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Compare detailed information for two concepts using the SCT Browser's Comparing Perspective.

Prerequisite steps: Browse SNOMED CT International Edition concepts or Find the SCTID for a known concept term or Find the FSN or PT for a known concept SCTID

With the desired focus concept in the Concept Details panel, press  on the Perspective button in the header bar to see a drop-down options list of available perspectives:
  • Full 
  • Comparing 
  • Comparing hierarchy 
  • Responsive (tablets, phones) 

Select Comparing to switch the presentation to Perspective: Comparing.

Perspective: Comparing maintains the browser header bar, but changes to show two side-by-side Concept Details panels, with a full-width Search panel below them.

When invoked with a concept already in the Perspective: Full Concept Details panel, the focus concept will be preserved in both Perspective: Comparing Concept Details panels.

Panel sizes can be adjusted

The relative sizes of the three panels can be adjusted by pressing and dragging their grey border bars.

When comparing historical versions it is useful to reduce the Search panel height once concepts are loaded for comparison, as shown in the adjacent screenshot.

Reloading clears Perspective: Comparing

Reloading the page will reset the SCT Browser to the Perspective: Full default presentation.

With the same focus concept in each Concept Details panel, use their History context tab to change their content to a historical version, as described in View the history of a SNOMED CT concept.

The two Concept Details context tabs can now be used to independently select alternative versions from the concept history, so that they can be compared side-by-side.

Once done with comparisons, select Full in the header bar Perspective button drop-down options list to switch back to Perspective: Full.

The comparison focus concept will be retained in the Perspective: Full Concept Details panel, however it will be reset to the latest published version.