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I am posting here a call for people to feedback on their availability for upcoming meetings which has kindly been sent out by email as well.


In preparation for upcoming SNOMED NCPT meetings, please complete the two doodle polls below by Monday, January 29:

1. Indicate your availability for SNOMED NCPT Meeting #3 here:

2. Indicate your availability for a recurring meeting time (the third Monday of each month, beginning March 19):

Contributors (2)


  1. Hello, all. 

    I would like to let you know that the mtg on June 18, 2018 will not take place.

    We should regroup next on July 16th, 19:00 UTC by which time we will have received feedback/reaction 

    on the nutrition findings modeling document, and the revised workplan. 

    Stay tuned, and please take some time to look and comment on these documents (you can find a separate discussion thread for each document in discussions). 

  2.  Do you send a number for the meeting the 16th of July?
