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Comment: Minutes have been finalised. No comments received.

Meeting day and time: Wednesday 24 January 1200 UTC

Meeting Details:  :


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Discussion items - Write up of minutes in progress. 


  • Attendees list
  • Note:
    • The meeting will be recorded for the purpose of creating minutes. The recording of meeting will be available online until minutes approved. Once approved the recording will be deleted.
    • Joining the meeting by accepting the Zoom prompt declares that you have no objection to your comments being recorded

  • Apologies -as noted
  • Declarations of Interest  - Nil at meeting. Reminder to complete DOI page for yearly review.
  • Action items

3National content workGroup
  • Update from CMAG members on upcoming national content activities and advice on past work which may be of interest to others.
  • Interest in a forum to support this?
  • Denmark (Camilla)

    • Working on a pregnancy folder/journal - has been a need to add content, looking to promote and if not acceptable, national extension. 

      • Norway (Trine) - Interested in pregnancy terms
      • Camilla will upload a list of terms of interest. 
      • Raised Ireland had been working in this area (not the NRC)
    • Nicotine products
      • Group discussion - an area that needs further investigation and development in SNOMED CT.

  • US (John)

    • Exposure to toxic event e.g., jet fuel, individual substances, heavy metals - currently added to the US extension.

    • Microbiology Working Group - going well with promotion from US, Canada and Lithuania

    • Release issue - US extension has 2400 legacy exceptions in the Authoring Platform. Working with Managed Service on correcting those to streamline release process.

  • Norway (Hanne)
    • Looking to review national nursing concepts for national standardised care plans - looking for international collaboration. Some may be suitable for international ICNP refset. Have been in touch with ICN. 
    • Cathy - raised the extension of the ICNP refset in Norway and asked if the same content being referred to. It is. SNOMED International and ICN are aware the Norwegian extension of the ICNP refset and ICN have been provided with the list of international concepts from the refset extension for review at this point in time
  • New Zealand (Libby) 

    • Te Reo Māori and English patient friendly refsets available. Interest in also providing in other pacific island languages - have a large pacific islander community. 

      • Focused on 95-99 percent of clinical finding presenting problems that were coming up in primary care. Can be used in scenarios such as GP letters, phamplets and online searches.
      • US (John) - patient friendly terms coming up in the US but not currently for clinical findings. 
    • CanShare - cancer information sharing platform.

      • Building cancer related refsets and bindings to FHIR resources.

      • Also looking at morphology refsets (based on WHO Blue book) for histopathology results. Noted, some of the international work is not as advanced as other streams. Looking to see if that could be prioritised.

      • Cancer related observable entities are sometimes too specific for NZ needs.

      • Monica raised touching base with Cancer Synoptic Reporting Clinical Project Group know what the priorities are/attend meeting. When requirements are understood then the project processes could be followed. 
    • Gender and ethnicity.

      • Ethnicity - being looked at in the Member Forum. This is on the back burner for now as the SNOMED International Chair is in the process of changing. 
      • Gender - waiting till see what  WHO and others do. 
    • Question re content placement for prescribing medication where the dosage that is administered is per body weight e.g. Chemotherapy. 
      • Recommendation to submit a freshdesk ticket. 
  • Netherlands (Elze)

    • Very big project on patient friendly terms - all relevant concepts that appear in environments where patients can see their data. 

    • Pathology - also working with Scott - Cancer Synoptic Reporting Clinical Project Group 
    • Nutrition substances - missing content
      • US (John) -expects interest in this from the Nutrition Group
      • Following discussion Elze will document their issues. 
    • New project working with paramedics.
      • Norway (Hanne) - also working with paramedics in pilot project. 
  • Australia (Matt) 
    • Change of drug model
    • Been receiving requests regarding cannabis, not looked at vaping request numbers
      • This is an evolving area (including nicotine) with products coming to market so quickly there are issues with standardising. 
    • Working on migration to the managed service.
      • They have added a number of validation checks
    • Content projects:
      • Have childhood milestones content. Will look to promote but are aware they may not align with international editorial rules. 
      • Have radiology and pathology content. With radiology their is IP issues to consider. 
      • Gender - potential to adopt as per the International FIHR Gender Harmony project.

4Impact of international content changes on extensionsGroup
  • New Zealand ((Libby)
    • Management of inactivated content 
    • Australia has done work in this area. John Grimes - has some analytics based on ECL and FHIR path. Matt Cordell will look for presentations that can be shared.
  • Denmark (Camilla)
    • Extent of changes does impact translation - keeping up with these is a challenge
  • Australia (Matt)
    • Importance of keeping up the historical associations 
    • O/E and C/O was one focus - Cathy advised work is currently being done on this.
  • Group happy in general with the changes being made.
  • Norway (Hanne) - Classification derived inactivations can impact those transitioning across to terminology
  • Group discussion - Reactivation of inactivated international concepts is not encouraged. Can not be done by Managed Service. Some briefing notes say can be done. Ethnic/Race briefing note has been updated and others need to to be checked.  Topic to be discussed internally
  • Denmark (Camilla) - Concept requests not accepted at the international level - not always clear why it wasn't accepted and whether it's of sufficient quality to add to an extension. 
    • Potential solutions discussed including raise a Fresh desk ticket, email Cathy and Monica,  internal content team discussion on how to support, implementation.  

5Collaborative projects: Content analysis document
  • Due to time constraints just advised of attachment. Questions welcome. 

6April 2024 meeting topicsGroup
  • Group asked to consider topics. 

7Other business

8Next meetingCathy Richardson 

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