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SNOMED CT Release Services support the creation, validation and bundling of SNOMED CT release packages in a standard format that can be imported into terminology servers and other applications.

SNOMED CT content is distributed to users either in an RF2 package or via a terminology server. With either of these distribution approaches, a publication process is normally required to version new SNOMED CT content, so that a full history of previous terminology states can be maintained. When new SNOMED CT content is made available via an RF2 package, a formal validation and release process is required to create the appropriate full and/or snapshot releases. To create a valid release file package, the formal RF2 format specifications must be followed, including the use of appropriate file headers, separators, encoding, file names and folder structures. Release management tools are designed to produce valid RF2 packages and maintain the historical integrity of each version of the release.

SNOMED International Release Service

The SNOMED International Release Service compiles newly authored content, reference sets, translations, and maps to create a valid RF2 package, with all required history tracking artifacts. The quality assurance processes performed by the release validation services are an integral part of producing a production-ready package. The tools involved in this process include:

SNOMED Release ServiceProvides services for the creation and management SNOMED CT release packages.
SNOMED Release Validation Framework

Provides services for the validation of a release package, using SQL and Drools based quality checks.

SNOMED Release MRCM Validator

Provides services to make sure SNOMED releases are compliant with the MRCM (Machine Readable Concept Model) rules.

SNOMED International offers these release services to Members as part of the optional Managed Service.

Other Release Services

Other SNOMED CT tools that provide release services are available, as listed below.

Snow Owl collaborative terminology authoring platform,
termSpace collaborative authoring environment, termMed

Please note that this list of tools is provided in alphabetical order. To request the addition or removal of a tool to/from this list, please submit a request via the 'Feedback' button at the bottom of this page.

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