Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group

 1 November at 16:30 UTC



Discussion items

1Status of initial sub
  • Confirm date of 2021-10-31 availability
2Intactness/quality of specimen concepts
  1. Discuss representation of "intactness" and specimen quality (colon, ovary, thyroid)

  2. Confirm Business Meeting Conclusion

Approach agreed upon.  Create new concept |Anatomic integrity (property)|.  When used with |Inheres in| = some (specimen), then the discussion is about the anatomic integrity of the specimen which is appropriate for CSRWG observations.

When used with |Inheres in| = some (body structure), the discussion is about the anatomic integrity of the body structure as is the case discussed pertaining to in vivo observations.

Physical anatomic integrity???

Stefan Dubois to provide examples to 

3Mitotic rate
  1. What phase(s)

number cell in Cell division phase phase/total count of cells in a normalized area

  1. Mitotic rate = count/area = > #mitoses/area

2. Ki-67=> proliferation fraction...# cells expressing ?/total count in a specific area  mitotic cell state/resting state

4Metastasis observable

Inclusion of primary tumor site in observable as |Inherent location| in metastatic spread observables

Review sample concept

So far, so good.  More to model and synchronize with morphologic abnormality plan for primary/secondary neoplasm.
5Tumor Deposit

Review model for colon and appendix

Discuss with # of Tumor Deposits

6Microsatellites/tumor nodulesMelanoma
7Tumor descriptionsTumor description (adrenal); Rhabdoid; Sarcomatoid (kidney); histologic patterns (lung)These are dedifferentiation descriptors.  Need to review ICD-O-3.2 to see if they are histologic subtypes vs. structural/proliferation/differentiation description
8Lymph node locations/stationsDiscuss approach to lymph node body structures and differences in naming/locations (example AJCC esophageal cancer vs. JES esophageal cancer)

Model review and discussion

ER, PR, Her2, Ki-67, PD-L1, MLH1, PMS2, MSH2, MSH6,ATRX expression, Beta-catenin expression, reticulin

How are these broken out/logically organized?  Nuclear proteins? Cytoplasmic: Receptors?

10Communication to usersStrategies to communicate work products?Did not discuss
11Tumor StagingDiscussed use of TNM-category levels....

AJCC wants SI to eliminate all  TNM content from terminology.

UICC may be an alternative.

Daniel Karlsson to discuss at member forum next week (26-10-2021)

What are use cases?  

CDSS, research, electronic data exchange between systems...

Meeting Files

  File Modified
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-2-23.png 2021-Nov-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-10_12-42-19.png 2021-Nov-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-7-27_15-22-43.png 2021-Nov-01 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-4-25.png 2021-Nov-01 by Scott Campbell

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