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I have a project to look at the "regime/therapy" concepts under 239516002|Monitoring procedure (regime/therapy). Many of these look like they could be Process observables, I have looked at the Observables project but haven't found a definitive definition. If these would fit the observables model I can propose this in our document but I just don't know enough right now. The very definition of "Monitoring" seems to include observation. I'm including a few examples, any thoughts are appreciated.

170599006 24 hr blood pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
386506007 Acid-base balance monitoring (regime/therapy)
284019003 Airway pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
14603002 Apnea monitor surveillance (regime/therapy)
77938009 Arterial pressure monitoring, invasive method (regime/therapy)
17146006 Arterial pressure monitoring, non-invasive method (regime/therapy)
134377004 Atrial fibrillation monitoring (regime/therapy)
170818005 B12 deficiency monitoring (regime/therapy)
698472009 Blood glucose monitoring (regime/therapy)
135840009 Blood pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
182805002 Cardiac output monitoring (regime/therapy)
422952004 Cardiac telemetry (regime/therapy)
63818009 Cardiotachometer monitoring (regime/therapy)
47101004 Cardiotachometry (regime/therapy)
387672006 Cardiotochogram (regime/therapy)
284037002 Fresh gas oxygen concentration monitoring (regime/therapy)
707202005 Monitoring of blood loss per vagina (regime/therapy)
304495004 Monitoring of blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate (regime/therapy)
59092003 Monitoring of cardiac ventricular pressure (regime/therapy)
12065009 Monitoring of coronary blood flow (regime/therapy)
707204006 Monitoring of discharge per vagina (regime/therapy)
707203000 Monitoring of drainage of amniotic fluid per vagina (regime/therapy)
50072001 Monitoring of pulse (regime/therapy)
53617003 Monitoring of respiration (regime/therapy)
698931001 Monitoring of stoma output (regime/therapy)
304494000 Monitoring of temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate (regime/therapy)
710988007 Monitoring of tissue perfusion (regime/therapy)
707260000 Monitoring of venous pressure (regime/therapy)
710994004 Monitoring pedal pulse (regime/therapy)
401004000 Peak expiratory flow rate monitoring (regime/therapy)
401011001 Peak expiratory flow rate monitoring using diary (regime/therapy)
284027007 Peripheral temperature monitoring (regime/therapy)
24599003 Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
42340005 Pulmonary artery wedge pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
284034009 Pulse oximetry monitoring (regime/therapy)
37707006 Radionuclide study of coronary blood flow (regime/therapy)
398289009 Ratio of fourth twitch to first twitch monitoring (regime/therapy)
415722005 Tidal volume monitoring (regime/therapy)

Contributors (2)


  1. Penni, many of these concepts were created for the Clinical Care Classification which defines monitoring as "Monitor/Assess: Observes and evaluates data on the health status of the patient (no hands on the patient)." In my mind, the regime therapy concepts are more general and don't include the point-of-care observations, e.g. cardiac monitoring. The POC observations would be heart rate, rhythm, segment lengths, etc. The POC observations also include the method - such as pulse ox. So....I can see some of these as observations (temperature, heart rate, stoma output) where other's are regimes and therapies. Thanks...Susan

  2. Hi Penni

    The Nursing CRG has a number of documents related to this subject following a comparison of monitoring and surveillance by Judith Warren

    Documentation - Nursing Clinical Reference Group

    Some relate to professional evaluation of multiple data points, whereas others such as:

    • 24 hr blood pressure monitoring
    • Arterial pressure monitoring, invasive method
    • Blood pressure monitoring
    • Cardiac output monitoring

    would appear to relate to procedures involving the use of a monitoring device. There may well be related observables, however these would not appear to be them.