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SNOMED CT Authoring Tools support the creation and modelling of new SNOMED CT concepts in accordance with the SNOMED CT Editorial Guidelines and the SNOMED CT Concept Model.

The Authoring platforms SNOMED CT authoring tools support the creation of new SNOMED CT concepts, with descriptions and concept definitions that follow the specifications of the conform to the SNOMED CT Editorial Guidelines and the SNOMED CT Concept Model.

SNOMED CT was designed to be an extensible terminology, where . SNOMED CT extensions can create expand the coverage of the International Edition by creating additional content to satisfy national or local requirements. The availability of a SNOMED CT Concept Model specification ensures  ensures that the content created by users in extensions continues to be logically compatible with the International Edition, and equivalence and subsumption operations could be performed automated comparisons between content coming from different sourceseditions can be performed.

Typically member Many Member countries publish national extensions that include concepts necessary to support local national use cases, like national programs, but it's . It is also possible to maintain new concepts in an organizational extension, satisfying local extensions, which satisfy use cases directly related to the a specific implementation of SNOMED CT. Content authored in an extension of SNOMED CT can be released as RF2 files packages, to be shared with a community of users, or it can be used to deploy to a terminology service users using RF2 file packages, or via a shared terminology server for direct implementation use.

SNOMED CT International Authoring Platform

The SNOMED International Authoring Platform (AP) is a web browser application designed for SNOMED CT collaborative content authoring (see screen shot below).

The AP is This tool provides the content authoring functions used to maintain the SNOMED CT International Edition and several national extensions.

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The tool It supports the collaborative work of authors editing and reviewing new concepts, and updating existing concepts. The creation authoring process through concept editing, classification, validation, review and change approval. These features are supplemented by SNOMED CT taxonomy search and browsing directly within the platform, and the ability to save author-defined lists of concepts for subsequent editing. The authoring of concept definitions is supported by an implementation of the by Machine Readable Concept Model (MRCM) rules and the use of Templatesauthoring templates. The authoring Authoring activities are task-based, including a review process, promotion, and rebasing with dependencies updates.

The authoring tool backend is Snowstorm, the open-source terminology server maintained by SNOMED International, which can also be used as a read-only terminology server to support implementations.


The AP uses the Snowstorm terminology server at the backend to provide the terminology services required for its SNOMED CT search, query and authoring tasks.

SNOMED International offers the AP to Members as part of an optional Managed ServiceFor more information please refer to the links below.

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Other Authoring Tools

Other SNOMED CT authoring tools are available, as listed below.

Snow Owl collaborative terminology authoring platform, b2i 
termSpace collaborative authoring environment, termMedhttp://

Please note that this list of authoring tools is provided in alphabetical order. To request the addition or removal of an authoring tool to/from this list, please submit a request via the 'Feedback' button at the bottom of this page.

