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SNOMED CT terminology provides a common language that enables a consistent way of indexing, storing, retrieving, and aggregating clinical data across specialties and sites of care.

SNOMED International maintains the SNOMED CT technical design, the content architecture, the SNOMED CT content (includes the concepts table, the descriptions table, the relationships table, a history table, and ICD mappings), and related technical documentation.


This document provides a summarized description of the content changes included in the July 2020 release of SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SCT) International Release.

It also includes technical notes detailing the known issues which have been identified and agreed to be released. These are content or technical issues where the root cause is understood, and the fix has been discussed and agreed, but has yet to be implemented.

The SNOMED International Release Notes are available alongside the July 2020 International Edition release.


This document is written for the purpose described above and is not intended to provide details of the technical specifications for SNOMED CT or encompass every change made during the release.


The audience includes National Release Centers, WHO-FIC release centers, vendors of electronic health records, terminology developers and managers who wish to have an understanding of changes that have been incorporated into the July 2020 International Edition release.

Content Development Activity


Continuous quality improvement and enhancement of existing content is an ongoing process by SNOMED International for every release. The July 2020 International Release has seen a continuation of the work driven by contributions from: Kaiser Permanente Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT), Global Medical Device Nomenclature Agency (GMDNA), Orphanet and other domain specific collaborations as well as requests received via the Content Request System (CRS). 

Additionally quality improvement activities are in progress for new and enhanced content through project driven initiatives which are also summarized below.  Also included as work items for every release are various updates to SNOMED CT derived maps such as ICD-10 and ICD-O and details are also included in these release notes.  Information about editorial decisions may be found in the SNOMED CT Editorial Guide, mapping guidance for ICD-10 can be found at this link

titleUpdate: WAS_A

Inactivation reason of LIMITED/WAS_A is not allowed for any new content inactivations after the July 2018 release. The WAS_A association refset has not been updated thereafter.

At the Editorial Advisory Group meeting in April 2019, agreement was reached to discontinue the maintenance of WAS_A relationships when inactivating concepts that have a historical association to an inactive concept. When changes are made to a historical relationship for a concept that was previously inactivated using WAS_A, effort will be made to assign a new historical relationship that facilitates traceability of the concept (e.g. DUPLICATE or AMBIGUOUS) as opposed to NON-CONFORMANCE TO EDITORIAL POLICY.

Existing WAS_A relationships will be inactivated in a future release once a plan for batch reassignment of historical relationships has been developed. Until then, SNOMED International will not continue to use or maintain WAS_A relationships.


An INTERIM International Edition Release was produced in March 2020 as part of the ongoing global effort to tackle the Coronavirus outbreak and included the updated Coronavirus descriptions for Members and implementers.

New components March 2020 Interim release

840544004   3947197012 Suspected disease caused by severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (situation) 

840544004   3947195016 Suspected disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 

840544004   3947196015 Suspected disease caused by severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2

840534001   3947192018 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination (procedure) 

840534001   3947193011 SARS-CoV-2 vaccination 

840534001   3947194017 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination 

840533007   3947189017 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (organism) 

840533007   3947190014 SARS-CoV-2 

840533007   3947191013 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

840546002   3947186012 Exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (event) 

840546002   3947187015 Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 

840546002   3947188013 Exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 

840539006   3947183016 Disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder) 

840539006   3947184010 Disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 

840539006   3947185011 COVID-19 

840536004   3947180018 Antigen of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (substance) 

840536004   3947181019 Antigen of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 

840536004   3947182014 Antigen of SARS-CoV-2 

840535000   3947177019 Antibody to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (substance) 

840535000   3947178012 Antibody to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 

840535000   3947179016 Antibody to SARS-CoV-2 

840534001   3950925017 COVID-19 vaccination 

840544004   3950926016 Suspected COVID-19 

A further set of new concepts have been added for the July 2020 release

New concepts July 2020 release

Clinical finding hierarchy:

138389411000119105| Acute bronchitis caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)         

870590002| Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)   

870589006| Acute kidney injury due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)            

674814021000119106| Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)            

189486241000119100| Asymptomatic Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection (finding) 

870577009| At increased risk of exposure to Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (finding)       

119731000146105| Cardiomyopathy due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)

119741000146102| Conjunctivitis due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)  

119981000146107| Dyspnea caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)

1240561000000108| Encephalopathy due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)      

119751000146104| Fever caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)    

1240541000000107| Infection of upper respiratory tract caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)  

880529761000119102| Lower respiratory infection caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)       

866151004| Lymphocytopenia due to Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)   

1240531000000103| Myocarditis due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)           

1240521000000100| Otitis media due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)          

882784691000119100| Pneumonia caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)   

870591003| Rhabdomyolysis due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)  

870588003| Sepsis due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)      

1240581000000104| Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 detected (finding)   

1240591000000102| Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 not detected (finding)         

866152006| Thrombocytopenia due to Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)

Observable entity hierarchy:
Substance hierarchy:

  • A further set of new concepts have been added for the July 2020 release:
  • 138389411000119105| Acute bronchitis caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)         
  • 870590002| Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)   
  • 870589006| Acute kidney injury due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)            
  • 674814021000119106| Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)            
  • 189486241000119100| Asymptomatic Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection (finding)  
  • 870577009| At increased risk of exposure to Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (finding)       
  • 119731000146105| Cardiomyopathy due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)
  • 119741000146102| Conjunctivitis due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)         
  • 871555000| Detection of ribonucleic acid of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (observable entity)       
  • 871559006| Detection of ribonucleic acid of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (observable entity)
  • 871556004| Detection of ribonucleic acid of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in nasopharyngeal swab (observable entity)
  • 871557008| Detection of ribonucleic acid of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in oropharyngeal swab (observable entity)            
  • 871558003| Detection of ribonucleic acid of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in sputum (observable entity)    
  • 871560001| Detection of ribonucleic acid of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 using polymerase chain reaction (observable entity)           
  • 871562009| Detection of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (observable entity)        
  • 871552002| Detection of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibody (observable entity)       
  • 871553007| Detection of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen (observable entity)         
  • 688232241000119100| Disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 absent (situation)
  • 119981000146107| Dyspnea caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)
  • 1240561000000108| Encephalopathy due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)      
  • 119751000146104| Fever caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)     
  • 292508471000119105| History of disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (situation)      
  • 870361009| Immunoglobulin G antibody to Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (substance)    
  • 870362002| Immunoglobulin M antibody to Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (substance)   
  • 1240541000000107| Infection of upper respiratory tract caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)  
  • 880529761000119102| Lower respiratory infection caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)       
  • 866151004| Lymphocytopenia due to Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)   
  • 1240461000000109| Measurement of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibody (observable entity)   
  • 1240471000000102| Measurement of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen (observable entity)     
  • 1240531000000103| Myocarditis due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)           
  • 1240521000000100| Otitis media due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)          
  • 882784691000119100| Pneumonia caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)    
  • 870591003| Rhabdomyolysis due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)    
  • 1240411000000107| Ribonucleic acid of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (substance)         
  • 870588003| Sepsis due to disease caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)      
  • 1240581000000104| Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 detected (finding)   
  • 1240591000000102| Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 not detected (finding)          
  • 461911000124106| Swab specimen from oropharynx (specimen)          
  • 866152006| Thrombocytopenia due to Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (disorder)

 Updates about content relating to COVID-19 can be found here SNOMED CT COVID-19 Related Content 

Any concepts in scope for SNOMED CT to ICD-10 mapping have been created and adhere to the World Health Organisation current guidelines.

  • Content Quality Improvement

SCT Statistics
Domain#New concepts
Body structure (body structure)306
Clinical finding (finding)2073
Event (event)4
Environment or geographical location (environment / location)19
Observable entity (observable entity)117
Organism (organism)135
Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)441
Physical object (physical object)89
Procedure (procedure)299
Qualifier value (qualifier value)65
Record artifact (record artifact)2
Social context (social concept)|8
Situation with explicit context (situation)129
Specimen (specimen)8
Substance (substance)137
Staging and scales (staging scale)33
SNOMED CT Model Component (metadata)18

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SCT Statistics

All concepts474076
Active concepts352570
Sufficiently defined114061
Active descriptions and text definitions1223178
Active relationships1143734
Newly inactivated concepts for July 2020 release2073
Newly reactivated concepts for July 2020 release13
Changed Fully Specified Name for July 2020 release986
Inactivated descriptions (synonym only) for July 2020 release1434
New descriptions (synonym only) on existing concepts for July 2020 release2251
Reactivated description (synonym only) for July 2020 release15
New inferred relationships for July 2020 release4088
Changed inferred relationships for July 2020 release10766
Changed definitional status for July 2020 release1607

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  • Body structure 

New body structure concepts: 306

Completion of the revision of hierarchical relationships provides stable anatomy content and improves the quality of classification results in other hierarchies.

The plan is to implement the new anatomy concept model over forthcoming releases. There are approximately 35,000 anatomy concepts to be modeled by different types of 'part of' relationships. The new model will enable the automatic generation of hierarchies to further improve quality and consistency. The concept model for over 14,000 structure concepts has been tested by batch import of axioms into the authoring platform. In order to gather feedback and evaluate the potential impact on the classification to content in extensions, a demonstration release of the anatomy model changes is planned for January 2021.

  • Quality Improvement in the Body Structure Hierarchy

Updated modelling for diagnostic imaging procedures related to the changes for abdomen terminology, e.g. CT, MRI, SPECT CT have been implemented.

The notion of ‘abdomen’ in clinical practice can vary between different specialties and circumstances; for example, ‘abdomen’ in natural language can be used to refer to, but is not limited to, the following concepts:

• Abdominopelvic cavity
• Abdominopelvic cavity excluding the true pelvic cavity (Abdomen proper cavity)
• Abdominopelvic cavity and/or content (Intra-abdominopelvic structure)
• Intra-abdominopelvic structure excluding intra-pelvic structure of true pelvis
• Intra-abdominopelvic structure and/or anterior abdominal wall
• Intra-abdominopelvic structure and/or anterior abdominal wall, excluding intra-pelvic structure of true pelvis (Abdomen proper)
• Abdominal segment of trunk
• Abdominal cross-sectional segment of trunk

SNOMED International considers the most commonly used clinical variant referred to as ‘abdomen’ to be 818983003 |Structure of abdominopelvic cavity and/or content of abdominopelvic cavity and/or anterior abdominal wall (body structure)|, which in SNOMED CT is now the only concept using ‘Abdomen’ as a synonym.
Further detail can be found at

Revision of the inguinal region, anal structures and vaginal structures have been implemented in order to address some historical sub-optimal classification results.

Updated left coronary arteries following the pattern for branches of blood vessels.

Updated the 17 segments of left cardiac ventricle and eliminated the term 'posterior' from anatomy according to the standard from the American Heart Association.

The missing relationship between jaw and tooth that was reported by the Dentistry Clinical Reference Group has been resolved.

The peripheral arterial anatomy hierarchy has been augmented to improve a number of dependant sections including that of peripheral arterial diseases. The update has addressed over 100 incorrect classification results.

Disorders of mediastinum are modeled by a new anatomy concept |Structure of space and/or soft connective tissue within mediastinal cavity (body structure)|. This has addressed nearly 300 incorrect classifications, such as myocarditis being classified as a type of mediastinitis.

  • Planned revision of Cell hierarchy in the January 2021 release

The content under 4421005 |Cell structure (cell structure)| will be updated according to the SEP model and description patterns. Descendants of 362837007 |Entire cell (cell)| will be updated to include the word ‘entire’ in all descriptions. The semantic tag ‘(cell)’ will be changed to ‘(cell structure)’. Descriptions for the rest of the concepts will be updated to include the word ‘structure’.
This improvement will reduce the potential misuse of cell concepts.

Please contact with any inquiries or to submit feedback.

  • Reference set updates

Updated and validated release file for the lateralizable body structure reference set.
Updated and validated release files for the SEP refsets.

  • Clinical finding

New concepts added for clinical finding hierarchy: 2073

titleUpdate for Known Content Issue July 2019 Release

  • Quality Initiative

The Quality Initiative (QI) project is the implementation of the Quality Strategy. After a successful pilot project for the July 2018 release the next stage has been implemented for subsequent releases including July 2020. 

Quality improvement tasks were deployed to improve internal structural consistency and ensure compliance with editorial policy related to the stated modeling of content. Additionally, correction or addition of defining relationships was carried out to accurately reflect current clinical knowledge and ensure the semantic reliability of descriptions associated with a concept.

Total count of changes for the QI project: 

  • Stated: A total of 6835 concepts had changes made to the Stated relationships in the model. 
  • Inferred: A total of 10731 concepts affected by inferred changes.
QI Project focus for July 2020 release (work has begun or been completed)
1806006|Eruption (morphologic abnormality)|41010001|Maturation defect (morphologic abnormality)|
708528005|Narrowing (morphologic abnormality)|107666005|Fluid disturbance (morphologic abnormality)|
112639008|Protrusion (morphologic abnormality)|79644001|Pigment alteration (morphologic abnormality)|
6574001|Necrosis (morphologic abnormality)|449735000|Structural change due to ischemia (morphologic abnormality)|
367651003|Malignant neoplasm of primary, secondary, or uncertain origin (morphologic abnormality)|125673005|Traumatic dislocation (morphologic abnormality)

  • Quality Improvement in the Clinical Finding Hierarchy 

  • Revision of 129156001|Traumatic dislocation of joint (disorder)|

Traumatic dislocation concepts have been remodeled according to the new representation using DUE TO "traumatic event".  This work was commenced in the January 2020 release and has been completed for the July 2020 release.

  • Birth injury

These concepts have been remodeled according to the new representation using DUE TO 'traumatic event' to be consistent with the new traumatic injury model.

  • Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury concepts with specified concrete ranges relating to 'loss of consciousness' have been inactivated due to their limited clinical value and lack of historical usage.

  • Revision of Spinal Cord Syndrome

A new concept 840721004| Incomplete spinal cord syndrome (disorder) has been created as a grouper parent to the four major subtypes of this syndrome: 

  • 282785008 |Anterior cord syndrome (disorder)| 
  • 27982003|Brown-Séquard syndrome (disorder)|
  • 282786009 |Posterior cord syndrome (disorder)|
  • 282787000 |Central cord syndrome (disorder)|

In prior releases these syndromes had been modeled with an ASSOCIATED MORPHOLOGY = 19130008|Traumatic abnormality (morphologic abnormality)|; however, these syndromes may present due to non-traumatic etiologies such as space filling lesions (tumors, etc.) or vascular compromise (occlusions, ruptures, etc.). These syndromes have been remodeled with ASSOCIATED MORPHOLOGY = 52988006|Lesion (morphologic abnormality)|.

Incomplete cord syndromes with a traumatic cause have been remodeled to specifically represent 773760007 |Traumatic event (event)| as the DUE TO value as well as any other relationships to describe associated disorders (e.g. fractures or dislocations).

  • Malignant neoplasm

The content relating to Primary and secondary malignant neoplasms excluding Malignant tumours of lymphoid, hemopoietic and related tissues have been updated in line with the QI project objectives. This has resulted in an increase in sufficiently defined content and minor movement of previously incorrectly placed content into their appropriate hierarchies. Malignant tumours of lymphoid, hemopoietic and related tissue concepts will be addressed in the next release cycle along with any residual malignant neoplasm content.

  • Content Tracker Project Updates

Work on hold on the following Content Project:

  • IHTSDO- 393 Diabetes Complications - The Diabetes Project Group comprises practicing clinicians. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic the majority of the participating clinicians have been drafted into supporting the response to this health care crisis. Consequently this project has been put on temporary hold until the pandemic is under control and healthcare staff are able to return to their normal duties. 

Work completed for the following Content Project: 

  • IHTSDO-1157 Distinction between Pain and Tenderness. Improvement in the modeling of the Tenderness (finding) sub-hierarchy. 
  • Other Areas of Quality Improvement in the Clinical Finding Hierarchy

  • Update 404177007|Angioedema and/or urticaria (disorder)| and descendants

Remodel 404177007|Angioedema and/or urticaria (disorder)| and descendants.
New morphology concept added 846575004 |Angioedema (morphologic abnormality)|

  • Changes for 'On Examination' and 'Complaining of' concepts

The 'on examination' and 'complaining of' content is being returned to the UK as part of the work for the January 2021 release. As part of this work, where no suitable replacement concept existed (without the examination or complaint component of the meaning) and the clinical meaning met editorial guidelines new concepts were added. This work was done over the January 2020 and July 2020 releases.  For the July 2020 release this included the addition of 230 new concepts.  

  • Update 17602002 Amyloidosis (disorder) and descendants

The modeling and terming of many amyloidosis disorder concepts were updated in the 17602002 Amyloidosis (disorder) sub-hierarchy.

  • Reactivation of 419952004 |Dermoid cyst (disorder)|

Existing concepts using the fully specified name "Cystic dermoid choristoma" have been inactivated and replaced with new concepts using the fully specified name "Dermoid cyst of X". 

These concepts have all been inactivated:

  • 441459009 |Cystic dermoid choristoma (disorder)| and all subtypes
  • 416529009 |Cystic dermoid choristoma (morphologic abnormality)|
  • 417137001 |Dermoid choristoma (morphologic abnormality)|
  • Rename FSN for concepts using 'Ecstasy' to Methylenedioxymethamphetamine

For example 296318001 |Overdose of ecstasy (disorder)|. Ecstasy is not synonymous with Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). Where “Ecstasy” is used in FSN and Causative agent is MDMA the concept has been replaced with a new or existing concept with FSN that contains MDMA. When “Ecstasy type drug” is used in FSN, regardless of causative agent the concept is replaced with a concept with FSN for “Amfetamine and amfetamine derivative (substance).”

  • Remodel 397803000 |Impotence (disorder)

397803000 |Impotence (disorder) has been inactivated and replaced with a new concept 860914002 |Erectile dysfunction (disorder). Subtype concepts that used the word 'impotence' have also been replaced with concepts that use the term 'erectile dysfunction.'

  • New concepts - Social determinants of health (SDOH) screening

14 new concepts originating from CRS requests detailing requirements, were added to the 281694009 |Finding of at risk (finding)| subhierarchy to aid social determinants of health (SDOH) screening. The new concepts are:

  • 27391000175106 |At increased risk for housing insecurity constraint (finding)|
  • 22791000175108 |At increased risk of intimate partner violence (finding)|
  • 22761000175104 |At increased risk for social isolation (finding)|
  • 22651000175107 |At increased risk for utilities constraint (finding)|
  • 22641000175105 |At increased risk for transportation constraint (finding)|
  • 22631000175104 |At increased risk for phone constraint (finding)|
  • 22621000175102 |At increased risk for healthcare constraint (finding)|
  • 22611000175106 |At increased risk for food insecurity constraint (finding)|
  • 22591000175104 |At increased risk for clothing constraint (finding)|
  • 22581000175102 |At increased risk for child care constraint (finding)|
  • 22541000175109 |At increased risk of language barrier (finding)|
  • 830225005 |At increased risk for stress (finding)|
  • 830218003 |At increased risk for financial constraint (finding)|
  • 830217008 |At increased risk for literacy concern (finding)|
  • New concept 840358001 |High body weight (finding)| and realignment of subtypes

A new concept 840358001 |High body weight (finding)| has been added and has 2 subtypes that are siblings:

  • 414915002 |Obese (finding)|
  • 238131007 |Overweight (finding)|

The two latter findings of 'Obese' and 'Overweight' are mutually exclusive terms in the classification of BMI. 

  • New concepts - mental health

2 new concepts have been added after liaison with the Mental and Behavioural Health Clinical Reference Group:

  • 'Depressive episode' has been removed as a synonym on 35489007 |Depressive disorder (disorder)|.
  • New concept has been added 871840004 |Episode of depression (finding)|.
  • New concept added: 833326008 |Cortical vascular dementia (disorder)|

Notice: 'Co-occurrent and due to' pattern:

During the implementation of the new Description Logic features, a conflict was uncovered between the modeling of 'Co-occurrent and due to' and General Concept Inclusions (GCIs). This has resulted in the need to reconsider the modeling of "Co-occurrent and due to' and update the Editorial Guide for this area.

The Editorial Guide and all concepts that are currently modeled as 'Co-occurrent and due to' will be updated over future release cycles.

  • Convergent Medical Terminologies (CMT)

New CMT concepts: 714

  • Injury - 162 concepts added.
  • Ophthalmology - 552 concepts added.
  • Procedure

New concepts for procedure hierarchy: 299

  • Areas of Quality Improvement for the Procedure Hierarchy

  • Implantation and Insertion procedures

Work commenced on content tracker IHTSDO-175. There are ongoing structural changes for the Procedure concepts related to the content tracker. Work on this project will continue for future releases after July 2020.

  • Content Inactivation - Anesthesia

These concepts have been inactivated from the International release and moved to the US extension:

  • 67902001 |Anesthesia for a normal healthy patient (procedure)|
  • 23102000 |Anesthesia for a patient with mild systemic disease (procedure)|
  • 22211001 |Anesthesia for a patient with severe systemic disease (procedure)|
  • 112989003 |Anesthesia for a moribund patient requiring operation (procedure)|
  • 71191009 |Anesthesia for a patient with severe systemic disease, life threatening (procedure)| 
  • Content Inactivation - Monitoring

These concepts have been inactivated from the International release and moved to the UK extension:

  • 391023009|Osteoporosis - no treatment (regime/therapy)|
  • 391030003|Osteoporosis - no treatment response (regime/therapy)|
  • 391028000|Osteoporosis - treatment response (regime/therapy)|
  • 391003008|Osteoporosis monitoring administration (regime/therapy)|
  • 391004002|Attends osteoporosis monitoring (regime/therapy)|
  • 391006000|Osteoporosis monitoring default (regime/therapy)|
  • 391012005|Osteoporosis monitoring deleted (regime/therapy)|
  • 391007009|Osteoporosis monitoring first letter (regime/therapy)|
  • 391008004|Osteoporosis monitoring second letter (regime/therapy)|
  • 391011003|Osteoporosis monitoring telephone invitation (regime/therapy)|
  • 391009007|Osteoporosis monitoring third letter (regime/therapy)|
  • 391010002|Osteoporosis monitoring verbal invitation (regime/therapy)|
  • Evaluation Procedure
  • New evaluation procedure concepts - 10 (respiratory procedures, specimen processing and laboratory panels).
  • Concept inaction - 13 (inactivated due to duplication or ambiguity).
  • Collaboration/Harmonization Projects

  • Orphanet

Working in collaboration with Orphanet (, creation of new concepts for the original set of prioritized rare diseases has been completed. The alpha release is now available for feedback, for more information please see April 2020 SNOMED CT Orphanet Simple Map package ALPHA release available

All of the concepts added for the Orphanet project have been mapped to ICD-10. 

  • ICD-11 Update

A total of 593 new concepts were added for the July 2020 release.

  • Global Medical Device Nomenclature Agency (GMDNA)

62 new device concepts were added to the physical object hierarchy for GMDN.

 For the GMDN mapping equivalence tables: 

  • 62 New concepts have been added to inscope and mapped.
  • 156 concepts have been modified and removed from the mapping tool as out of scope.
  • 95  concepts ave been deemed obsolete and removed from the mapping tool and flagged as out of scope.
  • ICD-O-3.2 Update

A full Impact analysis of both updating the existing SNOMED CT content and updating the current ICD-O-3.1 map has been carried out. In particular this relates to changes to the 400177003 |Neoplasm and/or hamartoma (morphologic abnormality)| sub-hierarchy in SNOMED CT. The impact analysis utilized the final IACR ICD-O-3.2 (WHO IARC) morphology code listing and the new pdf changes documents on their website (

For the July 2020 release only minor changes have been made, and 14 new morphologies have been added to the 108369006 |Neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)| sub-hierarchy.

Note - The published maps to ICD-O-3.1 are being updated only for maintenance purposes for the July 2020 release. The maps to ICD-O-3.2 are out of scope for the July 2020 release and are planned for a future release.

  • Event

New concepts added: 4

  • Qualifier Value

New concepts added: 65

  • Occupation

Concepts representing "other" occupations e.g. 79445009 |Other clerk (occupation)| have been inactivated as ambiguous as these represent classification constructs.

  • Situation with explicit context 

New concepts added: 129

  • Physical object

New concepts added: 89

  • Approximately 200 device concepts in the physical object hierarchy were modeled with the new device attributes in the areas of breast implants, shunts, stent, and cardiac valve prosthesis. Some of these concepts also had FSN and description changes.
  • 25 concepts in the physical object hierarchy were inactivated.
  • Approximately 630 attribute-value relationships were added to the physical object hierarchy including device characteristic such as sterility, absorbability, and custom-made.
  • Specimen

New concepts added: 8

Concepts inactivated: 2

  • Observable Entity 

New concepts added: 117

  • 30 new concepts were added in the areas of novel coronavirus detection, insulin rates and doses, test due dates, minimum alveloar concentration.
  • Estimate intake of X = 30 concepts new concepts
  • Measured intake of X = 30 concept new concepts
  • Proportion of X  = 3 new concepts
  • Target = 4 new concepts
  • Organism

New organism concepts added: 135.

Updated descriptions for 60 concepts.

  • Pharmaceutical / biologic product

titleDrug model project

For further details on the planned changes in this area, please refer to the Drug Model Working Group Directory section.

Please note, you may have to register for Confluence user account in order to access this project and the relevant link

Changes for the July 2020 International Release
Concrete domain

Information about upcoming changes to implement concrete domains in lieu of concepts representing numeric values will be available on the Modeling Advisory Group Confluence space located at:

Vaccine products

Editorial guidelines developed and documented and existing content updated accordingly. The guidelines will be found on the project space Reference Documentation - Drug Model.

The updated Vaccine product concepts have been used to remodel content throughout SNOMED.

Vaccine product "containing" concepts have been used in modeling "Allergy to X vaccine" and "Adverse reaction to X vaccine" patterns.

Vaccine product "containing only" concepts have been used in modeling "Administration of X vaccine" pattern.

Substance concepts referring to vaccines have been inactivated in lieu of the Vaccine product concepts.

Product role attributes added to products used for passive immunization.

  • Veterinary Extension

23 concepts were moved to the Veterinary Extension.

  • Substances

New concepts added: 137

  • New disposition concepts: 7
  • Inactivated Allergen class groupers from the Substance hierarchy.
  • Inactivated Vaccine substance groupers from the Substance hierarchy.

titleRelease plans, Substance hierarchy

For further details on the planned changes in this area, please refer to the Substances project.

Please note, you may have to register for Confluence user account in order to access this project and the relevant links above.

  • Internal Quality Improvement

  • Replacement of the Stated Relationship files with the new OWL Axiom refset files

A set of documentation has been developed to support the Logic Profile Enhancements. 

For any questions, please contact SNOMED International at with “OWL Axiom refset files implementation question” in the subject line.

  • Machine Readable Concept Model (MRCM)Changes

Changes to the MRCM for the July 2020 release include:

  • MRCM for new attribute 860779006 |Has ingredient characteristic (attribute)|
  • MRCM for new attribute 246196007 |Has surface characteristic (attribute)|
  • MRCM for new attribute 827081001 |Has filling (attribute)|
  • MRCM for new attribute 836358009 |Has device intended site (attribute)|
  • MRCM for new attribute 840560000 |Has compositional material (attribute)|
  • MRCM for new attribute 840562008 |Has device characteristic (attribute)|
  • MRCM for new attribute 860781008 |Has product characteristic (attribute)|
  • Expand the range of 246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)| to include << 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|

Further detail can be found at (Please note, you may have to register for Confluence user account in order to access this project and the relevant links above).

  • Improvement for the Representation of Role Groups

It is important to clearly indicate if an attribute is grouped or not because role grouping has impact to semantics and classification results. The majority of the Modeling Advisory Group members recommended explicit representation for role groups. Two key changes have been implemented since the July 2019 release.

Firstly, role groups are explicitly stated and represented by the concept 609096000|Role group (attribute)| as an object property in the OWL axiom refset.

Secondly, for the inferred relationship file, role group 0 is only applied to attributes that are not logically grouped. The attribute is not a value of 609096000|Role group (attribute)| in an OWL axiom.  Or the attribute has grouped = 0 in the MRCM. This addresses the potential confusion whether an attribute is grouped or not in role group 0. 

The improvements provide consistent representation for role groups in the OWL axioms, inferred relationship file and diagramming of the concept model.

  • Concrete Domains and Numeric Representation

The Modeling Advisory Group is working on concrete domains and how they will be represented in the inferred RF2 relationship file format. The following is a note on the interim solution relating to concrete domain for the medicinal product model:

Numerics are represented by concepts in the Medicinal product concept model in SNOMED CT, which is an interim solution before the implementation of concrete domains to support data types, such as decimal, integer, string and date/time. We are in progress for the development of the specification for the inferred relationship file and consult with the community of practice. When they are ready, strength in medicinal product model can be transformed to concrete domains. The transformation will be completed by technical changes without impact to classification results.

The further information about current progress on Concrete Domains can be found at: (Please note, you may have to register for Confluence user account in order to access this link).

  • SNOMED CT derived products

  • ICD-10 map

The SNOMED CT to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (© World Health organisation 1994) 2016 Version map (SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map) is included in the SNOMED CT International release as a Baseline. The SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map was created to support the epidemiological, statistical and administrative reporting needs of SNOMED International member countries and WHO Collaborating Centres.

The SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map is released in Release Format 2 (RF2) only. It is located in the file der2_iisssccRefset_ExtendedMapFull_INT_20200131.txt, which is in the Map folder under Refset, in each of the three RF2 Release Type folders. 

The SNOMED CT to ICD-10 Map is released as Refset 447562003 |ICD-10 complex map reference set (foundation metadata concept)|.

  • Content development activity summary

The map is a directed set of relationships from SNOMED CT source concepts to ICD-10 target classification codes.  The SNOMED CT source domains for the MAP are limited to subtypes of 404684003 |clinical finding|, 272379006 |event| and 243796009 |situation with explicit context|.  The target classification codes are ICD-10 2016 release. 

  •  Mapped content for January 2020

The map provided for the January 2020  release has been updated, and now represents a complete map from SNOMED CT International release to ICD-10 2016 version.

  • 2223 new concepts added
    We would welcome feedback on any issues that users of the map may detect when using the map. Issues should be submitted via
  • Technical Guide Exemplars

The Technical Guide Exemplars document has now been moved from the International Edition release package to a Confluence page.  This page can be found as part of the ICD-10 Mapping Technical Guide (see Appendix B), which is hosted here:

  • ICD-O Map

For the July 2020 release only minor changes have been made, and 14 new morphologies have been added to the 108369006 |Neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)| sub-hierarchy.
The published maps to ICD-O-3.1 are being updated only for maintenance purposes for the July 2020 release. The maps to ICD-O-3.2 are out of scope for the July2020 release and are planned for a future release.

SNOMED CT to OWL conversion and classificationThe repository containing the toolkit enabling simple SNOMED CT to OWL conversion and classification can be found here, including documentation on its use:

Please contact SNOMED International at if you would like to provide any feedback on ways to extend and improve the new toolkit.

Technical notes

Known Issues

Known Issues are content or technical issues where the root cause is understood, and the resolution has been discussed and agreed but has yet to be implemented.  This can be due to a number of reasons, from lack of capacity within the current editing cycle, to the risk of impact to the stability of SNOMED CT if the fix were to be deployed at that stage in the Product lifecycle.  

For the SNOMED CT January 2020 International edition, the following Known Issues were identified, and agreed to be resolved in future editing cycles:

jqlQueryfilter = "INT 20200131 - Known Issues (On Hold)" ORDER BY key ASC

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Resolved Issues

Resolved issues are Known Issues which were not fixed as part of the previous release lifecycle, but which have now been resolved in the latest release.  They can also be issues found during the Alpha and Beta testing of the current release, which were resolved before the final deployment of the associated Member release.  Finally they can be issues which were reported or found during the testing phase, but which have been closed without any action taken.  

The Resolved Issues for the Snomed CT January 2020 International edition can be found here:

jqlQueryfilter = "INT 20200131 - Resolved Issues" ORDER BY key ASC

Technical updates

RF2 package format

For future reference, the RF2 package convention dictates that it contains all relevant files, regardless of whether or not there is content to be included in each particular release.  Therefore, the package contains a mixture of files which contain both header rows and content data, and also files that are intentionally left blank (including only a header record).  The reason that these files are not removed from the package is to draw a clear distinction between files that:

  • have been deprecated (and therefore removed from the package completely), due to the content no longer being relevant to RF2 in this or future releases, and 
  • happen to contain no data in this particular release (and are therefore included in the package but left blank, with only a header record), but are still relevant to RF2, and could therefore potentially contain data in future releases.

This allows users to easily distinguish between files that have purposefully been removed or not, as otherwise if files in option 2 above were left out of the package it could be interpreted as an error, rather than an intentional lack of content in that release.

Early visibility of impending change in the January 2020 International edition

Please see the following page for details of all upcoming changes planned for January 2020 and beyond:  January 2020 Early Visibility Release Notices - Planned changes to upcoming SNOMED International Release packages.

Release Notes naming convention

The Release notes naming convention has been refined to bring it in line with other documentation standards - from this release onwards the files will have the following naming format:

    • doc_SnomedCTReleaseNotes_Current-en-US_INT_[date].pdf

   Instead of the previous underscore after "Current":

    • doc_SnomedCTReleaseNotes_Current_en-US_INT_[date].pdf

All links provide information that is correct and current at the time of this Release.  Updated versions may be available at a later date, but if so these will need to be requested from the relevant SNOMED International teams.

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NOTE:  To access any of the links in the pdf document, please visit the Release Notes @

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Final Version




15/11/2019Maria BraithwaiteApproved
Donna MorganApproved
Paul AmosApproved


Monica HarryApproved


Rory DavidsonApproved


Maria BraithwaiteApproved
0.2Dec. 8 2019Monica HarryApproved

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Draft Amendment History







Andrew Atkinson

First draft for review and comment


20191126Maria Braithwaite / Andrew AtkinsonFinal updates, including map record count update
0.220191204Maria Braithwaite / Yongsheng GaoBeta updates, including OWL effectiveTime explanation