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titleIn this page:

How to import extension module concept description translations (additions, changes, inactivations).

Prerequisite steps: Log in to the Authoring Platform as an author with extension project access credentials; See my tasks.

Tell me more about Working in an extension (Managed Service and Training Authoring differences).

Advanced Tables - Table Plus


From the Dashboard - My Tasks view, press Upload a Batch in the left-hand menu bar.

Content translation terms are imported via .tsv (tab-separated values) text files, with three format types corresponding to the following actions:

  • Description Additions
  • Description Changes
  • Description Inactivations

See Import extension language/dialect batch file formats for some examples of these files, including sample download .tsv files.

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The Upload a Batch pop-up form is presented, centred on the page and overlaying the Dashboard - My Tasks view which is dimmed but still visible "below" the form.

This form has the following fields and calls to action:

  • Task Title (single line text entry, freely editable)
  • Select Project (drop-down select list of projects available to the authenticated author)
  • Select Assignee (drop-down select list of all registered AP accounts)
  • Select Reviewer (drop-down select list of all registered AP accounts)
  • Number of Concepts Per Task (drop-down select list)
  • Select Import Type (drop-down select list; must match the upload file format)
  • Select Batch File (opens the browser's local file selector dialogue to specify a batch file for upload)
  • Create Tasks (inactive until a batch .tsv file is uploaded)
  • Cancel (closes the pop-up form without making any changes)

When all fields are defined, the Create Tasks button is enabled - press the button to upload the batch file start the import process.

The imported changes are allocated to new tasks according to the number of change rows and the maximum number of concepts per task defined on the form, which has the following options: 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 50, 100 (default), 200, 500.

So, for instance if the source file contains 41 rows, and the number of concepts per task is set to 15, then 3 new tasks will be created, with the last one containing 11 changes, and the others 15 each.

The default option of 100 is chosen so that most use cases only need one new task, but a smaller number may make it easier to review changes.

If multiple tasks are created they are identified by reference numbers which are automatically suffixed to the Task Title.

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Following upload and processing of the batch file, successful complete of processing is indicated via a header notification for "All tasks loaded", newly created task(s) in the My Tasks listing, and a browser download .tsv file which contains the import result for each processed row from the uploaded batch source file.

The example below shows a success result file for 3 description additions to existing published International concepts, adding Maori language translations in the New Zealand (NZ) extension:

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Following successful import, the changes made can be seen in the Authoring Platform by opening each related import task. On first opening the task, the edit panel will be empty, since no manual editing has occurred.

Use the Switch to Feedback View context tab to see each modified concept in the To Review list.

Loading the modified concepts into the Review Panel highlights their changes, in exactly the same way as those made manually via regular editing.

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The example shown here shows two NZ extension description changes made via batch import.

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Another example showing two NZ extension description inactivations made via batch import.

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Another example showing three Maori translated terms added to existing International published concepts, with the new descriptions added to the NZ extension module.

(Google translations of en-US terms into Maori are for illustration purposes only!)

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