April 2022 BETA Version 10 (termMed build via RAD) vs April 2022 Production Version 1 (termMed build via RAD) traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
Readme file | n/a | x Prefixes removed, + Production naming convention added in as expected. Also, ALL Delta files removed as requested. |
October 2021 PRODUCTION Published (termMed build via RAD) vs April 2022 BETA Version 10 (termMed build via RAD) traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
RefsetDescriptor files | 2 | 2 new records added - looks like for a new Language Refset (900000000000509007) - the US Language Refset: > 45f5491a-df0a-b7e1-53cc-f71e93c12ba5 20220430 1 450829007 900000000000456007 900000000000509007 900000000000511003 900000000000461009 1 Emailed Guillermo on 26/4/22 to confirm that this was intentional.... they confirmed that it was, via email at 20:00 on | |
ModuleDependency files | 3 | 3 records added for April 2022 release, as expected?????? (Wasn't it 1 record last time???????) > 23db3c9c-0ecd-6b43-d93b-99bce861ce65 20220430 1 450829007 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220430 20220131 The first record is the normal expected record change: > 23db3c9c-0ecd-6b43-d93b-99bce861ce65 20220430 1 450829007 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220430 20220131 However, the second two are unexpected: 242e19f9-8b64-4c6e-9ff7-f84b7bc60be8 20220430 1 450829007 900000000000534007 449080006 20220430 20220131 Emailed Guillermo on 26/4/22 to confirm that this was intentional:
| |
Readme file | n/a | Updated for April 2022 + Beta "x" prefixes as expected HOWEVER, I noticed the .json file was now included, and wasn't populated correctly, so have asked Ale to fix this... ALSO NOTICED DELTA FILES STILL IN PLACE - ASKED ALE TO FIX URGENTLY... | |
Concept files | 0 | 0 files added/updated in Release package files Emailed Guillermo on 26/4/22 to confirm that this was intentional.... - Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email at 20:00 on | |
AttributeValue files | 2947 | 2746 records added + 197 records inactivated + 4 records updated Emailed Guillermo on 26/4/22 to confirm that this was intentional.... - Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email at 20:00 on | |
Language refset files | 39637 | 29174 records added + 9754 records inactivated + 709 records updated Emailed Guillermo on 26/4/22 to confirm that this was intentional.... - Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email at 20:00 on | |
Description files | 852233 | 28128 records added + 9651 records inactivated + 814454 records updated - Guillermo confirmed that this HUGE amount of change was as expected, via email on 26/04/2021 at 18:05, as there were 812662 records in the Delta! His explanation of why was: Just a heads up, there are 812662 modified descriptions in this release, a very large delta. We finally went ahead addressing the caseSignificance changes after the English edition policy changes years ago. The Spanish Edition, like many other translations, usually starts with lowercase (uppercase is only used if significant), so before the English edition change, maintenance of initialCapitalStatus was straightforward. Australians introduced in RF2 specs an explicit "entire term case sensitive" to support tall man lettering, but later reinterpretation of the documentation brought "entire term case insensitive", a change made in batch in the English IE. Beyond producing ~800,000 changes with the algorithm, we delayed the implementation because of several concerns. One of them was the identification of terms containing all lowercase letters that were case-sensitive. Our estimation was that we needed to manually review about 18,000 descriptions to evaluate whether we could change them to case insensitive with an enhanced algorithm. In this release we had reviewed about 80,000 descriptions looking for special cases that could escape the algorithm settings, and then went ahead with the changes. | |
TextDefinition | 563 | 535 records added + 28 record inactivated - Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email at 20:00 on |