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  • This will allow you to continue using Snowstorm on this server following the workshop
  • This option requires the Option 1 prerequisites described below to be 

Option 2: To setup Snowstorm on a test server 

  • This will allow you to understand the principles of setting up the server and accessing the content
    • You can connect from your local machine to a server using SSH where you can complete the exercise
  • The server will be shut down following the workshop and you will, therefore, not have continued access to this
  • This open requires the Option 2 prerequisites described below

Prior to the workshop, please decide which of the two options you want to follow. Please ensure that you are prepared for the option you've selected.


  • A server with the following is required:
    • Ram: 16g
    • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    • Java 11 (Package openjdk-11-jre-headless or similar) we can install this during the workshop.
  • In addition, you will need to have access to the December 2022 International Edition RF2 release package

Option 2: Prerequisite for setting up Snowstorm on a test server:

  • Windows (10 & above), OSX or Linux
  • Installed and running version of SSH
    • On Windows
      • Windows PowerShell (this has SSH built in)
  • In addition, you will need to have access to the December 2022 International Edition RF2 release package
