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The tools in this section help implementers to create and manage maps to/from SNOMED CT.

SNOMED International


: Snap2Snomed




SNOMED International 's mapping tool is used by our Content Team to manage maps from SNOMED CT to other terminologies including ICD-10, ICD-9CM, ICPC and MedDRA (both directions). The tool supports the creation of simple and complex maps, revisions and quality assurance workflows. It also provides a public directory and browser for the published map content.

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Mapping to SNOMED CT - Snap2SNOMED

SNOMED International is developing a new tool (Snap2SNOMED) that supports SNOMED CT implementation by enabling provides an online mapping tool, Snap2Snomed, to enable users to collaboratively create and maintain simple maps to SNOMED CT using a guided approach.

The Snap2Snomed's main product features planned for Snap2SNOMED are:

  • Ability The ability to create simple maps to SNOMED CT
  • Online and easily accessible
  • Collaborative workflow features
  • Map automation support
  • Map review process
  • High A high-quality user interface for using SNOMED CT effectively
  • Support for map maintenance
  • Import code sets and maps
  • Export to useful formats
  • Audit trail

Snap2SNOMED is scheduled to be available to users in the SNOMED community from early 2022. For more information, please refer to the websites below.

SNOMED International Refset and Mapping Tool

Mapping from SNOMED CT

SNOMED International's mapping tool is used by our Content Team to manage maps from SNOMED CT to other terminologies including ICD-10, ICD-9CM, ICPC and MedDRA (both directions). The tool supports the creation of simple and complex maps, revisions and quality assurance workflows. It also provides a public directory and browser for the published map content.

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Other Mapping tools

