

Semantic tags are part of FSN descriptions. They are placed in parentheses at the end of FSNs when authoring concepts. They indicate the domain to which a concept belongs. For example, body structure, disorder, or specimen.

The purpose of semantic tags is to disambiguate concepts which have the same commonly used word or phrase. 

For example,

    • Hematoma (morphologic abnormality)
    • Hematoma (disorder)

The following table contains the semantic tags for each domain.

DomainSemantic tags
Body structure (body structure)
  • (body structure)
    • (cell)
    • (cell structure)
    • (morphologic abnormality)
Clinical finding (finding)
  • (finding)
    • (disorder)
Environment or geographical location (environment / location)
  • (environment)
  • (geographic location)
Event (event)
  • (event)
Observable entity (observable entity)
  • (observable entity)
Organism (organism)
  • (organism)
Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)
  • (clinical drug)
  • (medicinal product)
  • (medicinal product form)
  • (physical object)
  • (product)
Physical force (physical force)
  • (physical force)
Physical object (physical object)
  • (physical object)
    • (product)
Procedure (procedure)
  • (procedure)
    • (regime/therapy)
Qualifier value (qualifier value)
  • (qualifier value)
    • (administration method)
    • (basic dose form)
    • (disposition)
    • (dose form)
    • (intended site)
    • (number)
    • (product name)
    • (release characteristic)
    • (role)
    • (state of matter)
    • (transformation)
    • (supplier)
    • (unit of presentation)
Record artifact (record artifact)
  • (record artifact)
Situation with explicit context (situation)
  • (situation)
SNOMED CT Model Component (metadata)
  • (attribute)
  • (core metadata concept)
  • (foundation metadata concept)
  • (link assertion)
  • (linkage concept)
  • (namespace concept)
  • (OWL metadata concept)
Social context (social concept)
  • (social concept)

    • (ethnic group)

    • (life style)

    • (occupation)

    • (person)

    • (racial group)

    • (religion/philosophy)

Special concept (special concept)
  • (inactive concept)
  • (navigational concept)
Specimen (specimen)
  • (specimen)
Staging and scales (staging scales)
  • (staging scale)
    • (assessment scale)
    • (tumor staging)
Substance (substance)
  • (substance)

  • No labels