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2016-08-01 20.00 UTC


Discussion items

1Welcome & apologies
  • Remember recording!
  • Check GotoMeeting number before next session
2Conflicts of interestNone were stated  
3Previous minutes & action items   

LOINC - SNOMED CT cooperation

  • Suzanne presented review of the Biomerieux review
  • Components containing specimen
5Protein as a proxy for sequence variation 
6New observables attributes
  • Four new attributes are planned for addition in the January 2017 release
  • Questions before finalizing the attributes
  • See attached presentation
  • Relative to..
    • Documentation is important, more so than naming?
    • - Three alternatives:
      • Keep as is originally proposed
      • Rename into something better (e.g. Relative to Inheres in, Relative to Component)
      • Make the observables primitive, if there are only a few cases in LOINC (but there are potentially hundreds - a thousand ) - Generally the least desirable alernative
  • Has realization (attribute)
    • "This attribute specifiec the process which is the ralization...
    • Discuss with Penni
  • The new "component-like" attribute
    • Try to find ways of keeping the Component description, see Constituent Blog post
7Wellington meeting
  • 1 full day requested
  • 1 full day joint with IPaLM
  • We should aim for three sessions!


8Next meeting

Next meeting is Aug 15 20.00 UTC

  • Functioning project



Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ObservableAttributesforJan2017Release_V2.pptx 2016-Jul-28 by Daniel Karlsson
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation FeedbackReviewMelissaMaryJuly2016.pptx 2016-Jul-25 by Daniel Karlsson