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January 2021 Production (PUBLISHED) vs January 2022 Pre-Production Release (Version 4) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedRationale
RefsetDescriptor files0

0 records changed as expected

ModuleDependency files2

Both records updated to 2023 dates, as expected 

Readme filen/a EffectiveTimes etc updated for Jan 2023, plus all x prefixes added and PreProd naming conventions applied, as expected
SNOMED to MedDRA Map Snapshot files106

63 records added

43 records inactivated

In TOTAL in the 2022 Snapshot record there are 3988 records:

  • 3658 active records from 2021 (20210131 1)
  •    261 active records from 2022 (20220131 1)
  •     0 inactive records from 2021 (20210131 0)
  •  69 inactive records from 2022 (20220131 0)

This is as expected, as there were 3727 active records (plus 0 inactive) in the April 2021 release, less the 69 inactivated in April 2022 = 3658 active records expected in 2022.

This matches the Delta file from WCI exactly (BUT NOT the stats in the WCI files - emailed WCI to see if they can get the stats working....).

MedDRA to SNOMED Map Snapshot files225

137 records added/updated, plus

85 records inactivated

  • 1x extra record removed + added because of new header (as expected)!
    • < id effectiveTime active moduleId refsetId referencedComponentId mapTarget
    • > id effectiveTime active moduleId refsetId referencedComponentId mapSource
  • 6464 active records from 2021 inactivated with old refsetID 816209002 - this takes 12928 records in total:
    • < 20210131 1 816211006 816209002 +
    • > 20220131 0 816211006 816209002
  • 6719 active records from 2022 added back in with new refsetID 1193497006:
    • > 20220131 1 816211006 1193497006
    • THIS MEANS ONLY 255 new changes for 2022?? - Donna confirmed this is roughly as expected via email at 12:44 on 22/3/22
  • 0 Inactivations from 2022 added in - is this expected??? 
    • Has the map process, perhaps, seen any new inactivations as invalid because there were no original active records from 2021 with the new refsetID 1193497006??
    • Nope, Donna checked and Nicole at MedDRA confirmed zero inactivations planned for this cycle for MedDRA-SNOMED map (see email at 14:23 on 22/3/22)

VERIFIED that using the same effectiveTime for the inactivation of the previous 6464 records is fine, as although we've got 2x records with the same effectiveTime + map pair in the snapshot files, this isn't a problem as they have new UUID's (eg)

  • 89f1dec3-96a9-500b-9231-944250255860 20220131 0 816211006 816209002 190818004 10047801
  • 7fe62b65-fa5a-5e78-a16a-1562784df08a 20220131 1 816211006 1193497006 190818004 10047801

This matches the stats in the WCI files exactly (6719 new records in 2022 Prod release), but this is to be expected as technically all those records are "new" for 2022 due to new format/refsetID.

This matches the Delta file from WCI exactly:

  • 6464 inactivations of the old 2021 refsetID records:
    • > 20220131 0 816211006 816209002
  • 6719 active records added in for 2022 with new refsetID + format:
    • > 20220131 1 816211006 1193497006
  • = 13183 changes + 1 change for header = 13184

This is as expected, as there were 6464 active records (plus 0 inactive) in the April 2021 release Snapshot, plus the 255 activated + 0 inactivated in April 2022 = 6719 records expected in 2022.

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