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2017-02-20 20.00 UTC


Discussion items

1Welcome & apologies 
  • Check GotoMeeting number before next session
2Conflicts of interest
  • None stated
3Previous minutes & action items   
4Generic Observables modelDaniel Karlsson
  • Distinguish | Time aspect | and | Process duration |.



LOINC - SNOMED CT cooperation

  • LOINC allergens
    • "Allergens with plus sign": there are always distinct substances when plus sign is used in components, i.e. allergens in compound components behave like other kinds of substance.


6Molecular pathology observables
  • SNOMED CT representation of Gene locus
  • Review of modeling patterns
    • Polysomy
    • Rearrangement: duplication, deletion, insertion, translocation
    • Using property=Prid in LOINC
      • Presence as property type?
7London meeting
  • Full day requested
  • Items:
    • Pathology observables at Observables sessions...
    • Depolyment of Observables ontology for lab medicine
    • LOINC - SNOMED CT issues
    • Observables implementation issues
    • Observables Style Guide v1.0
8Next meeting(s)
  • Next meeting is 2017-03-06



Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet NebraskaLexiconContent_20170111.xlsx January Nebraska Lexicon content including inventory of observables, body structures and substances 2017-Feb-21 by James R. Campbell
Microsoft Word Document NebraskaLexicon_templates for review_20170217.docx Added HGVS nomenclature to discussion 2017-Feb-19 by James R. Campbell



  1. Please expand my item on agenda to include discussion of several template patterns for molecular pathology.  I have attached file to the page with the material regarding gene rearrangements and additions to Property values.  I also posted several concerns regarding the tech preview on another page.  If we have time I would also like those issues to be on the agenda


  2. I have uploaded an inventory of genes and proteins built out thus far to serve molecular pathology for colon, breast, lung cancer and melanoma