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This information was previously located in the 6.3.4 Converting NPU codes into observable entities section of the SNOMED CT Editorial Guide here: As there is no current agreement with NPU or active work in this area, it was determined to move this information from the Editorial Guide to an archived page of the Observables Project Group.

  1. NCCLS antigen codes in the "proc#" field (for example, NCCLS/f89 is the allergen code for mustard) defines the value of COMPONENT.
  2. IRP (international reference plasma) defines the TECHNIQUE by which the assay is calibrated.
  3. System spec. = fPt (fasting patient) is translated to PRECONDITION = fasting.
  4. Comp spec = administered with proc# = p.o. translates to INHERES-IN = dose and PRECONDITION = administered p.o.
  5. For fractions and ratios, system becomes the value of RELATIVE TO. Total amount is assumed in the RELATIVE TO slot. A substance is used as the value of RELATIVE TO, rather than a property of the substance. (creatinine, not creatinine concentration).
  6. When the RELATIVE TO value is located or inherent in something other than the value of INHERES-IN, then that other site/location/substance is represented as the value of REL-TO-INHERES-IN.
  7. proc# = T23:30 means PRECONDITION = 11:30 PM specimen
  8. fungal DNA is defined as DNA that part-of fungus
  9. coagulum retraction: define as retracted coagulum vs full coagulum. Possibly could be hidden in a TECHNIQUE value without losing any interoperability.


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