File Modified
Microsoft Word Document CancerSynopticDataReporting_InceptionandElaboration_V012.docx Cancer Synoptic Reporting Inception/Elaboration v0.12 2017-Oct-08 by James R. Campbell
PDF File Showcase_Clinical Precision Decision Making_final.pdf Showcase presentation October 2017 Precision Decision Making for Cancer 2017-Oct-08 by James R. Campbell
Microsoft Word Document CancerSynopticDataReporting_InceptionandElaboration_V015.docx 2017-Dec-06 by James R. Campbell
Microsoft Word Document CancerSynopticDataReporting_InceptionandElaboration_V016.docx 2017-Dec-19 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document CancerSynopticDataReporting_InceptionandElaboration_V017.docx 2018-Apr-11 by James R. Campbell
PDF File CancerSynopticDataReporting_InceptionandElaboration_V018.pdf 2018-Oct-05 by James R. Campbell
Microsoft Word Document CancerSynopticDataReporting_InceptionandElaboration_V020.docx 2019-Apr-05 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document CancerSynopticDataReporting_InceptionandElaboration_V026_wsc.docx 2019-Oct-22 by Scott Campbell

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  1. Inception and Elaboration document for Synoptic reporting project updated to V0.15 with revised timeline and workplan reflecting recent discussions per request of Ian Green

  2. Inception and elaboration document 0.18 revised to reflect current templates in use for modelling


  3. Inception and elaboration document 0.26 revised for invasion concepts