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titleIn this page:

Find the SNOMED CT Identifier (SCTID) given its Fully Specified Name (FSN) or Preferred Term (PT).

Prerequisite steps: Find the SCTID for a known concept term or Find the FSN or PT for a known concept SCTID.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Press the Members tab In the SCT Browser Full perspective, press the Members tab in the Concept Details panel to see member concepts listing when the focus is on a Reference Set concept.

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The Concept Details panel updates show a listing of the Reference Set member concepts. Each member list entry contains the following:

  • Definition status Status icon and FSN.
  • Preferred Term
  • ConceptId

Each listing entry on the Members tab works in the same way as the left hand panel Search tab results , so can be used - press anywhere in the result row to switch to it as the Concept Details focus concept.

titleMembers listings only apply to Reference Sets

If the Members tab is opened for a concept that is not a Reference Set, the listing will be empty. This tab only becomes populated when the Concept Details focus is on a Reference Set concept.

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