (disorder)|
      • 678081000119100 |Subretinal hemorrhage of left eye (disorder)|
      • 678101000119107 |Subretinal hemorrhage of right eye (disorder)|

    Many thanks


    1. Hi Elaine,

      Great question.

      Can you point me to where I can find a list of the body structures? I found this website ( but wasn't sure if it's the official site I should be consulting. On first glance I think it should be under macula but I'm not sure if that's one of the options. And why is subretinal hemorrhage defined under structure of the retinal pigment epithelium and not under retina?

      I think it might be helpful to talk through the different considerations of how to put a concept into the hierarchy. I think I need to understand the process better before I can give good advice...


  13. Hi Cindy

    Thank you and hope I can explain.  The key to the hierarchy structure of these concepts is the body structure involved.  As authors we may expect a new concept to have particular parents but that hard work on finding the correct parents is done by the classifier using the logic in the model we build on the concepts based on the body structure hierarchy and any other modeling present.  The link to the Retinal body structure hierarchy can be found here.  

    The  image will show this in more detail and shows the additional parent of retinal hemorrhage:

  14. Hi Elaine,

    Thanks for explaining and for the link.

    In looking at the list you originally sent, submacular hemorrhage should be the same thing as macular subretinal hemorrhage.

    I don't think we need an additional term.

    Would love for others to weigh in as well.


  15. Thanks Elaine Wooler and Cindy Cai - I agree with Cindy that an additional term isn't needed. My apologies, I think we did not see the child concept "macular subretinal hemorrhage" when we did the initial search. I agree that it it corresponds with "submacular hemorrhage".