
Blog from September, 2022

Hello FHIR Working Group and interested observers.   As you'll hopefully have seen from our Business Meeting Calendar, we're again holding a SNOMED on FHIR working group meeting on the Sunday morning.

For those of you able to join us on site, we'll be in the Belém II  room starting at 09:00 local time, which (for those of you elsewhere in the world) is 08:00 UTC.

We'll follow the usual "round table" discussion of our monthly Asia-Pacific timezones friendly call and there will be an open door policy.

2022-09-25 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB - Hybrid Meeting)

Because of this Sunday meeting, we will not also hold the previously scheduled Wednesday call.   So hopefully you'll have received a calendar cancellation for that slot.

Any questions or suggestions please do get back to me, or comment here below.

Best Wishes,  Peter

The SNOMED on FHIR working group will meet today, Tuesday 20 September at the start time of 20:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

Discussion will be lead by Michael Lawley Daniel Karlsson and Peter Jordan.

Please refer to 2022-09-20 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) for the meeting agenda.   

The zoom link (including password):

Best Wishes, Peter G. Williams

The SNOMED on FHIR working group will meet today, Tuesday 6 September at the start time of 20:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

Discussion will be lead by Michael Lawley Daniel Karlsson and Peter Jordan.

Please refer to 2022-09-06 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) for the meeting agenda.   

The zoom link (including password):

Best Wishes, Peter G. Williams