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1. Options

To complete the exercise, you have two options:

Option 1: To setup Snowstorm on your own server

  • This will allow you to continue using Snowstorm on this server following the workshop
  • This option requires the Option 1 prerequisites described below

Option 2: To setup Snowstorm on a test server 

  • This will allow you to understand the principles of setting up the server and accessing the content
    • You can connect from your local machine to a server using SSH where you can complete the exercise
  • The server will be shut down following the workshop and you will, therefore, not have continued access to this
  • This open requires the Option 2 prerequisites described below

Prior to the workshop, please decide which of the two options you want to follow. Please ensure that you are prepared for the option you've selected.

2. Prerequisites

The following prerequisites apply for each of the options you have for completing the workshop exercises:

Option 1: Prerequisite for setting up Snowstorm on your own server:

  • A server with the following is required:
    • Ram: 16g
    • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
    • Java 11 (Package openjdk-11-jre-headless or similar) we can install this during the workshop.
  • In addition, you will need to have access to the December 2022 International Edition RF2 release package

Option 2: Prerequisite for setting up Snowstorm on a test server:

  • Windows (10 & above), OSX or Linux
  • Installed and running version of SSH
    • On Windows
      • Windows PowerShell (this has SSH built in)
  • In addition, you will need to have access to the December 2022 International Edition RF2 release package

2.1. Links:

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