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DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Michael Lawley Suggested ticket: Parent and Child properties to (optionally?) support the Coding type.
Michael Lawley2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Alejandro Lopez Osornio2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Rob Hausam2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Rob Hausam2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Peter G. Williams Create HL7 Style tickets / SI Internal tickets for the required changes.
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Peter G. Williams Add to FHIR Agenda for October meeting and floating topic for MAG also.
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Alejandro Lopez Osornio2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Rob Hausam2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Rob Hausam2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Peter G. Williams Create HL7 Style tickets / SI Internal tickets for the required changes.
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Peter G. Williams Add to FHIR Agenda for October meeting and floating topic for MAG also.
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)


DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Peter G. Williams contact Ole Vage & Feijke re Translation Group and contributing to IG relating to use of languages in FHIR (complete 2023-10-16)
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter Jordan2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Daniel Karlsson Thought there might be some documentation from CIMI on this. Also notes from DMarkwell about constructor bindings.
Daniel Karlsson2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-02-04 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Daniel Karlsson Thought there might be some documentation from CIMI on this. Also notes from DMarkwell about constructor bindings.
Daniel Karlsson2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Peter G. Williams contact Ole Vage & Feijke re Translation Group and contributing to IG relating to use of languages in FHIR (complete 2023-10-16)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter Jordan2025-01-21 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-15 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Peter G. Williams contact Ole Vage & Feijke re Translation Group and contributing to IG relating to use of languages in FHIR (complete 2023-10-16)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-15 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-15 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter Jordan2025-01-15 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
  • Peter G. Williams contact Ole Vage & Feijke re Translation Group and contributing to IG relating to use of languages in FHIR (complete 2023-10-16)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-07 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-07 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter G. Williams2025-01-07 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)
Peter Jordan2025-01-07 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB)

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