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April 2023 PreProduction (version 3) vs April 2023 Production (version 1 - POST Versioning) traceability 

Summary Component Stats Report:

April 2023 NZ MSSP Ticket:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme file

All x prefixes removed and Production naming conventions added, as expected 

April 2023 PreProduction (version 1) vs April 2023 PreProduction (version 3) traceability 

Summary Component Stats Report:

April 2023 NZ MSSP Ticket:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
All files

No Content changes made - just config changes to add in new config, such as the new inactivation reasons that are possible but not yet used by this extension.

October 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs April 2023 PreProduction (version 1) traceability 

Summary Component Stats Report:

April 2023 NZ MSSP Ticket:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme file

Dates updated for April 2023 as expected + x prefixes added

Association files473

473 new/updated records added

as expected, as matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)

AttributeValue files6191

6185 new/updated records created +

6 records inactivated

NOT as expected, as ACTIVATED STATES 6093 IN REPORT matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)  

GOOD NEWS - turned out to just be an issue with the SCS report - devops had run it with ALMOST all modules as input params, but missed one - should always be this for NO:  51000202101,57101000202106,57091000202101

Re-ran the SCS report and now looks correct. 

RefsetDescriptor files2

2 new/updated records ??????????? NOT as expected AS KIM CONFIRMED NO new/updated REFSETS THIS CYCLE ???????????

> 38368b77-8aec-42ce-88f8-11cc7eaf4237    20230415    1    51000202101    900000000000456007    278011000202104    900000000000514006    900000000000461009    0
> 8585e618-1e8f-4b7b-9329-7660f80cfa29    20230415    1    51000202101    900000000000456007    278011000202104    900000000000515007    900000000000465000    1

ASKED KIM IN MSSP TICKET - She confirmed this is a new refset that they forgot about!!  They've now added it to the Refsets tab in the MSSP ticket...

ModuleDependency files8

All 8 records updated with April 2023 dates, as expected
Concept files721

371 new/updated records created, +

350 records inactivated + 

NOT as expected, as INACTIVATED STATES 327 IN REPORT matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)  

GOOD NEWS - turned out to just be an issue with the SCS report - devops had run it with ALMOST all modules as input params, but missed one - should always be this for NO:  51000202101,57101000202106,57091000202101

Re-ran the SCS report and now looks correct.

Description (EN) files959

919 new/updated records created, +

40 records inactivated + 

as expected, as SUM OF EN + NO DESCRIPTIONS almost matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)

**** Be careful here as 4613 records shown with ">" indicator (suggesting 4613 new/updated records), BUT ONLY 4608 with 20211015\t1\t effective time + status.  

So looks like some of the NO descriptions may now also have ">" characters in the terms, leading to potential confusion with the reconciliation of the Traceability Matrix!  Yes, found them for future reference there are 5 of them:

  • > 1515851000202116 20211015 1 51000202101 57981000202102 en 900000000000013009 Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 6 *1/*1 >2 ultra-rapid metabolizer 900000000000020002
  • > 1515861000202118 20211015 1 51000202101 57981000202102 en 900000000000003001 Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 6 *1/*1 >2 ultra-rapid metabolizer (finding) 900000000000020002
  • > 1516151000202117 20211015 1 51000202101 57981000202102 en 900000000000013009 CYP2D6 *1/*1 >2 ultra-rapid metaboliser 900000000000020002
  • > 1516161000202119 20211015 1 51000202101 57981000202102 en 900000000000013009 Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 6 *1/*1 >2 ultra-rapid metaboliser 900000000000020002
  • > 1516171000202111 20211015 1 51000202101 57981000202102 en 900000000000013009 CYP2D6 *1/*1 >2 ultra-rapid metabolizer 900000000000020002
Description (NO) files29819

26902 records added, +

2886 records inactivated + 

as expected, as SUM OF EN + NO DESCRIPTIONS almost matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)

**** Be careful here as 19186 records shown with ">" indicator (suggesting 19186 new/updated records), BUT ONLY 19185 with 20211015\t1\t effective time + status.  

So looks like some of the NO descriptions may now also have ">" characters in the terms, leading to potential confusion with the reconciliation of the Traceability Matrix!  Yes, found them for future reference there is 1 of them:

  • > 1515871000202110 20211015 1 51000202101 57981000202102 no 900000000000013009 cytokrom P450 familie 2 subfamilie D medlem 6 *1/*1 >2 ultra-rapid metabolizer 900000000000020002
Language (NB) files31561

28638 new/updated records + 

2923 records inactivated + 

as expected, as matches with the "Norwegian Bokmål language reference set" totals in the "Refsets" tab in the Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)

+ TOTAL of the NN + NN-GP + NB + NB-GP + EN counts here matches exactly with the total Language Refset counts in the SCS report.

Language (NB-GP) files378

267 new/updated records + 

111 records inactivated + 

as expected, as matches with the "Norwegian Bokmål language reference set" totals in the "Refsets" tab in the Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)

+ TOTAL of the NN + NN-GP + NB + NB-GP + EN counts here matches exactly with the total Language Refset counts in the SCS report.

Language (NN) files1720

1718 new/updated records created, +

2 records inactivated + 

as expected, as matches with the "Norwegian Nynorsk language reference set" totals in the "Refsets" tab in the Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)

+ TOTAL of the NN + NN-GP + NB + NB-GP + EN counts here matches exactly with the total Language Refset counts in the SCS report.

Language (NN-GP) files720

720 new/updated records created, +

0 records inactivated + 

as expected, as matches with the "Norwegian Nynorsk language reference set" totals in the "Refsets" tab in the Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)

+ TOTAL of the NN + NN-GP + NB + NB-GP + EN counts here matches exactly with the total Language Refset counts in the SCS report.

Language (EN) files962

922 new/updated records created + 

40 records inactivated

as expected, as matches with the "United States of America English language reference set" totals in the "Refsets" tab in the Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)

+ TOTAL of the NN + NN-GP + NB + NB-GP + EN counts here matches exactly with the total Language Refset counts in the SCS report.

Relationship files4217

2719 records added +

1498 records inactivated

NOT as expected, as INACTIVATED STATES 1475 IN REPORT matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)  

GOOD NEWS - turned out to just be an issue with the SCS report - devops had run it with ALMOST all modules as input params, but missed one - should always be this for NO:  51000202101,57101000202106,57091000202101

Re-ran the SCS report and now looks correct.

Relationship Concrete Values files501

443 new/updated records added

58 records inactivated

as expected, as matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)  

OWL Axiom files950

600 new/updated records created, +

350 records inactivated + 

NOT as expected, as INACTIVATED STATES 327 IN REPORT matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)  

GOOD NEWS - turned out to just be an issue with the SCS report - devops had run it with ALMOST all modules as input params, but missed one - should always be this for NO:  51000202101,57101000202106,57091000202101

Re-ran the SCS report and now looks correct.

TextDefinition (EN) files 1

1 new/updated records created, +

0 records inactivated + 

as expected, as matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)  

TextDefinition (NO) files 2

2 new/updated records added +

0 records inactivated

as expected, as matches exactly with Summary Component Stats report for this NO cycle (see above)  

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