Page tree

October 2022 Production (Version 1) vs October 2022 Production (Version 5) traceability

Component Stats Report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
HealthServiceType SimpleRefset26ISRS-1350

26 records had their UUID's reconciled and therefore re-instated, due to the fixes in ISRS-1350

This turned out to be an issue with the Refset tool flag "StableUUIDs" - this should have been set to TRUE for all refsets, but wasn't!

< a3daa2d1-d8c3-4a4e-a55a-af53d492c466    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310109006
< 00d04884-2b68-48d0-beb2-b35b54cf6ee4    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310109006
> 00d04884-2b68-48d0-beb2-b35b54cf6ee4    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310109006

< fe3afb18-2e33-48f7-82be-cc6ca66b2fe7    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310076001
< 020746f6-29f5-4ac8-a400-69d7be6e3568    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310076001
> 020746f6-29f5-4ac8-a400-69d7be6e3568    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310076001

< 6bdd38ce-4763-41be-b2f6-b564b81275e6    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310087009
< 11139104-1866-4a3f-8f8b-0d799efb72c4    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310087009
> 11139104-1866-4a3f-8f8b-0d799efb72c4    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310087009

< 771f2abb-d1b9-4477-a1bb-69a0b4d8f430    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    722174002
< 1f124ff5-8208-4a31-b102-cec393a395d4    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    722174002
> 1f124ff5-8208-4a31-b102-cec393a395d4    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    722174002

< 8b50fdd5-c286-43aa-8c30-59deb907653d    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    54421000210104
< 270f707b-bb99-4432-bb5e-3fb03c85fb1b    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    54421000210104
> 270f707b-bb99-4432-bb5e-3fb03c85fb1b    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    54421000210104

< 5d523a70-5bf0-40c9-8a67-99b8a74bb96e    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    700435004
< 32db0415-b2a8-47fd-826e-1d18b1e2b260    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    700435004
> 32db0415-b2a8-47fd-826e-1d18b1e2b260    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    700435004

< 059241e2-195a-4bed-97e5-7b9b808efca8    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    788123009
< 3ba38ee1-a867-4639-adac-d989eb4d54d9    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    788123009
> 3ba38ee1-a867-4639-adac-d989eb4d54d9    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    788123009

< 0601705c-f203-4759-9c2b-7552499baf1e    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310101009
< 44a349f0-4e92-4520-9769-5a033d9fc592    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310101009
> 44a349f0-4e92-4520-9769-5a033d9fc592    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310101009

< 795aa74d-b9b7-4bd8-b3b8-7c460ba19995    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310004004
< 56b331a4-c8e2-416f-98d7-86abac5fb93d    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310004004
> 56b331a4-c8e2-416f-98d7-86abac5fb93d    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310004004

< f6aad8bb-7599-4fea-ac60-91cd89f55ae2    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    2351000175106
< 69864fe3-e33b-4256-b94b-81cf5f2562ce    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    2351000175106
> 69864fe3-e33b-4256-b94b-81cf5f2562ce    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    2351000175106

< c9d3e8b6-f780-4309-9f7f-7baecc985739    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    24081000087105
< 70616aa5-5433-4e51-9339-67db7b0938fb    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    24081000087105
> 70616aa5-5433-4e51-9339-67db7b0938fb    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    24081000087105

< 11965cc9-a6c7-4742-a444-4d03fe04dc05    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    788126001
< 721b968f-e115-48dc-b7cb-ecc105606883    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    788126001
> 721b968f-e115-48dc-b7cb-ecc105606883    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    788126001

< 914eff89-a8c7-4b0b-a446-646462cf1e65    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310090003
< 788d0dcf-96bf-40e1-8b14-ec563ddcd7dd    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310090003
> 788d0dcf-96bf-40e1-8b14-ec563ddcd7dd    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310090003

< ff6a5d2c-e3ba-4d54-883b-71c7e1639d6f    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310026003
< 7d19796b-f903-4670-b264-f3d289cde605    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310026003
> 7d19796b-f903-4670-b264-f3d289cde605    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310026003

< a24c9576-a015-4a2c-9540-8cbe3adac8c9    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    789716007
< 8bfdc515-43eb-48f5-845f-65a1392d88b3    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    789716007
> 8bfdc515-43eb-48f5-845f-65a1392d88b3    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    789716007

< bc54a3c8-430f-42a5-89f6-adb4e6bfdf66    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    708184003
< 8f5f06fe-790f-4020-8a1b-b871aa89abd0    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    708184003
> 8f5f06fe-790f-4020-8a1b-b871aa89abd0    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    708184003

< 8f70d0ca-d4fa-43bd-8ca5-ff85e1716716    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    734920002
< 91620691-dc7e-4e34-91a1-ffc9faec59af    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    734920002
> 91620691-dc7e-4e34-91a1-ffc9faec59af    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    734920002

< 148ed429-6012-4cb8-b7dc-70d985158b9f    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310137004
< 91977492-8c27-469a-825c-18254ef14a87    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310137004
> 91977492-8c27-469a-825c-18254ef14a87    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310137004

< e9cd11d5-94ed-45ed-8593-624743656639    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    714088003
< 960a938a-df09-464b-b9f2-c9c9a7c78045    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    714088003
> 960a938a-df09-464b-b9f2-c9c9a7c78045    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    714088003

< f2dd51d6-5bd6-4435-acd4-914fca6c0367    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310123008
< 9e510c3e-843c-462f-9041-f7abaabe8620    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310123008
> 9e510c3e-843c-462f-9041-f7abaabe8620    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310123008

< 9da8baca-d5d1-430b-94d9-706c68b649bd    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310166001
< a6e33cdc-837d-485c-8372-0ae81e4c6f29    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310166001
> a6e33cdc-837d-485c-8372-0ae81e4c6f29    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310166001

< afd1e9d6-e73a-4e72-8348-43a4a05122ed    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310138009
< aab08bb3-9854-4956-b50f-0056b6fea1dd    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310138009
> aab08bb3-9854-4956-b50f-0056b6fea1dd    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310138009

< c1adafb1-926f-4cf0-98b0-b5b03ba31a19    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310165002
< b08ca541-d04b-47a4-ab78-9098e500394f    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    310165002
> b08ca541-d04b-47a4-ab78-9098e500394f    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    310165002

< a64b7912-98bc-4fd0-9c0f-8272ae3e9eba    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    788006003
< c915d4dd-3a50-4f9f-872a-1c2ac22539ac    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    788006003
> c915d4dd-3a50-4f9f-872a-1c2ac22539ac    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    788006003

< 5a1acf4a-c381-4904-a2f1-fc1635aa8ea0    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    50751000210108
< c916c3bf-d2c1-4340-aa5d-cc4774b80453    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    50751000210108
> c916c3bf-d2c1-4340-aa5d-cc4774b80453    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    50751000210108

< 57116bdb-2a30-4190-9e01-b174b44ccfbc    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    792848000
< f53149e2-b26c-47d8-bdbf-1ab4ff96b42a    20211001    0    21000210109    461000210102    792848000
> f53149e2-b26c-47d8-bdbf-1ab4ff96b42a    20221001    1    21000210109    461000210102    792848000

October 2022 PreProduction (Version 4) vs October 2022 Production (Version 1) traceability

Component Stats Report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme file

Package naming convention updated, plus all x prefixes removed, as expected.

<     xSnomedCT_ManagedServiceNZ_PREPRODUCTION_NZ1000210_20221001T000000Z
>     SnomedCT_ManagedServiceNZ_PRODUCTION_NZ1000210_20221001T000000Z

October 2022 PreProduction (Version 3) vs October 2022 PreProduction (Version 4) traceability

Component Stats Report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
HealthServiceType SimpleRefset26ISRS-1350

UUID's were not reconciled as expected, and therefore changes to records came through as brand new records, therefore creating 26 invalid Duplicates in the Snapshot file for this refset.

ISRS-1350 raised to resolve this issue.

Smoking SimpleRefset files6

Final 6 records inactivated as expected:

  • < 159dfd51-3248-41a2-b467-8e7546b4835c    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    57861000210104
    > 159dfd51-3248-41a2-b467-8e7546b4835c    20221001    0    21000210109    51000210100    57861000210104

  • < 43810d4b-8606-4214-9f49-7e58bf52692b    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    785889008
    > 43810d4b-8606-4214-9f49-7e58bf52692b    20221001    0    21000210109    51000210100    785889008

  • < 54c632f8-3cc3-4b00-b134-f26622d4bbcc    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    713700008
    > 54c632f8-3cc3-4b00-b134-f26622d4bbcc    20221001    0    21000210109    51000210100    713700008

  • < 9dadb4d0-8a86-4b27-b46c-94399007b750    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    722499006
    > 9dadb4d0-8a86-4b27-b46c-94399007b750    20221001    0    21000210109    51000210100    722499006

  • < e552050e-05bc-49b5-8137-47f41267fcda    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    771155005
    > e552050e-05bc-49b5-8137-47f41267fcda    20221001    0    21000210109    51000210100    771155005

  • < fbe25fc5-037b-4b60-aee8-06c3f8dc8727    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    786063001
    > fbe25fc5-037b-4b60-aee8-06c3f8dc8727    20221001    0    21000210109    51000210100    786063001

October 2022 PreProduction (Version 1) vs October 2022 PreProduction (Version 3) traceability

Component Stats Report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency SNAPSHOT files1

1 record removed completely:

  • < 0181bfeb-09f3-4e8c-ab1d-ab6a269f160f   20221001    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    21000210109    20221001    20221001

October 2022 PreProduction (Version 2) vs October 2022 PreProduction (Version 3) traceability

Component Stats Report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency SNAPSHOT files2

1 record removed completely:

  • < 4e0c19b5-bc45-456c-9b11-75e2f63ba64a    20221001    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    21000210109    20221001    20221001

Plus 1 record restore to the new October 2022 state, as expected as I've now fixed the MDRS records manually in the externallyMaintained refset folder!!:

  • < 94574a7f-b7f9-4ff9-beb0-ec5aa8215ac5    20220401    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    11000210104    20220401    20220131
  • > 94574a7f-b7f9-4ff9-beb0-ec5aa8215ac5    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    11000210104    20221001    20221001

October 2022 PreProduction (Version 1) vs October 2022 PreProduction (Version 2) traceability

Component Stats Report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency SNAPSHOT files2  ISRS-1348


a) The invalid circular reference is still there, it's just had its UUID updated!!

  • < 0181bfeb-09f3-4e8c-ab1d-ab6a269f160f    20221001    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    21000210109    20221001    20221001

  • > 4e0c19b5-bc45-456c-9b11-75e2f63ba64a    20221001    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    21000210109    20221001    20221001

b) PLUS it seems to have reverted back the correct Oct 2022 version of this record, back to its previous April 2022 state!  (a regression issue from the fixes in ISRS-1348?)

  • < 94574a7f-b7f9-4ff9-beb0-ec5aa8215ac5    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    11000210104    20221001    20221001
  • > 94574a7f-b7f9-4ff9-beb0-ec5aa8215ac5    20220401    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    11000210104    20220401    20220131


Smoking SimpleRefset36


36 records inactivated, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of deprecation of this refset, in the NZ Release ticket MSSP-1682:  

BUT THIS IS STILL MISSING 6 records which have remained ACTIVE for some reason?!

  • 9dadb4d0-8a86-4b27-b46c-94399007b750    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    722499006
  • e552050e-05bc-49b5-8137-47f41267fcda    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    771155005
  • fbe25fc5-037b-4b60-aee8-06c3f8dc8727    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    786063001
  • 159dfd51-3248-41a2-b467-8e7546b4835c    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    57861000210104
  • 43810d4b-8606-4214-9f49-7e58bf52692b    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    785889008
  • 54c632f8-3cc3-4b00-b134-f26622d4bbcc    20210401    1    21000210109    51000210100    713700008

AAT to manually update delta file from Refset tool, which is wrong for some reason!!!

April 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs October 2022 PreProduction (Version 1) traceability

Component Stats Report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files3

3 new records added as expected for 3 new refsets

  • > 10670ba7-d7e5-40c9-9f9c-9336db755737    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000456007    192071000210103    449608002    900000000000461009    0
  • > b6d3820f-1783-41be-a5d3-91087b519684    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000456007    192081000210101    449608002    900000000000461009    0
  • > f5f5360d-b1cf-4e82-af5f-ed8e724d277e    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000456007    192091000210104    449608002    900000000000461009    0
Association Reference files0

0 new records:

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

AttributeValue files69 

69 new records added/updated, as expected???:

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

ModuleDependency SNAPSHOT files5  ISRS-1348

All 5 records updated with October 2021 effectiveTimes, as expected:

< 0b75d77c-b41d-4d34-82ce-ef4e608e1959    20220401    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    900000000000012004    20220401    20220131
< 58a1fee3-5c85-4309-905d-d152d70e1aa7    20220401    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    900000000000012004    20220401    20220131
< 94574a7f-b7f9-4ff9-beb0-ec5aa8215ac5    20220401    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    11000210104    20220401    20220131
< de8b1916-fa78-4fd2-b232-7423afeaa5e0    20220401    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    900000000000207008    20220401    20220131
< f7cec9a6-b1af-470e-9888-d5bdec842f80    20220401    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    900000000000207008    20220401    20220131
> 0b75d77c-b41d-4d34-82ce-ef4e608e1959    20221001    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    900000000000012004    20221001    20220731
> 58a1fee3-5c85-4309-905d-d152d70e1aa7    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    900000000000012004    20221001    20220731
> 94574a7f-b7f9-4ff9-beb0-ec5aa8215ac5    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    11000210104    20221001    20221001
> de8b1916-fa78-4fd2-b232-7423afeaa5e0    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    900000000000207008    20221001    20220731
> f7cec9a6-b1af-470e-9888-d5bdec842f80    20221001    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    900000000000207008    20221001    20220731

BUT this record seems to have been generated by the automated code with a wrong date?? (or was the original date wrong)

> 94574a7f-b7f9-4ff9-beb0-ec5aa8215ac5    20221001    1    21000210109    900000000000534007    11000210104    20221001    20221001

Actually this is proven to now be correct, as the original dates were wrong!  This is calling out the dependency of the 21000210109 | New Zealand integrated care module (core metadata concept) |  on the 11000210104 | New Zealand maintained module (core metadata concept) |, and so as both modules are in the same NZ extension package, the dates should indeed be the same, and should be equal to the current NZ Extension effectiveTime, which they are - so the newly created automated record is correct - no action required.

HOWEVER there was a new record added, creating a circular reference!:

> 0181bfeb-09f3-4e8c-ab1d-ab6a269f160f    20221001    1    11000210104    900000000000534007    21000210109    20221001    20221001

Ticket raised to resolve:  ISRS-1348

Readme filen/a

3 New Simple Refsets added, as expected:

  • > ./der2_Refset_PriorityScoreSimpleRefsetFull_NZ1000210_20220401.txt
  • > ./der2_Refset_PriorityScoreSimpleRefsetSnapshot_NZ1000210_20220401.txt
  • > ./der2_Refset_SuspicionOfCancerSimpleRefsetSnapshot_NZ1000210_20220401.txt
  • > ./der2_Refset_SuspicionOfCancerSimpleRefsetFull_NZ1000210_20220401.txt
  • > ./der2_Refset_ReferralStatusSimpleRefsetSnapshot_NZ1000210_20220401.txt
  • > ./der2_Refset_ReferralStatusSimpleRefsetFull_NZ1000210_20220401.txt

Plus JSON Metadata file added:

  • > ./release_package_information.json

Plus x prefixes added, and PreProduction naming convention applied, as expected

Language (EN) files15727

3671 records inactivated, +

12056 records added/updated

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

Language (MI) files0

0 new records added/updated:

0 inactivated:

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

Concept files266

265 new records added/updated, 

Plus 1 records inactivated

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

Description files (EN)780

766 records added/updated, plus

14 inactivations, 

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)
Description files (MI)0

0 records added/updated, plus

0 inactivations, 

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

Inferred Relationship files1803

1722 records added/updated, plus

81 inactivations

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

Inferred Relationship Concrete Values files0

0 records added/updated, plus

0 inactivations

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

OWL files466

465 new records added/updated, 

Plus 1 records inactivated

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

TextDefinition files0

0 records added/updated, plus

0 inactivations

as expected due to the Summary component Report for this cycle (see above)

SimpleMap files0
0 records changed, as expected???

Priority Score SimpleRefset7
7 New records added, as expected as part of the NEW REFSET FOR THIS CYCLE (192081000210101) - see NZ Ticket ("Refset" tab) for full details
Referral Status SimpleRefset7
7 New records added, as expected as part of the NEW REFSET FOR THIS CYCLE (192071000210103) - see NZ Ticket ("Refset" tab) for full details
Suspicion Of Cancer SimpleRefset4
4 New records added, as expected as part of the NEW REFSET FOR THIS CYCLE (192091000210104) - see NZ Ticket ("Refset" tab) for full details

Smoking SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  


AdverseReactionManifestation SimpleRefset4

2 records inactivated:

< 15c23436-0314-4c70-81d6-2fe0dce344f9    20200401    1    21000210109    351000210106    17338001
> 15c23436-0314-4c70-81d6-2fe0dce344f9    20221001    0    21000210109    351000210106    17338001

< 5337882f-04df-4067-9f71-1c1696cfe57c    20200401    1    21000210109    351000210106    16001004
> 5337882f-04df-4067-9f71-1c1696cfe57c    20221001    0    21000210109    351000210106    16001004

Plus 2 new records added:

> 0097e31c-0ce2-4a6b-a3c5-cb75e43d0fb9    20221001    1    21000210109    351000210106    251176006
> 5567e9f8-a60f-4aa7-bbb3-e2c07c2ab25d    20221001    1    21000210109    351000210106    301354004

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

ChildDevelopmentalServices SimpleRefset4

2 records inactivated:

< 5430e013-3a78-40a2-83b1-6384e64898a2    20200401    1    21000210109    191000210102    772004004
> 5430e013-3a78-40a2-83b1-6384e64898a2    20221001    0    21000210109    191000210102    772004004

> 9ddab8b0-5feb-470e-81e8-0405bc005546    20221001    1    21000210109    191000210102    33791000087105
> 39352a91-3b58-42a3-af77-0c1bf8040b5b    20221001    1    21000210109    191000210102    1234907000

Plus 2 new records added:

< 16f2d7d5-d193-4baf-bacd-fc7f2b6b25f4    20200401    1    21000210109    191000210102    237821001
> 16f2d7d5-d193-4baf-bacd-fc7f2b6b25f4    20221001    0    21000210109    191000210102    237821001

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

Biological Substance SimpleRefset1

1 records inactivated:

< 3c92a071-45a9-4731-a93f-df11c085b4d2    20210401    1    21000210109    61241000210100    260120009
> 3c92a071-45a9-4731-a93f-df11c085b4d2    20221001    0    21000210109    61241000210100    260120009

ClinicalSpecialty SimpleRefset1

1 records inactivated:

< 006db8b0-7dcc-4c09-b053-752ffa1de4f3    20200401    1    21000210109    471000210108    394590007
> 006db8b0-7dcc-4c09-b053-752ffa1de4f3    20221001    0    21000210109    471000210108    394590007

Plus 0 new records added:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

Edible Substance Common Allergen SimpleRefset1

1 records inactivated:

< 9d946d22-6468-4b05-9116-4d3032718319    20210401    1    21000210109    61261000210104    415562007
> 9d946d22-6468-4b05-9116-4d3032718319    20221001    0    21000210109    61261000210104    415562007

Plus 0 new records added:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

EmergencyCareDiagnosis SimpleRefset28

22 new records added:

Plus 6 records inactivated:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

EmergencyCarePresentingComplaint SimpleRefset10

4 records added:

Plus 6 records inactivated:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

EmergencyCareProcedures SimpleRefset1

1 new records added:

0 records inactivated:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

GeneralPaediatric SimpleRefset2

1 new records added:

Plus 1 records inactivated:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

Gynaecology SimpleRefset2

1 new records added:

Plus 1 records inactivated:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

HealthOccupation SimpleRefset1

1 new records added, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

HealthServiceType SimpleRefset118

117 new records added:

Plus 1 records inactivated

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

Maternity Disorders SimpleRefset2

1 new records added:

1 records inactivated:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

Maternity Findings SimpleRefset2

1 new records added:

1 records inactivated:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

Microorganism SimpleRefset16

4 new records added:

Plus 12 records inactivated:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

NotifiableDisease SimpleRefset1

0 records inactivated:

Plus 1 new records added:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

Radiology Procedures SimpleRefset15

8 records inactivated:

Plus 7 new records added:

As expected due to the confirmation of changed Refsets in the Refset tab in NZ ticket MSSP-1066

Alcohol Consumption Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Cardiology SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Ambulance Clinical Impression SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

ChildHealthAssessment SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Chemical Substance Common Allergies SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Common Pharmaceutical Dose Form SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Common Pharmaceutical Dose SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Common Pharmaceutical Dose Unit SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Endocrinology SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

GeneralSurgery SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

LaboratoryOrder  SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Ophthalmology SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Rheumatology SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

SiteOfCare SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Smoking Status SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Smoking Intervention Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

SurgicalComplication SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Symptoms SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Non-medicinal Drug Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Non-medicinal Drug Use SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Nephrology SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Maternity Previous Findings Simple Refset SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Maternity Family History  SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Maternity Outcomes  SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Maternity Previous Complications Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Previous Disorders Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Previous Mode Of Delivery Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Previous Outcomes Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Procedures Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Previous Procedures Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Screening And Tests Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Maternity Substance Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Mode Of Delivery Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Apgar Score Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Complementary Therapies Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

 Maternity Complications Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Disability SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Covid-19 Adverse Event from Immunisation SimpleRefset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

Vaping Status Simple Refset0

0 records changed, as expected due to confirmation from NZ NRC of zero planned changes in the NZ Release ticket:  

  • No labels