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November 2019 Production (Version 3) to November 2019 Production (Version 4) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files33

33 records had their UUID's updated as expected (as they're all new refset for this release)

November 2019 Production (Version 2) to November 2019 Production (Version 3) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Stated Relationship files1

Final record inactivated as expected:

< 2135461000052126 20180531 1 45991000052106 57671000052108 273249006 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002
> 2135461000052126 20191130 0 45991000052106 57671000052108 273249006 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

RefsetDescriptor files33

33 records had their UUID's updated as expected (as they're all new refset for this release)

November 2019 Production (Version 1) to November 2019 Production (Version 2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Stated Relationship files0
NO INACTIVATION OF FINAL RECORD AS EXPECTED?!! Manifest needs refreshing in SRS Product????
UrvalDeltagandetyperHälso-OchSjukvård SimpleRefset files


1 duplicate active record removed, reinstating the original valid active record from 2017 as expected:

< c102657b-d7c4-4585-a928-be56682792b6 20191130 1 45991000052106 53351000052100 53221000052103
> c102657b-d7c4-4585-a928-be56682792b6 20170531 1 45991000052106 53351000052100 53221000052103

RefsetDescriptor files33

33 records had their UUID's updated as expected (as they're all new refset for this release)

November 2019 Pre-Production (Version 1) to November 2019 Production (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Description (SV) files7575 records removed since the Pre-Production release, due to Daniel confirming the removal of the new language refset (500191000057100) in this ticket on 11/11/2019, plus the removal of the related Description records as well in the same ticket on 25/11/2019
Language Refset (SV) files7676 records removed since the Pre-Production release, due to Daniel confirming the removal of the new language refset (500191000057100) in this ticket on 11/11/2019
RefsetDescriptor files35

33 records had their UUID's updated as expected (as they're all new refset for this release),
PLUS 2 new records updated as expected, to update the refsetID's to those fixed by the Sweden NRC:

< 20191130 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 4226871000052111 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0
< 20191130 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 4226911000052113 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0

> 20191130 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 59771000052109 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0
> 20191130 1 45991000052106 900000000000456007 59781000052106 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0

urvalAdministrativtKön SimpleRefset files2

All 2 records in the refset updated to have the new, correct RefsetID:

< 7d55b70a-293c-494e-bc83-e5457fc5bc23 20191130 1 45991000052106 4226871000052111 703117000
< cd2893ef-ae3a-441b-8bb4-6b8d5babefb7 20191130 1 45991000052106 4226871000052111 703118005
> 7d55b70a-293c-494e-bc83-e5457fc5bc23 20191130 1 45991000052106 59771000052109 703117000
> cd2893ef-ae3a-441b-8bb4-6b8d5babefb7 20191130 1 45991000052106 59771000052109 703118005

urvalAdministreringsvägNationellaLäkemedelslistan SimpleRefset files4

2 new records added intentionally by Sweden NRC, as confirmed by Daniel in this ticket on 24/11/19:

> 6ab220ff-8618-4331-858f-31692f4e193a 20191130 1 45991000052106 62151000052104 372472002

> cd279fac-a42b-46de-a6a1-493ec4fd49c7 20191130 1 45991000052106 62151000052104 372462000

Plus 2 inactive concepts removed from refset by Sweden NRC, as confirmed by Daniel in this ticket on 4/11/19:
< 9cea91b3-e583-4895-9ad7-ed97d8ee5421 20191130 1 45991000052106 62151000052104 58741000052106
< cebf11f2-66df-4c9a-9150-05483276a243 20191130 1 45991000052106 62151000052104 58781000052101

urvalAllvarlighetsgrad SimpleRefset files6

All 3 records in the refset updated to have the new, correct RefsetID:

< 3e17e82a-9847-4193-8bb4-000236e27312 20191130 1 45991000052106 4226911000052113 59021000052107
< 47b80089-a316-4c53-9db8-88aaf95c0460 20191130 1 45991000052106 4226911000052113 59031000052109
< fe3e2557-dd38-414f-adfc-8ccdac9955bb 20191130 1 45991000052106 4226911000052113 442452003
> 3e17e82a-9847-4193-8bb4-000236e27312 20191130 1 45991000052106 59781000052106 59021000052107
> 47b80089-a316-4c53-9db8-88aaf95c0460 20191130 1 45991000052106 59781000052106 59031000052109
> fe3e2557-dd38-414f-adfc-8ccdac9955bb 20191130 1 45991000052106 59781000052106 442452003

urvalFyndMikroorganismLaboratoriemedicin Simple Refset files

2 new records added intentionally by Sweden NRC, as confirmed by Daniel in this ticket on 24/11/19:

> 07ecfd16-f474-43dd-8d0c-68b7250c58f7 20191130 1 45991000052106 500061000057107 114208004
> 42333dfa-72e5-4802-9121-90825fe332cc 20191130 1 45991000052106 500061000057107 24476004

Plus 4 inactive concepts removed from refset by Sweden NRC, as confirmed by Daniel in this ticket on 4/11/19:

< 00f3ffb0-37d2-4a90-ad9b-20b4a5212ed6 20191130 1 45991000052106 500061000057107 58429004
< 7ace0378-f6d8-45df-8d88-9e8993f786fa 20191130 1 45991000052106 500061000057107 415888004
< c184b05e-4184-4a2d-b14e-32be42c0e2e3 20191130 1 45991000052106 500061000057107 7858008
< ff7c6e9b-958e-4b73-ae04-f0113a519ff8 20191130 1 45991000052106 500061000057107 24406000

Readme file

Updated with Production naming convention, and removal of x prefixes, as expected

May 2019 Production (PUBLISHED) to November 2019 Pre-Production (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
AssociationReference files3

3 new records added, approximately right given number of Concept inactivations in files below

> 33db735d-f3e1-421b-883d-aee0c5131a73 20191130 1 45991000052106 900000000000531004 4192991000052114 61201000052104
> 53524b12-349d-419d-9709-d191944f7311 20191130 1 45991000052106 900000000000527005 58781000052101 372472002
> 6acc1cba-9371-475d-b364-1d54b5413ef6 20191130 1 45991000052106 900000000000527005 58741000052106 372462000

AttributeValue records241

2 records inactivated, plus

237 new records added, approximately right given number of Description inactivations in files below

Concept files223

217 new records added, plus

2 inactivated plus

4 updated expected as confirmed by Daniel when he evaluated this traceability matrix against his expected changes for the cycle on 26/11/2019

Description (EN) files496

440 new records added, plus

28 records inactivated expected as confirmed by Daniel when he evaluated this traceability matrix against his expected changes for the cycle on 26/11/2019

Description (SV) files5183

4799 new records added (including thousands from batch updates), plus

194 records inactivated expected as confirmed by Daniel when he evaluated this traceability matrix against his expected changes for the cycle on 26/11/2019

Readme filen/a
November 2019 date changes as expected, plus 99 new Refset files added (33 new refsets x 3 files each for Full/Delta/Snapshot, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files33
33 new records added (to the pre-existing 14 records), for each of the new SE Refsets, making for a total of 47 SE refsets as expected
Relationship files2513

2031 new records added, plus

236 records inactivated - no way to validate this as usual, but roughly right given number of new concepts + OWLExpression records

OWLExpression files1811

1811 new records added expected as confirmed by Daniel when he evaluated this traceability matrix against his expected changes for the cycle on 26/11/2019 (due to the fact that they have 1819 active concepts in SE snapshot, but 8 of those have been promoted up to the International Edition, and therefore do not need OWLAxiom records in the SE Extension.

Stated Relationship files2876ISRS-683

2876 records inactivated

NOT QUITE AS EXPECTED, as were 2877 active records in the May 2019 Stated Relationship Snapshot file!

Found that the following inactivation record was missing from the Delta from the termServer, as it was promoted to the International Edition in May 2019 and therefore the active record was created in the International Edition in July 2019, BUT was never removed from the SE release:

2135461000052126 20180531 1 45991000052106 57671000052108 273249006 0 116680003 900000000000010007 900000000000451002

Language Refset (EN) files507

437 new records added/updated, plus

35 records inactivated expected as confirmed by Daniel when he evaluated this traceability matrix against his expected changes for the cycle on 26/11/2019

Language Refset (SV) files5247

4845 new records added/updated (including thousands from batch updates), plus

201 records inactivated expected as confirmed by Daniel when he evaluated this traceability matrix against his expected changes for the cycle on 26/11/2019

UrvalDeltagandetyperHälso-OchSjukvård SimpleRefset files1


1 Active record replaced with an identical (DUPLICATE) active record - NOT EXPECTED or VALID:

< c102657b-d7c4-4585-a928-be56682792b6 20170531 1 45991000052106 53351000052100 53221000052103
> c102657b-d7c4-4585-a928-be56682792b6 20191130 1 45991000052106 53351000052100 53221000052103

urvalProvtypLaboratoriemedicin SimpleRefset files1

1 new record added:

> 23850f27-1772-4fde-ac8e-1b2fba8d6f2c 20191130 1 45991000052106 500121000057102 119297000

Confirmed by Refset tool logs to have been made intentionally to this refset...

[2019-10-24 06:30:23] dkarlsson ADD member (projectId=2101, objectId=12210196): 23645832341 = 119297000 Blood specimen (specimen)
ModuleDependency files

2 new records added for November 2019 dates, as expected
TextDescription EN files7

7 records inactivated, expected as confirmed by Daniel when he evaluated this traceability matrix against his expected changes for the cycle on 26/11/2019

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