


Groupers based on disposition that are deemed to be clinically useful and that can be sufficiently defined will be included in the |Substance| hierarchy. Disposition is defined as a behavior that a substance will exhibit or participate in, given the appropriate context.  There is no requirement to introduce a new semantic tag in order to distinguish concepts representing a substance disposition from any other type of concept in the |Substance| hierarchy.

Note: This section applies to concepts representing a single disposition. It does not apply to concepts representing a disposition combined with a structural grouper or concepts representing more than one disposition.


Parent concept

105590001 |Substance (substance)|

  • Exceptions: While the goal is to model these concepts using proximal primitive modeling, there will be a transition over several release cycles to get to that state. In the meantime, concepts may have stated parents other than 105590001 |Substance (substance) for the foreseeable future.
Definition status


|Has disposition|

Range: <726711005 |Disposition (disposition)

    • While the allowed range is broader, the Substance Groupers based on Disposition should only use <726711005 |Disposition (disposition) as the attribute value.

Cardinality: 1..1

    • While the allowed range is broader, the Substance Groupers based on Disposition should have one and only one |Has disposition| attribute.

Substance groupers representing etiopathic dispositions (e.g. 88376000 |Carcinogen (substance)45986006 |Teratogen (substance)) will be created. Since most substances can exhibit these characteristics in some circumstances, the descendant concepts will not be populated. Exceptions will be noted in the editorial guidelines.

Exemplar for Grouper Concept Based on Disposition

The following illustrates the stated view for grouper concepts based on disposition.

The following illustrates the inferred view for grouper concepts based on disposition.



Use the following pattern for the FSN. The FSN must reflect the terming used to describe the disposition consistent with the terming of the |Has disposition| attribute value.

Example for dispositions that represent a mechanism of action:

  • Substance with opioid receptor agonist mechanism of action (substance)
  • Substance with histamine receptor antagonist mechanism of action (substance)

  • Substance with acetylcholinesterase inhibitor mechanism of action (substance)

Preferred Term

Use the following pattern for the Preferred Term. The Preferred Term must reflect the terming used to describe the disposition consistent with the terming of the |Has disposition| attribute value.

Example for dispositions that represent a mechanism of action:

  • Opioid receptor agonist
  • Histamine receptor antagonist
  • Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor


Synonyms corresponding to the FSN are not required.

Additional synonyms are allowed only if they are consistent with the synonyms for the corresponding disposition concept.


  • No labels