SNOMED International is seeking feedback on a proposal to modify the layout specified for the Identifier File (4.2.4 Identifier File Specification), which provides a standardized way of associating alternative Identifiers from various schemes with SNOMED CT components. This file provides alternative identifiers for concepts where the same entity exists in another code system.
SNOMED International has not used this file to date, but plans to in the future. As such, we want to bring the column ordering into line with all other RF2 files before publishing.
If you are a SNOMED CT user, please read this proposal paper: SNOMED International Proposal to change the RF2 Identifier File specification and then respond with any questions and feedback via the form linked in that document.
We will respond to feedback by the end of this consultation on March 31, 2023, and post it as an addendum to the proposal.
Please share this page with anyone you think would have an interest in or be impacted by this proposal.