
Blog from August, 2021

Hi all,

Planning is in the early stages for a Zoom CMAG meeting during the October Business Meetings. If there are topics you would like to have on the agenda please add a comment to this blog post or let me know via email. 

Thank you,


Hi all,

Please be advised there is an additional work item for the CMAG representatives. Information on usage is being sort in relation to poisoning concepts defined by medicinal product roles. Further details are provided here: Usage of Poisoning Concepts Defined by Medicinal Product Roles Responses are requested by 20th September 2021.

Kind regards,


Hi all,

We have two new topics for which your feedback and information is being sought. Please see the following two topic pages for further information.

  1. Inactivation of endoscopy procedure content stating intent -feedback on this topic is due by September 14th
  2. Information Request - Additional Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines - this topic page will remain open so you can continue to add information as the situation evolves in your country.

Thank you,
