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Sex and Gender Clinical Project Group


17th February 2021 (2000 UTC)


  • Jim Case, Jane Millar, Elaine Wooler, Clair Kronk, Alex Keuroghlian, Stephanie Kerruish, Carol Macumber, Chris Grasso, Dr Michael Marshall, Emory Potter, Francis Lau, John Snyder


  • None

Discussion items

1WelcomeJim CaseJim Case welcomed everyone

2IntroductionsAllAll attendees introduced themselves and outlined their experience and expectations of the work - detail is on the recording.

3General approach to projectAllIt was agreed that the group start by reviewing existing content based on the work that Clair Kronk has already done, which is posted but Clair agreed to update.
  • Clair Kronk to update her previous work and provide to Jane Millar by 10 March for circulation
  • All members to review Clair's work ahead of next call
4Confluence siteIan GreenCommunications and work will be through the confluence site and therefore all members need to register and also ensure they are 'watching'
  • All members to register for confluence account
  • Ian G to ensure members are identified as members of the group once they have confluence registration.
5Date/time next meeting
17th, March 2021 at 20:00 UTC

Meeting Files

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