Page tree

April 2022 Production (version 1 - POST-versioning) to April 2022 Production (version 2 - POST-versioning CTV3 Manifest Config updated) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
SimpleMap files791

791 records had their UUID's refreshed ONLY, as expected due to the 791 CTV3 records (900000000000497000) in this release.

March 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) to April 2022 Production (version 1 - POST-versioning) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
.JSON file

All fields populated with April 2022 data, as expected

refsetDescriptor files0

Still using externallyMaintained refset files, as the automations in FRI-262 are NOT WORKING!!  They're picking up on refsets that have been added to the International content in snowstorm (Common French, etc), but which should NOT be included in the refsetDescriptor file because they are not published as part of the International Edition package:   INFRA-8402 / FRI-376

So used external files instead, with NO NEW refsetDescriptor records for this cycle (as confirmed by various stakeholders via email on 11/4/22 + 12/4/22)

moduleDependency files3

Now using Automated input files from termServer, and these appear to be WORKING for updating EXISTING RECORDS ONLY:

< 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20220331 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220331 20220331
< 686fe392-d2f7-586d-98aa-078aba426832 20220331 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220331 20220331
< f6431457-161b-5b46-9217-573c20c00070 20220331 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220331 20220331
> 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20220430 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220430 20220430
> 686fe392-d2f7-586d-98aa-078aba426832 20220430 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220430 20220430
> f6431457-161b-5b46-9217-573c20c00070 20220430 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220430 20220430

BUT MISSING THE KNOWN NEW MODULE ADDED FOR ICD-11 (this can wait a few cycles though, so this file is okay for now):  INFRA-8404

Concept files1192

240 records inactivated +

161 records updated + 

791 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report ("updated" matches against total of "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns) provided early by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

Description files3065

282 records inactivated +

8 records updated + 

2775 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report provided by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 324 instead of 356.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

Language files6363

554 records inactivated +

338 records updated + 

5471 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report provided by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

Relationship files9202

2993 records inactivated +

221 records updated + 

5988 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Relationships" tab) provided by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

Relationship Concrete Values files176

0 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

176 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Concrete Rels" tabprovided by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

OWL files2098

240 records inactivated +

1062 records updated + 

796 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Axiom" tab) provided early by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

TextDefinition files67

2 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

65 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Text Defn" tab) provided early by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

Association files649

195 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

454 records added

Confirmed as matches roughly with data in Summary Component Stats report provided by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

In order to get an accurate comparison, we have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals from the RF2 files (manually tallied from the new Association Snapshot files) and add them to the "Hist Assoc" tab in hte Summary Component Report:

SEP (from RF2 diff files) = 39 changes:

This then, adds to the "Hist Assoc" tab (NOT the final refsets tab) in the Summary report stats:

  • 189 inactivations +
  • 397 new records

Makes a total of:

  • 189 inactivations +
  • 432 new records

Which (almost) matches exactly with the first 8 rows in the "Refsets" tab (all other refsetID's in the Association file) in the Summary report stats!!

NOTE:  There is a 21 record differential in these figures because just after the report was run the content team confirmed an addition of 2x new Association Refsets, and so once these were added into the Manifest they added 21 records into the Association Refset

AttributeValue files1496

135 records inactivated +

81 records updated + 

1280 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report provided by DevOps in the main INT ticket:

ExtendedMap files458

64 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

392 records added

These totals include 3 additional records inactivated as a result of the fixes made in ISRS-1230 (the two additions in these fixes were also sent by WCI)

If you remove these figures then (which come direct from the termServer where they were fixed, as opposed to via WCI) the records added matches the Icd10stats.txt file in the Map report Rick sent:  Icd10stats.txt

Also matches the manual count that Donna confirmed in her email at 15:32 on 11/4/2022, which was 356 new concepts mapped (unique concepts, as there can be several map records per concept):

Icd10stats.txt file:  Total New concepts mapped this release 356

Records inactivated however, doesn't quite match - Icd10stats.txt file says 58 whereas we have 61 - Rick confirmed this is the same issue with the counts as we had with the additions (there is a difference between "unique number of concepts changed" (as per Rick's report) and "total map records changed even if multiple records changed per concept" (as we count in the RF2 files).  So Rick will improve the report for the May release.

SimpleMap files793

1 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

792 records added

Confirmed as matches with:

  • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 791, exactly the same number as new concepts PLUS
  • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 1 new + 1 inactivation, which match with Donna's counts from drip feed - see email trails + slack confirmations
Simple refset files46

8 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

38 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page: Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

Readme file

EffectiveTimes updated as planned to 20220430
MRCM files0
Zero changes, as confirmed by Maria + Yong in the Initial Handover meeting on 8/4/22

April 2022 PreProduction (version 2 - PRE-versioning) to April 2022 Production (version 1 - POST-versioning) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme filen/a
x prefixes removed, plus Production naming convention applied, as expected
SimpleMap files791
791 records had their UUID's refreshed, as matches with the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 791, exactly the same number as new concepts as expected

April 2022 PreProduction (version 1 - PRE-versioning) to April 2022 PreProduction (version 2 - PRE-versioning) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Association files21


21 new records added, as expected due to new Association Refsets added by the Content Team in this editing cycle (ISRS-1236):

> 07afd481-67fa-4211-a4ab-7a11ee839ed9 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186921001 711062002 256363008
> 10b218dc-65e4-4a5a-8a7d-ac3f77fe472f 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186921001 195819005 21719001
> 1a792e00-382c-4d79-a490-7104f39f08de 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 149059003 1417002
> 2b12585f-2192-4452-9c08-ee6a8d8c0afd 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 180196000 281706009
> 2b33bf75-43c9-40f0-8eaa-ecbe22f5b7ef 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 180196000 1217591002
> 2b68c446-4b28-4e37-9f32-003e7fb0a4b8 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186921001 406472009 272169002
> 65b3f061-d0a4-456d-a58c-d7ac8b74e4fb 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 172283005 172191005
> 6700d284-8d19-4558-b414-216340b83cea 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186921001 406472009 256363008
> 6e43d2b6-d2d9-4981-b6eb-ec9409389cc3 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 202886000 240018003
> 77ab049c-9df1-4308-a8e4-49e9af80dacc 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186921001 711062002 272169002
> 77d04c7c-1388-4921-9a49-ec570ed09787 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186921001 195819005 232349006
> 7a599241-ecfe-476a-9d56-a8f7498ca648 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 202886000 1209216006
> a6372faf-a1c9-4629-91e1-fe5babf2c810 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 172284004 40654000
> a696260a-b91a-403c-8c41-fd8e815cfdc9 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 149059003 384676001
> bac04382-346c-434c-8ac6-38ac5bfc209f 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 287422002 384676001
> c225a52c-f66f-4906-a290-2d8d8683e56f 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 180195001 281706009
> c9c98bdc-98f0-4efa-b969-bd9e11b0e900 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186921001 195819005 717234006
> e62e88d9-aafa-474d-bfde-f582614db042 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 180195001 1217591002
> f5ce7212-12a7-4afc-bf54-accffad78005 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 172284004 172191005
> facfc6d4-72d0-4fbd-a4ca-f71cad98aa00 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 287422002 1417002
> fbd15996-5616-4e05-bda3-5b0928c7e5ea 20220430 1 900000000000207008 1186924009 172283005 40654000

New Association Refsets added:

  • 1186921001|POSSIBLY REPLACED BY association reference set
  • 1186924009|PARTIALLY EQUIVALENT TO association reference set
ExtendedMap files453

61 records inactivated +

392 records added

The records added matches the Icd10stats.txt file in the Map report Rick sent:  Icd10stats.txt

Also matches the manual count that Donna confirmed in her email at 15:32 on 11/4/2022, which was 356 new concepts mapped (unique concepts, as there can be several map records per concept):

Icd10stats.txt file:  Total New concepts mapped this release 356

Records inactivated however, doesn't quite match - Icd10stats.txt file says 58 whereas we have 61 - Rick confirmed this is the same issue with the counts as we had with the additions (there is a difference between "unique number of concepts changed" (as per Rick's report) and "total map records changed even if multiple records changed per concept" (as we count in the RF2 files).  So Rick will improve the report for the May release.

SimpleMap files793

1 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

1 records added

Confirmed as matches the counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) sent in the Icd0stats.txt file in the Map report Rick sent:  Icdostats.txt

PLUS 791 records had their UUID's refreshed, as matches with the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 791, exactly the same number as new concepts 

March 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) to April 2022 PreProduction (version 1 - PRE-versioning) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
.JSON file

All fields populated with April 2022 data, as expected

refsetDescriptor files0

Still using externallyMaintained refset files, as the automations in FRI-262 are NOT WORKING!!  They're picking up on refsets that have been added to the International content in snowstorm (Common French, etc), but which should NOT be included in the refsetDescriptor file because they are not published as part of the International Edition package:   INFRA-8402 / FRI-376

So used external files instead, with NO NEW refsetDescriptor records for this cycle ?????(as confirmed by various stakeholders via email on 11/3/22)??????

moduleDependency files3

Now using Automated input files from termServer, and these appear to be WORKING for updating EXISTING RECORDS ONLY:

< 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20220331 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220331 20220331
< 686fe392-d2f7-586d-98aa-078aba426832 20220331 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220331 20220331
< f6431457-161b-5b46-9217-573c20c00070 20220331 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220331 20220331
> 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20220430 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220430 20220430
> 686fe392-d2f7-586d-98aa-078aba426832 20220430 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220430 20220430
> f6431457-161b-5b46-9217-573c20c00070 20220430 1 449080006 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220430 20220430

BUT MISSING THE KNOWN NEW MODULE ADDED FOR ICD-11 (this can wait a few cycles though, so this file is okay for now):  

Concept files1192

240 records inactivated +

161 records updated + 

791 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report ("updated" matches against total of "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns) provided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

Description files3065

282 records inactivated +

8 records updated + 

2775 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report provided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 324 instead of 356.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

Language files6363

554 records inactivated +

338 records updated + 

5471 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report provided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

Relationship files9202

2993 records inactivated +

221 records updated + 

5988 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Relationships" tab) provided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

Relationship Concrete Values files176

0 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

176 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Concrete Rels" tabprovided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

OWL files2098

240 records inactivated +

1062 records updated + 

796 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Axiom" tab) provided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

TextDefinition files67

2 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

65 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report (in "Text Defn" tab) provided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

Association files628

195 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

433 records added

Confirmed as matches roughly with data in Summary Component Stats report provided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

In order to get an accurate comparison, we have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals from the RF2 files (manually tallied from the new Association Snapshot files) and add them to the "Hist Assoc" tab in hte Summary Component Report:

SEP (from RF2 diff files) = 39 changes:

This then, adds to the "Hist Assoc" tab (NOT the final refsets tab) in the Summary report stats:

  • 189 inactivations +
  • 397 new records

Makes a total of:

  • 189 inactivations +
  • 432 new records

Which (almost) matches exactly with the first 8 rows in the "Refsets" tab (all other refsetID's in the Association file) in the Summary report stats!!

AttributeValue files1496

135 records inactivated +

81 records updated + 

1280 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report provided early by Maria in section 8 of the Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

ExtendedMap files5

3 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

2 records added


> 36b9778e-ebb4-518c-a55c-957018c8a6b7 20220430 1 449080006 447562003 1208910001 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS H44.0 | POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR CAUSATIVE AGENT CODE H44.0 447561005 447637006
> 581e9771-f1c6-5d9a-b66b-0ff8da25c83e 20220430 1 449080006 447562003 1208910001 2 1 TRUE ALWAYS Y83.9 Y83.9 447561005 447637006

< 52d46fcb-8f7d-531c-b9e6-6cb8e93be4df 20220331 1 449080006 447562003 1208910001 2 1 TRUE ALWAYS H45.1 | THIS CODE MAY BE USED IN THE PRIMARY POSITION WHEN THE MANIFESTATION IS THE PRIMARY FOCUS OF CARE H45.1 447561005 447637006
> 52d46fcb-8f7d-531c-b9e6-6cb8e93be4df 20220430 0 449080006 447562003 1208910001 2 1 TRUE ALWAYS H45.1 | THIS CODE MAY BE USED IN THE PRIMARY POSITION WHEN THE MANIFESTATION IS THE PRIMARY FOCUS OF CARE H45.1 447561005 447637006

< a2541567-37af-5897-8a8a-7573944c10a0 20220331 1 449080006 447562003 1208910001 3 1 TRUE ALWAYS Y83.9 Y83.9 447561005 447637006
> a2541567-37af-5897-8a8a-7573944c10a0 20220430 0 449080006 447562003 1208910001 3 1 TRUE ALWAYS Y83.9 Y83.9 447561005 447637006

< bb4b7da5-b7b7-5c9f-bbc0-c7b1c58b3b0f 20220331 1 449080006 447562003 1208910001 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS H45.1 | THIS CODE MAY BE USED IN THE PRIMARY POSITION WHEN THE MANIFESTATION IS THE PRIMARY FOCUS OF CARE H45.1 447561005 447637006
> bb4b7da5-b7b7-5c9f-bbc0-c7b1c58b3b0f 20220430 0 449080006 447562003 1208910001 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS H45.1 | THIS CODE MAY BE USED IN THE PRIMARY POSITION WHEN THE MANIFESTATION IS THE PRIMARY FOCUS OF CARE H45.1 447561005 447637006

Good news though, these are all linked to the fixes made in ISRS-1230 to fix the errant mapping record from the March 2022 release (ISRS-1228).

SimpleMap files791

0 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

791 records added

Confirmed as matches with:

  • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 791, exactly the same number as new concepts PLUS
  • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 0 new + 0 inactivation, which match with Donna's counts from drip feed - see email trails + slack confirmations
Simple refset files46

8 records inactivated +

0 records updated + 

38 records added

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page: Content Handover Meeting minutes - April 2022 International Edition:

Readme file

EffectiveTimes updated as planned to 20220430
MRCM files0
Zero changes, as confirmed by Maria + Yong in the Initial Handover meeting on 11/3/22
  • No labels