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I thought I'd start a discussion for NRCs to discuss issues encountered with the July 2017 update. We commenced the maintenance process last week and encountering a variety of issues. We maintain a log issues encountered after each update which we submit to SNOMED International, but in the interest of transparency will share with CMAG these later this month (once I tidy it up).

Contributors (2)


  1. The most common thing we're noticing is inconsistency. It's apparent some efforts have been made to address a range of things (which we can deduce from the type of edits), but the exuction of these edits is inconsistent. 
    For example the change to case significance values on descritpions

    • Sometimes it's a minor edit: 3005895010 (value updated descriptionId the same)
    • Sometimes it's a major edit: 10656231000119100 (description retired, new identical replacement created with difference caseSignificanceId value)

    This is just a quick example. The implications for this are most applicable to NRCs maintaining extensions.
    However, we've also got concerns is that such inconsistencies are symptomatic of issues within the authoring process.

  2. Hi Matt

    Thanks for raising this.  We also came across some issues which we fed back a part of the release process but there have also been some authoring issues we have picked up since and were intending on feeding back through the CRS tool.  I'll summarise and get back on this.


  3. Thanks Elaine. I think it'd be good to share this. It's apparent that there's a considerable amount of dialogue happening outside the public channels (e.g. email etc.) So sharing is a step towards transparency.

  4. Closing as resolved elsewhere.