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CMAG member review of the 2018 draft work plan. 



DateRequested actionRequester(s)Response required by:Comments
 15 November 17 Review and provide feedback on the 2018 CMAG draft work plan.
  • Camilla Wiberg Danielsen  Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • Daniel Karlsson  Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • Elaine Wooler  Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • Elze de Groot   Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • John Fountain   Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • Linda Parisien   Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • Matt Cordell  Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • Olivier Bodenreider  Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • Jostein Ven  Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
  • Johannes Gnaegi  Please review the CMAG 2018 draft work plan, provide comments as required and advise which subgroups you'd be willing to participate in.
Please post your final responses in the Country response table below. Discussion comments can be made as comments.

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CMAG 2018 Work Plan

CMAG 2018 work plan: suggested items

Country response 

Member countries without a CMAG rep  


CMAG response

DateCMAG ResponseNext steps


Final outcome: 



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