


  • Terminology service providers must deliver services that can load data from SNOMED CT release packages that conform to the SNOMED CT Release File Specifications. They must enable client applications to access the content of a selected SNOMED CT versioned editions. They should also enable access to extended versioned editions including additional modules that are compatible with the selected versioned edition. They must also provide access to data that identifies the versioned edition or extended versioned edition currently being accessed.
  • Terminology service users must ensure that they procure and use terminology services that can be configured to enable access to the SNOMED CT versioned editions (or extended versioned editions) required by their organization, speciality or national authority.
  • Healthcare application providers must ensure that their applications support access to terminology services that are configurable to enable access to the SNOMED CT versioned editions (or extended versioned editions) required by their customers. They must also ensure that their applications track the history of the versioned editions (or extended versioned editions) used to record and access data as this may affect interpretation and analysis of data.

A SNOMED CT edition is a complete set of SNOMED CT components and reference set members that either belong to an identified SNOMED CT module or belong to one of the modules on which that module depends.


Table Appendix B:-1 lists the definitions of different types of SNOMED CT editions including formally defined editions, versions of editions and editions that have been extended by the addition of selected modulesTerminology services should enable client applications to access the content of selected versions of selected editions with or without selected additional modules.

Table Appendix B:-1: Edition Types

Edition TypeDefinitionNotes

The set of SNOMED CT components and reference set members that either belong to a specific module identified by SNOMED International as the focus module for that edition or belong to one of the modules on which that module depends. 


A set of SNOMED CT components and reference set members that either belong to a focus module identified by a National Release Center (NRC), or belong to one of the modules on which that module depends.


  • The focus module is part of the National Release for which that NRC is responsible. 
  • An NRC may have multiple National Editions with different focus modules for each edition.
  • A National Edition may:
    • be part of a National Release distributed to licensees.
    • combine a focus module from the National Release, the relevant versions of modules in the International Edition, and any other extension modules on which the focus module of the National Edition depends. 

A set of SNOMED CT components and reference set members that either belong to a focus module identified by an Affiliate Licensee with an allocated extension namespace identifier, or belong to one of the modules on which that module depends.


SNOMED CT edition to which a specified set of additional modules has been added.


SNOMED CT edition that is published on a specific date.


  • A new version of the International Edition of SNOMED CT is released twice a year (in January and July). 
  • National extensions generally follow this cycle, however it is often with a three-month delay. Some extensions (notably those including medication-related concepts) are released more frequently.

versioned edition to which specified versions of additional modules have been added.


For more information about SNOMED CT extensions see the Extensions Practical Guide.

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