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How to promote a batch task (one with SAC/AAG gateway controls, created from a batch upload) to include its changes in the parent project. This is an extension of the simpler promotion process for non-complex tasks.


Batch upload tasks are identified as such during the upload and task creation process. When identified as a batch task, the Batch  label appears in the upper-right of the Task View - Task Details panel.

The batch task identification activates the task-level Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) item Validation Report Clean  which is defined within the parent project SAC configuration, as a mandatory manual acceptance item.

Additional SAC already defined for tasks within the project

If any other Task-level SAC are defined for the project, these are also presented as described for Complex tasks.

Manual SAC are presented initially as open checkboxes, each of which can be interactively checked (green-ticked) when the user's role-based access permissions match those configured for that SAC control.

Until all mandatory task-level SAC are met, task promotion will be blocked and Promote This Task to the Project  in the Task View - Task Details panel actions button list will not be enabled.

Validation Report Clean must be satisfied to allow batch task promotion

For batch tasks this means as a minimum {{Validation Report Clean}} must be interactively checked (green-ticket) before the task can be promoted.

Role-based access controls apply to manual task-level SAC

If the user's authenticated account session roles do not include edit permissions for the task (such as when viewing another author's task), the current manual SAC status will be shown, but cannot be set.

Press the Validation Report Clean manual SAC checkbox to toggle its status. It will show a green ticked box when checked, indicating its condition is met.

When all mandatory task-level SAC conditions are met for the batch task then promotion is enabled and both Promote This Task to the Project  and Begin Promotion Automation  in the Task View - Task Details action buttons list become active.

Once task promotion is enabled, follow the non-complex task steps (included below) to complete promotion of the task. Although the screenshots show simple tasks without the Batch  label or task-level SAC, the steps to promote once it is enabled are the same for all tasks. 

Press Promote This Task to the Project  in the Task View - Task Details panel actions button list

A "Preparing for task promotion" notification is presented in the page header, and the Promote This Task to the Project  button is disabled.

Task promotion has implicit checks for the following conditions:

  • No content changes made in the task.
  • Classification has been run in the task.
  • Classification was started but either failed to complete or has not completed.
  • Classification is current.
  • Classification has no results to accept.
  • Classification results have been accepted.
  • Review has been completed.

If no content has been changed on the task when promotion is initiated, a Promote Task pop-up notification states the there are no changes to promote. Press Return to Task (or press the X in the upper right corner) to close the pop-up.

If content changes have been made but any of the other conditions are not yet satisfied when promotion is initiated, a Promote Task pop-up notification shows their statuses, with action options to cancel the promotion, or to continue if task changes are considered sufficiently safe to update the project level content without satisfying these conditions.

Press  Return to Task (or press the X in the upper right corner) to close the pop-up and cancel the promotion without changing project content or the task status.

Press Promote Anyway  to continue promotion.

Promoting tasks with warnings

Pressing Promote Anyway is tacit acceptance of any warning statuses, with implied responsibility for by-passing these safeguards and the consequent unclassified and/or unreviewed content changes that will be promoted from the task to the project level.

Promoting unclassified content changes is a quality assurance risk that can be avoided relatively easily, since it typically takes less than ten minutes to run classification (if only to confirm no results). However there are occasions when it is clear that inferred classification results won't change, such as a description-only content change, in which case this option may be acceptable. 

By-passing review may also be acceptable under particular circumstances, for instance if the author is also the project manager / project lead. Note that this scenario can be prevented by setting the task as Complex and also having Review Completed set as a mandatory task-level SAC requirement within its parent project configuration, since task promotion in this case will not be enabled without a completed review.




A "Promoting task..." notification is presented in the page header whilst branch content changes are merged to the project level.

During promotion, the task content branch is locked to prevent any further changes, and a warning notification is presented below the  Edit Task Details action button in the Task Details panel. Whilst this is present, changes cannot be made to the content saved in the task branch, and action buttons other than Edit Task Details and Submit for Review  become inactive.

Once task promotion is completed, a "Task successfully promoted for PROJECT-##" notification (where PROJECT-## is the task identifier) is presented in the page header.

Following promotion no further changes are allowed on the task content branch, all action buttons in the Task Details panel become inactive, and a warning notification is presented below the now inactive Edit Task Details action button.