
Versions Compared


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Any SNOMED CT subsets, used to code COVID-19 data, should be designed based on the context in which they will be used, and other specific usage requirements.

To make the process of planning and designing your SNOMED CT subsets more efficient and internationally consistent, we recommend the following three steps.

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These three steps are explained in more detail below.

Step 1 - Identify Data Elements

The first step is to identify the data elements that may require SNOMED CT coding. These data elements may already be defined in national reporting requirements 

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, or you may be developing a new information model (or data set) for a new purpose. Your requirements for coded content will depend on your specific use case and the data items in your information model. In addition, different countries, regions, and hospitals may apply different clinical techniques or practices, which can also result in differing coding requirements. Therefore, deciding which subsets to implement requires clarification of the scope of content needed, by answering questions such as:


Answering these questions will help in understanding which of the existing subsets are relevant for your context. It may also help to identify potential content gaps in the subsets, or extraneous concepts which are not required for your specific scenario. Please note that the questions above are provided for inspiration only. Additional questions specific to your use case are likely to be needed.

Step 2 - Download Subsets

The second step is to download any available existing subsets that are associated with your required data elements.


These subsets have been placed in the 'COVID-19 subsets' project and are named according to the naming convention presented below.  


For further guidance on how to download the subsets, please see 1.2 How to Download the Subsets.

Subset Naming Convention

The international subsets provided by SNOMED International have been named using the following convention.


Examples of Named Subset
Provider and Facility Details (PRF)Site of Care subsetCV19-PRF-SiteOfCare

Patient Demographics (PAT)

Marital status subset


Marital status subset including subtypesCV19-ASS-MaritalStatus-withSubtypes

Clinical Assessment (ASS)

Symptoms subset


Symptoms subset including subtypesCV19-ASS-Symptoms-withSubtypes

Tests and Investigations (INV)

Specimen subsetCV19-INV-Specimen
Specimen subset including subtypesCV19-INV-Specimen-withSubtypes
Prevention, Treatment, and Education (PTE)Prevention procedures subsetCV19-PTE-PreventionProcedures
Prevention procedures subset including subtypesCV19-PTE-PreventionProcedures-withSubtypes

Subset Categories

The international SNOMED CT subsets have been organized into a number of categories, based on groupings of data elements that are likely to be recorded together. The six categories identified are:


Please follow the links above for information on the specific subsets within each category.

Subset Types

Some of the international subsets have been developed 

GlosTermintensional subset definition
, while others have been developed 
GlosTermextensional subset definition
. Please refer to the Practical Guide to Reference Sets, section 2.1.1. Subset Definitions for information on the difference between intensionally and extensionally defined subsets. 


  • One version which includes only the listed members
  • One version which includes the members listed and the subtypes of each of these members. This version supports the collection of more specific values where these are available.

Step 3 - Review and Adapt

The third step is to carefully review each international subset, and adapt it to meet your specific requirements. The subsets provided represent a collection of concepts that have been contributed from a range of SNOMED International Members. It is therefore important to review each subset member to:

  1. Identify Remove any concepts that are not required for your use case;
  2. Identify Remove any concepts missing from the subset that may be required for your specific use case.


  1. that are not included in the SNOMED CT


  1. versioned edition being used. This may involve


  1. Reviewing
    • Checking the effective time of each international concept
    (shown in the subset tables)
    • to ensure that it is less than or equal to the International Version used
    • by your local
    • SNOMED CT edition
    • Checking that any extension concepts
    • are published
    • in the SNOMED CT edition you are using
  2. Add any concepts missing from the subset that may be required for your specific use case;
  3. Ensure that your subset aligns with best practice principles for subset creation. 
    • For example, this may involve removing members of your subset that are supertypes or subtypes of other members.
    • For more information, please watch our e-learning presentation on this topic - Subset Creation Principles.

Unpublished Content

Please note that the subsets in this guide may include some unpublished content (e.g. planned for the July 2020 International Edition)that is planned for a future SNOMED CT edition. This content should not be used until it has been officially published. Concepts that are currently planned to be published in the July 2020 International Edition have been For this reason, these unpublished concepts are not included in the downloadable versions of the subsets. Unpublished concepts are included in this guide to assist with planning (e.g. planning of national extensions).

Throughout this guide, unpublished content is shown using grey, italic font on a pink background, as shown in the example below.

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Extension Content

In response to an immediate need for COVID-19-specific concepts, various Member countries have developed concepts within their national SNOMED CT Extensions. These Some of these extension concepts are documented in this guide and may be used as an inspiration to , for the interest of other Members. Please note, however, that extension concepts should only be used when the module in which they are published is included in the implemented SNOMED CT Edition. SNOMED CT extension concepts are not included in the subsets available via downloadable from the Reference Set tool.


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