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Version in production1.0
Latest version1.0


Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance

[Procedure] of [body structure] using computed tomography guidance (procedure)

CT guided [procedure] of [body structure]PTus:Pgb:PCS
[Procedure] of [body structure] using computed tomography guidanceSYNus:Agb:Aci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to:

258176004 |Computerized tomography guidance (procedure)|  : [0..0]  424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|  = *

Template Language:

71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| 
 260686004 |Method (attribute)|  =  312251004 |Computed tomography imaging - action (qualifier value)| ,
 405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  442083009 |Anatomical or acquired body structure (body structure)| ) @bodyStructure]],
 363703001 |Has intent (attribute)|  =  429892002 |Guidance intent (qualifier value)| 
 260686004 |Method (attribute)|  = [[+id(<  129264002 |Action (qualifier value)| ) @procedure ]],
[[~0..1]] [[+id(<< 
 363704007 |Procedure site| )]] = [[+id(<<  442083009 |Anatomical or acquired body structure| ) @bodyStructure2 ]]

Rules for description generation:

  1. Remove the semantic tag, e.g. (body structure)
  2. Remove 'Structure of' from [body structure] if term starts with 'Structure of'   e.g. 709530002|Structure of phalanx of hand (body structure)|
  3. Remove 'structure' from [body structure] if term contains 'structure', e.g. 69536005|Head structure (body structure)|   24097009|Bone structure of hand (body structure)|.


  1. Monica Harry as mentioned in QI-857, for the 'Applies To' ECL, what do you think about adding the constraint of "Must not exist" [0..0] 424361007 |Using substance (attribute)|    to make it clear that this template would not apply to concepts that feature a contrast?  So we'd instead use in that case.

    Additional question:  the procedure site slots have the same slot name here.  Do we always expect those two attributes to contain the same value ie both role groups my point to the same body structure?

  2. This template is currently showing 185 / 234 concepts misaligned as detailed here:

    The report suggest some possible tweaks that would bring more concepts into the fold:

    1. 717688006 |Insertion of drain into neck using cone beam computed tomography guidance (procedure)| uses a method of 702569007 |Cone beam computed tomography imaging - action (qualifier value)|  so that suggest we could allow << 312251004 |Computed tomography imaging - action (qualifier value)|
    2. 429930009 |Injection of sacral spinal nerve root using computed tomography guidance (procedure)| and other injection type concepts specify a 363701004 |Direct substance (attribute)| -> 105590001 |Substance (substance)| in that 2nd role group, so we could consider adding that as optional?
    3. Some of the concepts for that first role group (the CT part) specify an indirect procedure site.  Is that OK?  Could we do the same as has been done in the 2nd role group and allow <<  363704007 |Procedure site| ?
    4. 424226004 |Using device (attribute)| seems like another popular attribute to add to that 2nd role group as optional.

    What do you think Yongsheng Gao Monica Harry?   Currently we only have 21% compliance here, even with the 'contrast' concepts filtered out, so I feel like there's more to be done.

    1. Hi Peter G. Williams, there is a generic template for imaging guided procedure You can see that the additional role group has more optional attributes. I have tried running two different attributes in two templates, but it does not seem to reduce the number of failed concepts. Could you please prioritise the development of supporting slots for attributes? e.g. [[+id (<<  363704007 |Procedure site (attribute)| ) default (  405813007 |Procedure site - Direct (attribute)| ) ]]



  3. Yongsheng Gao Peter G. Williams Are we now saying we do not need templates specific to each modality? We have created for US, CT and MRI so far?

    We need as Peter has suggested use <<  363704007 |Procedure site|

  4. Yongsheng Gao This was the CT guided that I was amending to be broader i.e. Imaging guided then I realised that this template can in fact be archived as it has been replaced by the one here... 

    1. Hi Monica Harry I added the link to the new template on Imaging guided biopsy. This template is reverted to the 1.1 version which was intended to improve CT guided procedure. The new imaging guide template should be used and this template is archived now.