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The SNOMED on FHIR space supports collaborative work between the SNOMED and HL7 international communities on using SNOMED CT with FHIR.

The SNOMED on FHIR working group will meet tomorrow, Tuesday 4 February, at the start time of 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes.    Discussion will be lead by Michael Lawley, Daniel Karlsson and Peter Jordan.   The agenda is here 2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) and the meeting recording will start automatically. Unfortunately I can't make it as I'll be away at a team event, but  alopez and sroy will be on hand to run the call. The zoom link (including password):  https://snomed.zoom.…
The SNOMED on FHIR working group will meet today, Tuesday 21 January, at the start time of 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes.    Discussion will be lead by Michael Lawley, Daniel Karlsson and Peter Jordan.   The agenda is here 2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) and the meeting recording will start automatically. The zoom link (including password):
The SNOMED on FHIR working group will meet today, Wednesday 15 January at the start time of 10:00 UTC for 60 minutes. Please refer to 2025-01-15 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) for the meeting agenda.    The zoom link (including password): Best Wishes, Peter G. Williams

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