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SNOMED CT Mapping Tools allow users to create and maintain mappings between SNOMED CT and other code systems, e.g. local codes, billing codes, statistical classifications, to support a wide range of implementation use cases, e.g. migration to SNOMED CT, data integration, reporting.

Most SNOMED CT implementations will use some kind of mapping with existing terminologies in particular use cases, for example:


The tools in this section help the users to create and publish cross maps, applying a revision process and quality assurance rules.

SNOMED International Mapping



The SNOMED CT Mapping Tool is used by the IHTSDO Content Team to manage maps between SNOMED CT and other terminologies including ICD-10, ICD-9CM, ICPC and MedDRA.


public directory and browser for the map content.

Other Mapping tools

Other SNOMED CT mapping tools are available, as listed below.

HealthTerm, CareCom
Snapper:Map, Ontoserver, CSIRO, Australia


Snow Owl collaborative terminology authoring platform, B2i
termSpace collaborative authoring environment, termMed

Please note that this list of mapping tools is provided in alphabetical order. To request the addition or removal of a mapping tool to/from this list, please submit a request via the 'Feedback' button at the bottom of this page.
